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First REAL Treo Hollywood Pictures! Runs WM5!?!?!

Firstly the good news: here are the very first pictures of the next generation Treo ‘Hollywood’ to have been released.

Although the pictures below are somewhat blurred, as previous rumours indicated this model is considerably ‘slimmer, lighter and slicker’ than both the Treo 650 and Treo 700 plus it also has the benefit of ‘no antenna’ – something which I have personally wanted to see for nearly two years.

The Treo ‘Hollywood’ depicted here looks more like a slimmed down + antenna-less Treo 700.  In fact because of the black body and much slimmer profile this model is actually reminiscent of a BlackBerry while still remaining smaller in width.

Now secondly the (relative) bad news: as you can appreciate from the image above this particular ‘Hollywood’ model is NOT running PalmOS but instead Windows Mobile…  I’m not going to go into another OS debate but will simply say that today I personally still much prefer the PalmOS even though I fully appreciate that other Treonauts have found their own ‘heaven’ in WM5.

Nonetheless, as Palm’s CEO Ed Colligan has recently [CORRECTED: stated] suggested his company plans to have all its hardware models running both operating systems.  Therefore in much the same way that the Treo 700w will be followed by a Treo 700p there is every reason to believe that the ‘Hollywood’ will similarly be released with both flavours.  The only question is which OS will be released first.

Although this particular device has no carrier logo the person who posted these pictures has apparently been testing the device on Cingular’s GSM voice network and new UMTS 1900 data network with which he claims to have achieved over 500Kbps broadband 3G speeds – about 10 times current Treo 650 speed over 2G networks.

Hopefully there will be more information and better pictures released soon + a shot of the Treo ‘Hollywood’ running PalmOS please!

[Many thanks for the tip Perry.  Awggie, I’d really love to see more.  Please email me at treonauts [at] pobox.com]

What OS should Hollywood run? [Treocentral Forums]

Treonauts are always first to get new pictures

Posted by Andrew on April 18, 2006 at 07:29 PM

Treo Hollywood

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» Treo Hollywood Pictures Released from Smartphone Reviews
Treonauts has posted some actual photos of the Treo Hollywood. It's slimmer, sleeker, and antenna-less. It appears to be everything we thought it would be, except for one glaring difference. Instead of the venerable Palm OS, it's running Windows Mobile... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 18, 2006 10:44:43 PM

» First photos of Treo Hollywood? from Treo Today
Andrew at Treonauts has gotten his virtual hands on photos of what is supposedly the new Treo called Hollywood. Hollywood is supposed to be a slimmer, sleeker and antenna-less version of the Treo 700. Details are still sketchy at this point, but a... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 19, 2006 5:14:51 AM


by s.elements | Apr 18, 2006 10:39:32 PM

Intersting pics...the thickness of the unit seems to taper off towards the keyboard. These pics are certainly much more convincing than the modded 650 that's been parading around as Hollywood.

by Kyle | Apr 18, 2006 11:49:45 PM

Is there any sign of an external monitor output on the Hollywood? I love the audio output and i wish there was a video output as well. Maybe one similar to the mini-ouputs on digital cameras for connecting them to tv monitors. This would make it possible to watch external videos, work on documents, etc.

Have you heard of any way of connecting an eternal monitor to a 650?

by Blake | Apr 19, 2006 1:24:56 AM

Hopefully this phone becomes available on Sprint. If it doesn't I am switching to whoever has it!!! I love the Blackberry look. As much as I love my Treo 650, I am very impressed with Blackberry's form and design. Typing on a Blackberry's fingerpad is much easier than a Treo. THEY MUST RELEASE THIS PHONE!

by simon coward | Apr 19, 2006 2:48:09 AM

why can't people take IN FOCUSED pictures?

by Blake | Apr 19, 2006 3:04:40 AM


by Matt | Apr 19, 2006 3:59:11 AM

Any word on when this will be released? I've heard anything from June on.

by Fred | Apr 19, 2006 6:03:31 AM

Since you brought it up, I much prefer the Palm OS to the Windows. How about a survey to see what your readers prefer? Or which they'd buy if they had the choice.

by Tom | Apr 19, 2006 12:05:46 PM

Get mDesk from motionapps -- it puts whatever the Treo is displaying in a window on your computer screen. Great app.

by Surur | Apr 19, 2006 1:19:04 PM

>>>Since you brought it up, I much prefer the Palm OS to the Windows. How about a survey to see what your readers prefer? Or which they'd buy if they had the choice.

