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Treo 650 Updater 1.20 for Unlocked GSM

Palm’s latest upgrade for the Treo 650 Unlocked GSM was released a couple of days ago (currently only available for Windows users with a Mac version due shortly) and after spending some frustrating hours installing the new Updater 1.20 earlier today I can now finally claim that it is complete.

Before I get into the details of the installation I’d like to say that this is the worst documented Updater that I’ve ever had the displeasure to deal with.  Were it not for the fact that I remembered some of the tips provided with the previous Updater 1.13 I would have been at a complete loss as to what to do next – I can only imagine the thousands of Treonauts who will have given up altogether or called Palm’s support team for directions. 

The whole issue that I encountered is relevant to any Treonaut with less than 14 or 15MB of free memory on his or her smartphone – which I imagine is a pretty large percentage of people.  To check your available free memory go to Applications > Menu > Info which should read “Free Space: xx.xMB of xx.xMB”.

On the Updater 1.20 page, Palm states simply that “This update permanently takes up about 0.6MB (600KB) free space. If you use a lot of memory on your device, you may need to remove some data or applications or store them on a SD card before installing the update.” 

However, if you have less than 14MB of available memory I strongly recommend that you do NOT remove any data or applications at all.  Instead, FIRST read and follow the very simple “Alternate instructions for users that cannot clear 15MB of free space on the smartphone” starting at “Create A New, Blank User Profile” which had been provided by Palm for 1.13 but not for 1.20 (?!?!) – I guarantee that it will save you both time and hassle – such as repeated cancelled installs telling you that you do not have the required free memory on your device…

UPDATE: It appears that Palm has now deleted (??) the above support page which explains how you can go about creating a blank user profile and I unfortunately did not copy the page for my own benefit or yours so I’ll do my best to explain the steps here below:

  1. Backup your Treo by performing a Hotsync (plus for safety also backup to SD card using a backup utility such as Resco Backup [free trial available])
  2. Read further below about the “things you should know before you proceed with the Updater 1.20”
  3. Hard reset your Treo (read how) which will erase all of your data and make room available for the Updater
  4. Follow the Updater instructions – you will be asked to choose the “Treo User” you would like to Hotsync to.  Select “Create New User” and call it anything you like (for example: Updater2)
  5. Let the Updater 1.20 run fully on your Treo and complete installation then check to see in Phone Info that the upgrade has completed successfully.
  6. Hard reset your Treo again so as to delete the temporary new user that you created.
  7. Hotsync your Treo again and this time choose your old username to synchronize data with.
  8. Your Treo should now be fully restored and running the 1.20 software.

[NOTE About Using A New User Profile: The only thing that I did after creating a ‘Temp’ user name was to set the HotSync to ‘Do Nothing’ for all my Calendar, Contacts, Tasks and Notes (right-click to ‘Custom’ in HotSync tray icon) a small additional step that saves time and ensures that the updater stays away from this critical data.  Also, a minor detail, in the instruction Palm does not tell you how to then go about deleting the ‘Temp’ user name that you created but it’s only a very simple two click process which is explained in “Change or delete your device's User Name”.]

Other things that you should know before you proceed with the Updater 1.20:

  • Turn off the phone and perform a soft reset
  • Make sure that you have an Unlocked Generic GSM Treo 650 smartphone as this Updater is NOT compatible with any carrier branded Treo 650 smartphones.
  • You’re running Windows 2000/XP (or Mac OS 10.2.6 to 10.4.x when the Mac Updater is released)
  • Are using HotSync Manager 6.0.1 or greater (Windows), or 3.2.1 (Macintosh). This is part of the Palm Desktop installation included on your Treo 650 smartphone CD.
  • Your Treo 650 battery is fully charged.
  • You have at least 0.6 MB (600k) free memory on your Treo 650 smartphone.
  • No SD or MMC expansion card in smartphone. If you run the updater while an expansion card is inserted, you will see an error message.
  • Must be installing the update on a computer with which the Treo 650 smartphone is synchronised (i.e. a user folder for the smartphone exists on the computer).
  • For Exchange ActiveSync (EAS, or wireless Outlook) users: This updater requires you to delete your EAS account, then re-establish it after the update.
  • Finally, make sure your data is backed up!!!  Perform a Hotsync before installing the Updater.  Also, if you don’t already have a backup utility installed on your Treo you may want to download a free trial of Resco Backup and make a backup on your SD card for added protection.

