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Top 100: The Very Best Treo Software & Services

When I started Treonauts nearly two years ago I set out to explore and discover as many of the things that I could do with my Treo.  It quickly became obvious that my Treo was only as good as the accessories and software that I regularly added to it and as my collection grew so did the quality of my experiences and daily enjoyment of the Treonauts lifestyle.

One of my goals was to over time be able to populate my Treo with the very best applications that the PalmOS developer community had to offer.  Although I continue to test and add new programs and services on a weekly basis I thought that the time had come to write a list of what I consider to be the top applications available across various categories for your Treo.

A few months ago I set up a Treo accessories guide at guide.treonauts.com to point Treonauts to my favourite and most essential accessories and now I would like to do the same for software.  I will start with this post today and then build an entirely new section of the blog dedicated to the Top 100 Sofware & Services available for your Treo.

Evidently, with over 50,000 PalmOS applications available, finding the very best of breed is akin to looking for a needles in a haystack and I don’t presume to have found all of them.  Therefore, please help me to find new ones that I may not already know about but that are your favourites by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post.

Finally, in order to help you also make the most of your Treo we’ve created a 20% off coupon valid across all applications in the Treonauts Software Store.  Simply enter the promotion code TOP100 in your cart. [Please note that this coupon is not valid for use in the Treonauts Accessories Shop.]


PocketMirror Professional XT v3.1.10 ($49.95)

Documents To Go Premium Edition v8.0 ($49.99)

QuickNews v1.22 ($14.95)

SplashID v3.0 ($29.95)

ListPro Professional Edition v4.1 ($29.95)

SplashWallet v6.09 ($59.95)

Pocket Quicken v2.5 ($34.95)

Audacity Digital Voice Recorder v2.01 ($29.99)

mVoice v4.2 ($24.99)


Ringo Pro v4.44 ($29.95)

TAKEphONE v6.50 ($19.95)

Xiino v3.4.1E

SnapperMail Enterprise ($59.95)

Verichat v2.86b ($24.95)

mVoiceMail v4.0 ($19.99)

PhotoDial v1.4 ($9.95)

CallRec v1.2.1 ($19.99)


Google Maps v1.0 (Free)

MobileClock v3.7 ($9.50)

ZagatToGo v4.0 ($24.99/Year)

NoahPro English Dictionary v3.0 ($19.95)

InfoMan v1.5 ($39.95)

iPedia v1.3 ($29.95)

Express v2.0 ($69.95/Year)

4Cast v1.65 ($9.95)

Lunar ($14.95)

Vindigo v2.0 ($24.95/Year)

Kmaps v1.5 (Free)

Wine Enthusiast Guide 2006 v2.0 ($19.95)

Leonard Maltin 2006 Movie Guide v1.5 ($19.95)


CorePlayer v1.0 ($24.99)

TCPMP (Free)

MobiTV v1.03 ($39.99 – 4 Months Subscription)

Audible (from $9.95/Year)

Pocket Tunes Deluxe v3.1.3 ($34.95)

SplashPhoto v4.4 ($29.95)

Mobipocket (Free Reader)

SplashBlog v2.02 (Free)


VolumeCare Pro v5.20 ($19.95)

PowerRun v1.3.1 (Shareware)

Resco Explorer v2.61 ($14.95)

KBLightsOff v1.2.1 ($5.50)

MagicButton v1.1 ($9.95)

Destaller Pro v2.3 ($14.95)

Resco Backup v1.31 ($9.95)

PdaNet v3.2 ($34.00)

PDAReach v1.5 ($24.00)

Softick Card Export II v2.21 ($14.95)

PalmRevolt v0.94b ($19.95)

Central v4.32 ($14.95)

mSafe v3.8 ($16.95)




AlwaysOn v1.2

SharkMsg v1.3

SoftReset v1.0

Directory Assistant



Minutes PLUS


SkyForce Reloaded v1.0 ($9.98)

Tetris v2.0 ($19.99)

SkyForce v1.22 ($9.98)

Warfare Incorporated v1.2 ($29.95)

Bejeweled2 v1.2 ($19.95)

WordPop! v1.1.2 ($14.95)

Yahtzee v1.56 ($19.95)

TopSuDoKu v2.63 ($9.99)

Hellfire v1.02 ($19.95)

Monopoly, Scrabble, Battleship & Yahtzee ($49.95)

Tetris Classic Gamepack ($49.95)

AnotherBall v3.0 ($14.95)

BeCrossword v1.11 ($7.00)

Cubis v1.11 ($19.95)

Mazera v1.02 ($19.95)

Trivial Pursuit v1.04 ($19.95)


TomTom Navigator 5 GPS Bundle ($299.95)

Palm GPS Bundle with TomTom Navigator 5 ($239.95)

Enfora WiFi Adapter ($129.95)

Treonauts are always looking for the best

Posted by Andrew on January 31, 2006 at 01:21 PM

Treo Software

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by TazUk | Jan 31, 2006 4:08:35 PM

The best Treo browser is definitely the Picsel Browser, which also doubles as an Office, PDF, etc. viewer, even though it hasn't officially been released ;o)

by Mr. Peabody | Jan 31, 2006 4:29:18 PM


Correction needed. PalmRevolt link is the same as mSafe link.

