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Top 100: The Very Best Treo Software & Services

When I started Treonauts nearly two years ago I set out to explore and discover as many of the things that I could do with my Treo.  It quickly became obvious that my Treo was only as good as the accessories and software that I regularly added to it and as my collection grew so did the quality of my experiences and daily enjoyment of the Treonauts lifestyle.

One of my goals was to over time be able to populate my Treo with the very best applications that the PalmOS developer community had to offer.  Although I continue to test and add new programs and services on a weekly basis I thought that the time had come to write a list of what I consider to be the top applications available across various categories for your Treo.

A few months ago I set up a Treo accessories guide at guide.treonauts.com to point Treonauts to my favourite and most essential accessories and now I would like to do the same for software.  I will start with this post today and then build an entirely new section of the blog dedicated to the Top 100 Sofware & Services available for your Treo.

Evidently, with over 50,000 PalmOS applications available, finding the very best of breed is akin to looking for a needles in a haystack and I don’t presume to have found all of them.  Therefore, please help me to find new ones that I may not already know about but that are your favourites by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post.

Finally, in order to help you also make the most of your Treo we’ve created a 20% off coupon valid across all applications in the Treonauts Software Store.  Simply enter the promotion code TOP100 in your cart. [Please note that this coupon is not valid for use in the Treonauts Accessories Shop.]


PocketMirror Professional XT v3.1.10 ($49.95)

Documents To Go Premium Edition v8.0 ($49.99)

QuickNews v1.22 ($14.95)

SplashID v3.0 ($29.95)

ListPro Professional Edition v4.1 ($29.95)

SplashWallet v6.09 ($59.95)

Pocket Quicken v2.5 ($34.95)

Audacity Digital Voice Recorder v2.01 ($29.99)

mVoice v4.2 ($24.99)


Ringo Pro v4.44 ($29.95)

TAKEphONE v6.50 ($19.95)

Xiino v3.4.1E

SnapperMail Enterprise ($59.95)

Verichat v2.86b ($24.95)

mVoiceMail v4.0 ($19.99)

PhotoDial v1.4 ($9.95)

CallRec v1.2.1 ($19.99)


Google Maps v1.0 (Free)

MobileClock v3.7 ($9.50)

ZagatToGo v4.0 ($24.99/Year)

NoahPro English Dictionary v3.0 ($19.95)

InfoMan v1.5 ($39.95)

iPedia v1.3 ($29.95)

Express v2.0 ($69.95/Year)

4Cast v1.65 ($9.95)

Lunar ($14.95)

Vindigo v2.0 ($24.95/Year)

Kmaps v1.5 (Free)

Wine Enthusiast Guide 2006 v2.0 ($19.95)

Leonard Maltin 2006 Movie Guide v1.5 ($19.95)


CorePlayer v1.0 ($24.99)

TCPMP (Free)

MobiTV v1.03 ($39.99 – 4 Months Subscription)

Audible (from $9.95/Year)

Pocket Tunes Deluxe v3.1.3 ($34.95)

SplashPhoto v4.4 ($29.95)

Mobipocket (Free Reader)

SplashBlog v2.02 (Free)


VolumeCare Pro v5.20 ($19.95)

PowerRun v1.3.1 (Shareware)

Resco Explorer v2.61 ($14.95)

KBLightsOff v1.2.1 ($5.50)

MagicButton v1.1 ($9.95)

Destaller Pro v2.3 ($14.95)

Resco Backup v1.31 ($9.95)

PdaNet v3.2 ($34.00)

PDAReach v1.5 ($24.00)

Softick Card Export II v2.21 ($14.95)

PalmRevolt v0.94b ($19.95)

Central v4.32 ($14.95)

mSafe v3.8 ($16.95)




AlwaysOn v1.2

SharkMsg v1.3

SoftReset v1.0

Directory Assistant



Minutes PLUS


SkyForce Reloaded v1.0 ($9.98)

Tetris v2.0 ($19.99)

SkyForce v1.22 ($9.98)

Warfare Incorporated v1.2 ($29.95)