Having said all this, once you know what you need to do creating a ‘Blank User Profile’, taking basic precautions and otherwise following the instructions provided by Palm then the actual installation process thereafter is surprisingly quick and smooth – I was done in about 20 minutes.

Palm promises that the Updater 1.20 delivers many performance enhancements on top of the ones already incorporated in the previous Updater 1.13.  I haven’t yet been able to put all of Palm’s performance enhancements to the test but I can tell you that:

  • Improved memory handling for opening larger web pages: TRUE – now very large pages load much faster in Blazer.
  • Optimized Bluetooth performance and added support for additional headset or carkits*: I’ll need to test all of my favourite Bluetooth headsets again but I quickly paired my Jabra JX10 without any problems.
  • Improved voice quality: TRUE – although it doesn’t happen often, the one person who always complained about voice quality on my Treo 650 was my brother and naturally he was the first person that I called to test.  His verdict: MUCH better.
  • Improved device performance for heavy data usage such as email or web downloads: not yet tested.
  • Includes Versamail 3.1E, the latest version for the Treo 650 smartphone including an updated Mail Service (ISP) list which includes Gmail support: not yet tested.
  • Added support for Gmail attachment downloads via web browser: not yet tested.
  • Improved performance and increased stability with third-party email solutions that are offered directly from carrier partners: not yet tested.
  • Added support for wired carkits: TRUE – now after you pair a BT headset you get the option to choose either ‘Headset’ or ‘Car Kit’ profiles.
  • Updated carrier settings for data connections and MMS or when roaming internationally: not yet tested.
  • Masked password entry in browser to increase privacy: TRUE – now you get the ****** showing instead.
  • Improved customizable voice or sound recordings for specific callers: not yet tested.

Overall I’m feeling rather happy today to have a newly upgraded Unlocked GSM Treo 650 which promises to perform even better in the future – a very nice way to start the weekend.

Treonauts always love to be upgraded

Posted by Andrew on January 20, 2006 at 01:31 PM

Treo 650

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» Now I Love My Treo Even More! from Omer Khan's Blog
Ask a Treo 650 user what their biggest complaint about their phone is. The chances are that 9 out of 10 will point to the instability of the OS (especially if you use software like VersaMail or Documents to Go). As I’d written in a previous post, I s... [Read More]

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by Borszczuk | Jan 23, 2006 7:59:56 PM

phil - just checked and Voice Recording does work for me.

by Ollie | Jan 24, 2006 8:00:44 AM

i got the same prob as ck. the treo freezes after the update file is copied to the phone...it says to wait 15secs..i waited 15mins...still nothing

by Adam | Jan 24, 2006 4:17:48 PM

I always had problems changing the color of the dots in the calendar for each catagory, after 1.20 update, I still have the same problem, I have to remove the catagory and re-add it and choose the color, its very annoying.

also when aI I synced it up to my outlook, It erased all my contacts in outlook and just added the 2 that came with palm (tech support ) and the other.. even tho my software was set to sync. (I did the empty profile method)

Also my computer still cannot connect to bluetooth when it iniciates the connection to the phone, it just sais "connecting" on my phone but never happens even tho the computer is in the trusted list.

COMMON PALM, FIX THE DAMN THING!! I deal whith this crap for a year now!

If you want to get the blackberry market share, you better make a crashfree product!

oh and why cant I choose a diferent midi when my e-mail comes it, the sounds that I can select from are really annoying.

by Victor Turegano | Jan 26, 2006 5:37:47 PM

Hi, I have a Treo 650 bought in Mexico. I have configured it in english since I bought it and I intend to keep it that way. Now with this update you are supposed to download the update from the place you bought the phone. Any of you guys know why are the downloads localized?
What if I install the Latin American update and find that it does not work fine. Could I upgrage to the English version after that?

by btn | Jan 26, 2006 6:42:54 PM

Wow, Palm really needs to figure out how to make firmware updates easier. (Apple should save everyone from crappy smartphone hell.) So far, the update has taken out one 650. My 650 was saved because I use a Mac, and there's still no Mac installer. I tried using the Windows installer on my PC, but it freezes. I had to kill it repeatedly with the Task Manager until it stopped coming back to freeze after restarts. *sigh*

by G. Wayne Meaney | Jan 30, 2006 12:26:37 AM

Palm says the 1.20 firmware improves Bluetooth. Could that possibly mean BT is upgraded to v1.2? Somehow I doubt it, but this would be reason enough for me to attempt the firmware upgrade.

by pawliger | Feb 1, 2006 2:58:09 PM

Where is the 1.20 update for Cingular 650's? http://www.palm.com/us/ still points to the 1.17 update from 11/21/05.

by C. Otto | Feb 9, 2006 1:52:17 PM

Does the new patch support Bluetooth Voice Dialing?