Mr. P

by Bob Sager | Jan 31, 2006 5:52:58 PM

No reviews? Just stars?? Not a very informative piece, and it reads more like a sales listing for your online store.

by Tom King | Jan 31, 2006 6:50:34 PM

I'd like to see Chatteremail listed in the information category. I've been extremely happy with the stability AND pace of innovation with this product. If you have access to IMAP for email, it is the best low-infrastructure solution for push-email.


I'm not associated with Chatter email, other than as a happy customer.

by Timothy O'brien | Jan 31, 2006 7:03:46 PM

Here's another one for adding ChatterEmail to the list. It's the best email program out there hands down!


by PhillT | Jan 31, 2006 9:45:59 PM

Here's another vote for Chatter. I often get email notification on my Treo at the same time or even before my PC... But my PC is not required for the "push"/instant email magic to work.

by Toem | Feb 1, 2006 3:26:02 AM

What i miss is the free native PDF viewer PalmPDF you can find at www.metaviewsoft.de

by Dabbith | Feb 1, 2006 9:13:26 AM

The app I use continually and couldn't live without is ShadowPlan. It's like ListPro, but less expensive and with more features.

by Ronin | Feb 1, 2006 10:50:07 AM

another ChatterEmail fan here. Also, in my opinion both AcidImage and RescoViewer are superior image viewers to SplashPhoto. The desktop component to SplashPhoto is not but seems largely unnecessary. However, as for image viewers on the Treo itself I would have to say that AcidImage and RescoViewer are superior. My on problem with RescoViewer is that the current version does not maintain the default image viewer setting.

by Andrew | Feb 1, 2006 11:04:33 AM

Thanks everyone for your comments.

I'll definitely take another look at ChatterEmail...

Mr. Peabody - the link has now been corrected.

Bob - as I mentioned in my post this list is but the first part of a much larger and in-depth section that I plan to build.

Cheers, A.

by jmg | Feb 1, 2006 3:09:16 PM

NO launcher?

I come from an NX70 and i can NOT LIVE withouth one.

Tho I am partial to zlauncher...

by George Muenz | Feb 1, 2006 4:10:44 PM

I find it weird that someone would complain about your list and claim that it is a "sales list" I applaud your creative marketing. You do the research and we benefit. This is capitalism at its best. Very few of us can look at that list and not have to buy something that "I am missing or need" Likewise with your accessory list. Consider me a lifetime customer. Treonauts is a great service to our community and all information is presented extremely well and easy to read.

by Eddie Colon | Feb 1, 2006 6:20:42 PM

Hello, I'm not a member of this website but since I bought my Treo 650 ten days ago, I've visited a few times. I like the list very much, and I want to take this opportunity to ask any and all linux users among you about: how did you install the software on the CD ?
If you don't have Windows, how did you do it? I want to use "Documents-to-Go" for example, but it will only install on a Windows PC.

I thank you in advance for any and all answers.
Eddie Colon
Puerto Rico, 0959

by s.elements | Feb 2, 2006 2:54:39 AM

Great blog. Thanks for steering us dummies in the right direction:P

KB lights off is great. No need to have the keyboard backlight on and wasted battery life when I'm just watching a vid or when it's in the middle of the day or whatever.

I've had TCMP for a while now, and even though I really like it, I wish there was an update available. I'm really tired of that "windows media audio not supported" and the "windows media 10 not supported" messages.

MagicButton is crap. One of the most useless apps I've yet tried on my 650. It's just way to slow, and doesn't seem to work unless the screen is on too. Maybe there's a setting I'm missing or something...

Love VolumeCare.

I would LIKE to love Snappermail, but I've been having problems using it since Sprint doesn't know what the hell they're doing with their downloads page, apparently.

I thought SkyForce was aight. I wish there was more variety in the weapon upgrades. Of course, Bejeweled is friggin' awesome. I've been contemplating DL'ing Warfare Inc., but I'm not sure if I'd like it. I prefer turn-based strategy games over the real time ones.

