Treo 700p: Release Date + New Picture
This weekend was abuzz with rumours of the forthcoming CDMA Treo 700p running PalmOS and expected to be released first by Sprint as previously posted in “Treo 700p: First Pictures!”.
On this occasion, someone decided to stop by a Sprint store whose sales rep had purportedly just received information on new and upcoming products among which was the Palm Treo 700p… The rep then kindly photocopied the page and later scanned (images below) and posted on the Treocentral Forum.
The key information that will be of interest to Treonauts anxious to upgrade to the latest PalmOS Treo is a “Targeted Launch Date” of 28 May 2006 – a little over two months away…
The scan also provides the following details:
- DIFFERENTIATED POSITIONING: Complete /upgrade to current Treo 650
- TARGET MARKET: business/ consumer device
- KEY FEATURES: Palm, Power Vision, EV-DO, 1.3MP camera, Sprint TV, On Demand, Streaming Music, Phone as Modem, Bluetooth, 128mb of Memory, SD Memory Card, Refined Industrial Design.
- CATEGORY: PowerVision Smartphone.
Essentially, as previously discussed, it is expected that the Treo 700p will have nearly identical specifications to the Treo 700w running Windows Mobile 5 with the two key differentiators being a 320x320 screen (instead of 240x240) and obviously it will be running PalmOS.
Additionally, the full Treo screen on the scan (strangely misaligned above…) offers hints of some of the applications that will come pre-installed. Beyond the standard apps there is: SprintTV, Get Good (GoodLink), Get DC (?), Get Ringers, Get Games, Get Apps, Get Images and pTunes (replacing RealPlayer as the standard MP3 music player).
Evidently, faking a scan is somewhat easier than a picture and it was thus a happy coincidence (?) that 1src just happened to post one (not much different to the ones released previously) of the expected Sprint Treo 700p on Saturday – provided by an anonymous source of course…
Treo 700 "P" is accurate and I have proof and release date. [TreoCentral Forum]
Direct link to Treo 700p scanned page
Rumor: Is this the 700p? [1src]
Treonauts always track the future…
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» Treo 700p Release Imminent from TechMoments
OK, for everyone who thinks the Treo 700w is the upgrade to the Palm OS-based Treo 650, you can rest easy now that there is a Palm OS upgrade path with the Treo 700p. Treonauts has pics of the Sprint Treo 700p showing a tentative late ... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 21, 2006 1:47:52 PM
tom - please see my latest post about the Treo 'Hollywood' which will be GSM.
Insofar as a Treo 700p GSM Treonauts will likely (my assumption) have to wait between 3 and 6 months after Sprint's release to get their hands on one.
Cheers, A.
My damm boss did not say a thing about sprint but do know verizon version is coming
"Get DC" is actually "Get BC" for Sprint Business Connect --
I tried it out for a while, but didn't need all the features, while needing memory space!
Please help with my purchase decision. I was all ready to purchase the Treo 650 earlier this week, but happened across your site with the mention of a possible 700P release in a couple of months.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a look at my basic needs and recommend if the 700P is a better fit. Needs -
- I have been a long time Sprint user (8 yrs), and would prefer not to switch carriers since I like my current plan
- Must have access to corporate Outlook Exchange, preferably with push email (appears that chatteremail+Treo will accomplish this?)
- I travel a lot up and down the eastern U.S. coast, so will be dependent on this phone to access corporate email. High speed data would be nice since it appears that it will allow voice and data at the same time, something I don't think is possible with the 650 and Sprint's current network.
- This last one is irrational, but I have a hard time buying the 650 knowing something better is only 2 months away...however, I am being pressured at work to get something SOON, so that I am better connected while traveling - I have pushed off this purchase for some time now.
OK, having typed all of that out it seems the only differentiator for me is EVDO. Is it worth waiting for? Do you know where I can find a current Sprint EVDO coverage map and plans for the future? Also, would the Power Vision plan be enough or do you think I would need the Business Connect?
Thanks so much for a great site and any recommendation you can provide!
I was just at the Sprint store in downtown Seattle trying to demonstrate to them that my Treo 600 rarely and barely connects to the network (they're going to order me a refurb unit, cause I got the insurance) and the fellow told me (yes, I am finally getting to the point) that he was told new Treos at the end of this month.
We'll see.
I've spoken to Sprint representatives on numerous occasions and all have said the same thing. They are giving a June release date, but the Treo 700p should be out by late May(It makes them look better to release earlier than the date projected). One Rep even referred to an email from his supervisor regarding the release date, which confirmed for me the inevitable!!
Rumors of this Treo 700p abound.
I truly look forward to the 700p being my dream come true for the most part.
Actually, if the Treo also offered GSM Quadband along w/ CDMA like Sprint's International Phone then I would truly be in globe trotter heaven.
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