Holiday Snaps
Evidently during the holidays we’ve all likely been snapping pictures like crazy and many of these may have been taken using your Treo. I can’t say that I’m always delighted at the pictures that I get with the 0.3MP camera on my Treo 650 but every so often there are nonetheless some rather nice and worthwhile exceptions…
The last sunset of 2005 looking at the Pacific near Mendocino taken on a rare clear moment in between some of the storms that have been raging on the west coast of California…
The beautiful sunset sky below was taken in Geneva during my Christmas holidays last week.
I also found the picture below from my recent Hamburg trip as I was cleaning my SD card.
Treonauts always snap beautiful moments…
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Those are some nice pics. I took a few of an excellent sunset on New Year's Day in VA Beach and they can been seen on my SplashBlog site ( I am really enjoying this camera. After not having a camera since my Z71, this is a plesant reacquisition to my PDA usage.
Here are a few pics of a nice Ferrari I snapped over Christmas.
My Chrismas present - I WISH!!!
Man, I never get shots like that with my Treo 600. They must have improved the image software in the newer versions. Nice pics!
I've spent the night in Geneva. Beautiful place!
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