I don't have much use for GPS right now, but if I ever do...

by s.elements | Feb 2, 2006 2:58:21 AM

Oh, I forgot to mention my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE TREO APP: Pocket Tunes. Without a doubt.

by Konstantin Ronin | Feb 2, 2006 4:43:36 PM

Nice list, but I'm surprised you didn't mention BackupBuddy for Windows or BackupBuddyVFS (www.bluenomad.com). I wouldn't use a Palm handheld without either one, and a lot of my friends feel the same way.

by Greg | Feb 3, 2006 12:59:10 AM


You should be able to just get the pdbs and prcs off the CD. Look in the "Palm Desktop/Device Apps ENG/" directory. You can install them on the device using pilot-xfer from pilot-link.

You need to remember that the kernel won't set up the device file for the palm until after you press the hotsync button, so do that before running pilot-xfer.


by vinnie | Mar 1, 2006 10:46:40 AM

looking for a real estate connectivity program for treo 650. I have Internet service through verizon, however I have heard of a palm based pgm that realtors use to get on the mls. Anyone?

by Jeff Wynn | Mar 1, 2006 7:00:58 PM

I switched from a Treo 600 to the 700w and don't see any software here for the Windows Mobile platform. Could you (a) point me to an appropriate site, or (b) let me know if there is an alternative to the WM browser? This thing can't view certain file types, including .png

by Jennifer | Mar 6, 2006 10:47:20 PM

Hello! I have a treo 650; it used to ask me if I wanted to add a number to contacts if it didn't recognize it (incoming and outgoing, I think). I must have clicked the "don't ask again" box and now I want it back....how??

by BB | Mar 11, 2006 1:42:06 PM

You missed some of the most vital programs...

I did try to find every supreme Palm program, when I bought my Treo 600 and my first goal was to make my new Treo smarter than my 10 years old Psion series3c which not was easy!

Palm OS is a lot smarter and especially more easy to use, than the current alternatives from MS and Symbian, but they did anyhow miss some vital things...

- The fine Personal Information Management suite (with agenda, to do lists, address book and "memo" program) offer no good way to save fact and other text's about projects... Then has Memo (for simple text) a limit of 4kb and no good find and replace function, so you can't even have a "smart menu" at the beginning... But there is luckily one excellent free program that give you every text function you need (max 100kb files) and "SiEd" is even free, plus offer you a split screen option - so you can view two files, or even two parts of the same file!

- And you can only select text with the separate pen and not with "shift plus the navigation pad" except in the excellent SiEd... But that vital limitation fix "FieldPlus" that also is free and you need that one, if you want to select text (without pulling out the pen all the time) in the contact, calender and ToDo program!

- Even the clipboard is limited to max 4KB but PowerClip by PalmPowerups (who also is a free program) does automatically handle up to 64KB and that is normally enough!

- And if you get SiEd and have a 8MB memory card or bigger, should you naturally store your text files on the card... So it leave more space in ram and are safe for battery faliure or hard resets... But then does you need a program who make the Treo behave like a card reader (or an extra hard drive) and the best for that seem to be "Card Export II" by Softick (that you did list above) at only 12usd.

- Then has Palm OS no easy wake up, timer or stop watch functions... And that is rather dumb, in a smart phone.... But you can naturally use alarms in the calendar and there are several excellent programs for the other time function... The finest is "Palmary Clock" at 13usd.

- Finally has only Treo 600 (not 650) the ultra smart "floating event" function in the agenda (calender) which automatically move stuff you didn't had time to do, to next day... But you can invest 25usd in "DateBk5" that is the most advanced calendar program and has that lovely function!

by Nicole | Mar 28, 2006 6:29:28 PM


I use card export and bluefiles constantly to mount my SD cards as a USB drive. Combined with a good file manager, you can install anything without bothering with hotsync.

by Tina | Apr 18, 2006 12:05:01 PM

I find Agendus much more useful than Snappermail which doesn't support everything I need on my 650. And I can't believe you didn't list any of the Tealpoint apps.... Sure they have occasional glitches, but I couldn't live without TealBack, TealSafe and TealMover!

by Naida | Jul 7, 2006 8:59:12 AM

Need to lock my keyboard on my 650, which "does things" independently when drifting around my handbag....PROBLEM: need to find, put on reading glasses, and UNLOCK in order to answer incoming call. Don't mind SO much for outgoing, because at least then, I'd have unlocked first. Any way to have incoming calls over-ride keyboard lock?

by jim | Aug 15, 2006 3:50:16 PM

Why doesn't the treo 700w have as much software as the 700p. I am looking for a dictionary but cannot not seem to find one for the 700w.

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