That is the only thing missing for me, that they really need to fix.


by tatiana | Feb 27, 2006 2:19:20 AM

wow these comments are really helpful. I just got the treo 650 and I was told that the only way that i can sync the bluetooth up to my car's bluetooth is by installing this update. but i have a mac and there's no update mac compatible yet. i was thinking about downloading and installing it from my pc and then backing up all the files from the mac. but i'm afraid that if the update wasn't put through the mac, it won't recognize it and back up my files again.

any suggestions? should i just wait until palm gets off their behinds and puts a mac one up?

and are there really that many problems with it? is it even worth updating?

OH! and can i go back to the version i have if i dont like it? is that even possible??

i need serious help.

by Travel4biz | Mar 5, 2006 6:42:14 PM

I did the update to 1.20 firmware 1.71, it went well all except I cannot receive video mms any longer on TMobile USA.

Anyone else experience this?

In talking with Palm and TMobile, they are unaware of any issues regarding this.

by Mark | Mar 7, 2006 3:12:12 AM

There is an SMS bug, at least in Australia. I upgraded three Treos and now when we receive SMS messages the time is about 18 hours ahead of what it should be.

Palm acknowledged it was a problem, and I had to go to them to flash back to the old firmware.

The new firmware also changed the calendar alert so that the first one did not open fullscreen but only a flashing star in the top right of the screen. Easy to miss if you are not paying attention.

Also in Calendar items set up on the Treo which are No Time, when they are synced to Outlook they are set up as invites and the time is set as tentative instead of just normal events and free time.

by Shridhar | Mar 10, 2006 8:52:26 AM

Hi ! I own a Palm Treo 650 GSM Unlocked. Unfortunately i installed the wrong 1.20 updater. My Software now reads Treo 650-1.20 ENA when it should actually read Treo 650 - 1.20 LAP (which is the updater for Asia Pacific) Any idea how to undo this update & install the correct one ? Many thanks in advance for your help.

by Andrew | Mar 10, 2006 9:07:02 AM

Shridhar - I'm not 100% sure but you should be able to simply install the LAP update on top of your current ENA one.

Cheers, A.

by Shridhar | Mar 11, 2006 3:55:59 AM

Andrew, many thanks for your note. I have already tried installing the LAP update on top of the ENA one, but am unable to do so. Any other suggestions / solutions ? Thanks, S

by simplyaz | Mar 31, 2006 10:22:01 PM

RE: Video MMS

I am also having the problem on Tmobile, after several hours with Tmobile they advised that it was the Treo and not their network. I then talked with Palm several hours and they do not admit any issues but sent me a new Treo ... WITH THE SAME PROBLEM!

by Mauricio Ramon | May 17, 2006 9:09:16 PM

Hi, I have a unlocked 650 and I updated to 1.20 LAP.
I have a BMW 325i 2006 with the BT capabilty and it used to work good, but now with the upgrade Im experiencing some problems... Like when I make a call from the phone I cant hear anything either from the car and the phone until the call is being answered (this really sucks bc some of those calls are being answered by a voicemail and I'm being charged).
Can somebody help me with this problem? Thanks

by kels | Oct 1, 2006 12:34:16 PM

Hi, i just did a firmware upgrade on my treo 650 to 1.71 and one of the big change i noticed was the sound. Its was worst than before. I installed VOLUMECARE as mentioned above and it works now. Just curios about this one....will the WiFi SD Card will work with the firmware - 1.71....THX!!!

by Michael Lara | Dec 25, 2006 3:06:13 AM

I was trying to unlock my treo 650 when I installed this version, because the link that was supposed to go to the 1.28 upgrade went here instead. My phone isn't unlocked. What do I do?

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