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Solio: Treo Solar Charger Review

Perhaps like me you’ve thought about spending a long week or two on a remote island, mountain peak, desert or jungle somewhere in the world but you’ve kept putting it off because you couldn’t find a solution to keep your Treo batteries powered for the entire journey…

Now thanks to the award winning high-tech Solio Portable Solar Charger you can pretty much head wherever you want with the peace of mind that whatever happens (short of the sun not rising in the morning) you will be able to power your Treo wherever you go.

The Solio charger is a small and lightweight (165gms/5.8oz) unit with three layers of photovoltaic cells which open in a ‘fan-blade’ design (image above) and that when placed in direct sunlight will charge its internal 1600mAh lithium-ion battery (the original Treo battery has 1700mAh) in about 8–10 hours.

When plugged into your Treo both the Solio’s internal battery (which can store power for more than one year) and the photovoltaic cells will provide power by simply pushing the power button at the back of the unit. 

A completely drained battery on your Treo should recharge in approximately one to two hours – as efficiently as a conventional charger – but naturally you don’t have to wait for a full charge and can begin using your smartphone as soon as the Solio charger is plugged in (all cables and Treo tip are provided in the box).

The package also includes a wall adapter (Solio can be fully charged this way in about 5.5 hours) and a ‘window sucker’ to attach the Solio charger to a window or car windshield.  Alternatively to have Solio stand as a tripod simply place a pencil through its central pivot.

Additionally, what I really like is that the Solio has a built-in ‘battery charge level indicator’.  To check how much power the internal battery has you only need to press the power/function button at the back once and a green LED will flash once to indicate 25% charge, twice for 50%, three times for 75% and four times for 100%.

Evidently, not everyone will need a Solio Portable Solar Charger ($79.95) but if you’re ever planning to go on that big long remote holiday or adventure or even planning for emergency scenarios where power will be unavailable then you will definitely not be disappointed with this terrific high-tech gadget.

Treonauts always carry power

Posted by Andrew on April 12, 2006 at 10:47 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo Charger

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» Solio Portable Solar Charger for Treo 650 from Treo Today
There are a lot of interesting and innovative accessories for the Palm Treo 650 smartphone, but I think this is the coolest one so far. Solio makes a range of portable solar chargers for mobile devices such as the iPod. Now they have a charger fo... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 12, 2006 8:26:01 PM

» Solio Portable Solar Charger for Treo 650 from iampowered
How cool is this? Ever been somewhere with your Treo and didn't have access to a power outlet or auto charger? I have. Solio makes a range of portable solar chargers for mobile devices. Recently they introduced a charger for... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 13, 2006 1:48:16 PM


by Pedro | Apr 12, 2006 5:51:04 PM

Andrew, this is totally off the Solio charger topic. I would like to recommend that you guys add the Torx 5 (T5) screwdriver to the Treonauts store. I'm sure that other treonauts have experienced the screws beneath the battery cover becoming loose on the Treo 650/700w. They are hard to replace if lost,and having this little essential tool available at your amazing store will make it even more complete. Thanks for considering this. You guys do an AWESOME job!

by s.elements | Apr 12, 2006 10:31:29 PM

Man that thing is awesome. Of course, even if you WERE on a remote island or mountain peak somewhere chances are you aren't going to have much of a signal, if any. If I was going to be staying in Hawaii a little longer I might've picked one up.

by Fred | Apr 13, 2006 6:36:46 AM

Great! And I especially like the possible addition of a pencil to prop it up. Nice low tech solution.
Will this work with all the 6-- and 700 Treos??

by Andrew | Apr 13, 2006 10:59:37 AM

s.elements - yes, I also thought about the lack of coverage in those areas but at least I would be able to listen to music and watch movies on my Treo... ;-)

Fred - currently works with Treo 650 and Treo 700w and will also work with future Treos that retain the same connector.

Cheers, A.

by piterh | Apr 22, 2006 8:45:38 AM

How about Solio's internal battery?
Is it replaceable? I mean will they sell it separately if the battery run out?

by Dehan Davis | Sep 8, 2006 6:52:33 PM

How about the fact that using free sustaibable power just makes sense. Who cares if you are within reach of an outlet? Why not get free clean power?

by solar battery charger | Mar 16, 2011 3:36:57 AM

Solar charger employs solar energy to supply electricity to devices or charge batteries.Most portable chargers can obtain energy from the sun only.

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