Treo 700w Now Live on Palm Website
Additional details and pictures of the Treo 700w – now officially announced to become available for sale tomorrow January 5th at $399 with a 2 year Verizon Wireless contract – have become available on a dedicated Treo 700w page on Palm’s website.
Additionally, while the link that is mentioned in the Treo 700w’s Quick Reference Guide is not yet live, another interesting Treo 700w Owner Page nonetheless is.
Further details and remaining parts of my Treo 700w review will be coming shortly as I am currently attending and writing from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas…
Treonauts love new Treo launches…
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» Treo 700w Released from Windows Mobile News
Palm has announced that the new Treo 700w is now available on the Verizon mobile phone network. The Treo 700w is a Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone made by Palm.
The Treo 700w uses the EVDO high speed mobile data network so that you can download emails ... [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 4, 2006 6:58:19 PM
Any idea when is the Unclocked Treo 700W GSM being launched..Cant wait to get once of those
I just got back from CES. GREAT show. Got to play with a 700W and it is a beauty. I also heard that a Cingular version will be coming out this year .. good for international travelers.... Big question is when someone will figure out how to get dial up networking to work on the new 700W
When will some kind of GPS add-on be available for the Treo 700? I see where Tom Tom has software for the 650, but is nothing available yet for the 700?
When will Volvo Bluetooth technology be compatiable with the Treo 700w? I'm very disappointed that my Treo 700w is not compatiable with my Volvo XC 90 Bluethooth!
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