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Treo Dual Vehicle Outlet Splitter: Important Addition To My Car Kit

There’s a small but rather important accessory that I have been looking around for ages which has now finally been added to the Treonauts Shop.

Aside from having a somewhat long and convoluted name, the new Dual Vehicle Outlet Splitter (pictured right) is exactly what I have been looking for to simultaneously charge my Treo and TomTom (for Treo 650) or CoPilot (for Treo 700w) Bluetooth GPS navigation units in the car.  I was even happier when I saw that the splitter was actually extremely well designed.

As you will already know, I never travel without a GPS unit (see Ahead of Time with my Treo GPS) but because only the Palm GPS Navigator benefits from a bundled “dual charging cable” I have until now been unable to simultaneously charge both my Treo and GPS – something which I can now finally correct.

Naturally, the Dual Vehicle Outlet Splitter is also perfect to charge your Bluetooth speakerphone, Bluetooth headset (with the right headset charger or USB car adapter for USB powered headsets) or even an FM transmitter when you’re listening to your favourite music with Pocket Tunes.

It’s funny how such a small accessory can make a world of difference…

Treonauts always want to make a difference…

Posted by Andrew on February 27, 2006 at 10:54 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo GPS

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by s.elements | Feb 27, 2006 12:07:48 PM

Are you sure that isn't some kind of sex toy?

by Andrew | Feb 27, 2006 12:25:18 PM

s.elements - quite positive it's not... Even if the image certainly does not fail at being somewhat phallic...

Cheers, A.

by s.elements | Feb 27, 2006 3:28:17 PM

Phallic indeed. If only I could set my Treo to 'constant vibrate'...:p

by cc | Feb 27, 2006 8:20:48 PM

What I purchased was a dual 5v usb-port car charger from ebay...
I use the the USB ports to charge my Holux GPS Slim (which uses a mini usb plug), and the other port I use to charge either my Treo650 or my BT headset.

by Bill Frake | Feb 28, 2006 10:05:49 PM

This is why I say you are a sucker if you buy the TomTom bundle instead of the Palm navigator bundle. $239 vs. $300. PLUS with the TomTom bundle you need to buy a dash mount $15, ac charger for the GPS $15, treo car charger $15 and one of these doohickies if you dont want to arrive at your destination with eithe a drained treo or drained gps.

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