Bejeweled2 v1.2 ($19.95)

WordPop! v1.1.2 ($14.95)

Yahtzee v1.56 ($19.95)

TopSuDoKu v2.63 ($9.99)

Hellfire v1.02 ($19.95)

Monopoly, Scrabble, Battleship & Yahtzee ($49.95)

Tetris Classic Gamepack ($49.95)

AnotherBall v3.0 ($14.95)

BeCrossword v1.11 ($7.00)

Cubis v1.11 ($19.95)

Mazera v1.02 ($19.95)

Trivial Pursuit v1.04 ($19.95)


TomTom Navigator 5 GPS Bundle ($299.95)

Palm GPS Bundle with TomTom Navigator 5 ($239.95)

Enfora WiFi Adapter ($129.95)

Treonauts are always looking for the best

Posted by Andrew on January 31, 2006 at 01:21 PM

Treo Software

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by Ken Moore | Aug 15, 2006 4:54:35 PM

Does anyone know if there is a Note Pad application that can be installed on the Treo 700p that allows me to take handwritten notes, doodles, etc. like a used to do on my Tungsten T3?

by Josh | Sep 15, 2006 6:15:12 PM

I am super impressed with Virtual Pool Mobile. One of the best pool games I have ever played, and now I can do it waiting for the plane.

by Todd | Sep 20, 2006 11:26:09 AM

Check out www.win-hand.com

by Joe | Sep 29, 2006 7:40:15 PM

I'm loving Opera Mini on my 700p (they're only officially supporting up to the 650 now, but it has been OK for me).

by Louie | Oct 25, 2006 12:28:42 AM

One question? What it TCPMP? I have heard blogs on it and can't find any info on what it does on my TREO. I am new to the TREO world and love. I come here to gain helpful information. The list..... exceptional. Many of the items here are cheaper than anywhere else I have seen and it lets me know what I do and may not need.


by murtala | Nov 1, 2006 4:49:47 AM

can i please get jic technology drivers

by Emanuel | Nov 9, 2006 3:31:28 PM

Ipedia is no longer supported/available. There is a new program called Quickipedia which basically does the same thing.


by MMG | Nov 14, 2006 5:03:27 PM

Pimlico's Datebk 6 (newest version) is the best calendaring system I've used. Includes the floating appointments that used to be standard on Palm. Also multiple views, etc.

by Daddoo | Nov 17, 2006 4:27:13 PM

Time to update the list?

by Clif | Nov 24, 2006 4:41:30 PM

Is there an app to inventory the software installed on your Treo? It'd be nice for backup purposes.

by yspring | Jan 29, 2007 11:32:02 PM

I wouldn't know what to do without Pimlico's Datebk 6! It does SO much more than the Palm standard app. I'm continually finding new and better ways to use Datebk 6.

by pablo audelo | Mar 19, 2007 9:57:37 PM

i need to know if there is a software from acad drawings for treo 680

by ron smith | Mar 24, 2007 3:36:40 PM

is coreplayer the same as kinoma player? and where can i get a current flashplayer (example:adobe flashplayer 7)?

by Pablo | Feb 12, 2008 7:07:46 PM

acad for treo 680 ? anyone ?

by Markus Smith | Feb 14, 2008 5:59:30 AM

I'd like to see more windows mobile software on this site esp for the palm treo 700WX wm5.

I'm trying to find a standard size sd card
that has 2gb of memory and also wifi.
any ideas?

any tips on sharing my broadband at home to my cell via bluetooth?

guruuu's out there can you help? email me.

by Male Enhancement | Feb 19, 2008 8:56:22 PM

Hi, I find this article very useful. It has some nice thoughts.
Continue working in the same way.

by johnto | Jul 27, 2009 6:54:29 AM

Is there an application for a Treo 750 that would enable it to synch with the Palm Desktop on my Apple Mac?

by John Criswell | Aug 17, 2009 1:21:16 PM

I must be blind but cannot find a search on your accessories page.. was looking for a voice dial program.. free or paid.


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