That survey is already taking place in the marketplace, and Windows Mobile outsell PalmOS devices >2:1


by Slam | Apr 19, 2006 2:35:27 PM

Ed Colligan said no such thing. You have to get better at understanding what Executives mean when they say things like "We will continue to support Palm OS". It does not mean that there will be both OS versions of every phone. Hollywood has been long rumored to be WinMob. Not sure why anyone is surprised by this.
Palm OS is not likely to appear on this form factor. This is a GSM form factor initially designed for Europe where Palm OS is all but gone from the scene. WM5 will be the choice there.

So if Palm is considering Palm OS for this hardware it would only be for US GSM users. How big is that market after they release this WM5 version? Probably not too big when considering the cannabilization effects of this phone on whatever Palm OS US GSM market is still there.

It is unlikely that Palm delivers a Palm OS version of this phone.

by Zack | Apr 19, 2006 3:10:41 PM

500kbps on a UMTS network is impossible. That would mean that the Treo Hollywood is a HSDPA device, and, if it's released on Cingular, you can count on it being a dual-band 850MHz/1900MHz HSDPA and at least tri-band 850/1800/1900MHz GSM phone. Unless HTC goes crazy and manages to fit tri-band UMTS and quad-band GSM into here, there will have to be two seperate versions for the Americas and the rest of the world.

by dmm | Apr 19, 2006 4:05:01 PM

1) Primarily for US GSM users, Surur, not only for the US. The form factor might be enough to lure some new users to a Palm OS one--at least people upgrading from other Palm OS devices, whether Treos or standalones. We'll see.

2) We may not see a Palm OS one in this form factor in 2006; I'm sure we'll see something with it (or similar) by 2007. Maybe running a Linux-based OS rather than Garnet.

by Adrian Collins | Apr 19, 2006 4:57:48 PM

I hope that the "Hollywood" comes with a belt clip simular to the one you get out of the box with blackberries. I hate having to go out and buy third party cases. I always wondered why the treo never came with a belt clip in the box.

by s.elements | Apr 19, 2006 9:30:37 PM

Surur - that really isn't a fair comparison. There are WAY more phones out there that run WM. Can you name any ONE phone that runs WM that's outsold the Treo? Yeah, didn't think so.

by Thought | Apr 19, 2006 10:53:23 PM

First, any new Cingular Treo will be lucky to hit by the end of the year. Cingular is notoriously slow and late in releasing new phones...plus they need to get their 3G network up and running in enough cities to make releasing a 3G Treo worthwhile.

Second, it's not surprising if Palm goes more towards WM5 than the Palm OS. I agree that I like the Palm OS more, but let's face it...Palm stopped developing that a long time ago, and right now any new Palm OS is a long time away. It's much easier to go WM, where you know at least Microsoft has the resources to keep developing the product, no matter how flawed that product may be.

by skip tickle | Apr 20, 2006 2:25:29 AM

so who released this picture and whats makes everyone think this is "IT"? what makes these pictures the authentic authority on the official treo hollywood? could be another hoax.

by Blake | Apr 20, 2006 2:34:54 AM

I don't think anyone is saying for sure this is the Great One that has only been spoken of. I agree with you though in the sense that this could just be another hoax to get attention. Let's see something released from Palm/Microsoft or a Service Carrier for that matter before we make a judgment. I think anyone can throw a phony pic out there.

by skip tickle | Apr 20, 2006 4:45:50 AM

so anyone know who's the source of this pic? i see it everywhere, here, engadget, mytreo.net... i'm sure its in other places like treocentral, etc too... so who's accountable for this released blurry pic? in fact, to me i can't even tell if its really thinner. again i can't see the top so the antenna could have been sawed off for all i know.

by Blake | Apr 20, 2006 8:46:46 PM

I am really not trying to be nitpicky about all this, but Palm's factory screen protector does not come on a phone the way this one has. It looks as if whatever lamo took the pic cut out a piece of Ziploc baggie for all we know and laid it on top of an altered Treo. Nice try!

by Perry Holden | Apr 20, 2006 10:20:48 PM

by SA | Apr 28, 2006 12:27:00 PM

I have heard from my Cingular Data Solution Consultant, who provides my company with demo phones, that this phone pictured here is in fact Cingular's version of the 700w. Because of the UMTS chips, the stubby antenna could be omitted from the design.

by SigmaMason | Apr 29, 2006 5:49:31 PM

I just they release this device before the end of the summer (I know, I know, Pigs will fly first)
Having the smaller form factor makes that phone very desirable and whatever OS they use, hopefully it will be more stable that what is on the 650...

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