Treo Cufflinks: A Perfect Gift...
Someone managed to get their hands on a beautiful pair of Treo cufflinks and I’ll admit that I am more than somewhat jealous…
I still don’t know where they got them but I certainly intend to find out and have my own set as soon as possible and hopefully also be able to add them for you in the Treonauts Shop.
Treonauts always look for the perfect gift…
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Hmmm...I wonder how hard it would be to make them bluetooth compatable. They wouldn't have to do anything major. Perhaps vibrate when the phone rings or simply act as somesort of a programable shortcut button.
It's just be that much cooler if the could interface with the treo though..
They could be made into earrings for women which could act as a stereo bluetooth headset as well...
I'm not concerned about Bluetooth so much as I'm wondering if Palm was able to cram Cobalt into these babies.
Here's the guy responsible for the cufflinks (John Marshall at [email protected]), he should get some kind of award, don't you think? Any word on Treo 700p? I can't wait any longer!
This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me scoff when someone talks about how the Treo's losing soooo much ground blah blah blah. Puhlease. How many other smartphones out there are so loved that they've had cuff links fashioned after them?
Leave it to the marketing people to make us want to buy Treo's two at a time!
There's a couple of pairs on eBay...
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