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Capturing A Spring Moment

After what appeared to be an interminable winter the sun has finally come out in this part of the world with temperatures rising steadily (to my delight) and flowers in full bloom for what I hope will be a gorgeous spring from here onwards for all Treonauts.

There is a hidden gem of a small street in Kensington, London, called Blithfield Street (pictured here) which for me perfectly encapsulates the mood at this time of the year with its gorgeous cherry blossoms.  Few people can walk past it without snapping a picture which is exactly what I did with my Treo 650...


With its lantern shaped street lamps and narrow houses (below) more reminiscent of cottages in a country village it’s hard to find another street with this much charm.

I hope that you’ll have your own great spring weekend.

Treonauts are always charming

Posted by Andrew on May 6, 2006 at 10:09 AM

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by Purestdj | May 8, 2006 4:57:08 AM

Shame it's raining like cats and dogs today and all that blossom is now making slushy puddles everywhere! But it was nice for a few days ;)

by Jeffrey Greene | May 9, 2006 10:35:49 PM

I am traveling to London, with my family, at the end of this month for a vacation. I am looking forward to returning to my college town (I'm an American who studied in London) and to visiting one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I lived in Kensington and remember the Spring as being the best time of year. Thanks for posting such a lovely photo.
Anyhow, I have an unlocked Treo and I plan to get a local SIM for my travels throughout the UK. Can you recommend a provider for my TREO while I'm in the UK?

by Susan Richards | Jul 3, 2007 9:11:37 PM

My great grandmother lived on this street with her parents and siblings back in 1851 - thank you for the pictures!

by Marc Barasch | Dec 25, 2007 12:33:25 AM

I have a Sprint Treo 650. I don't know if it's locked or unlocked, or if locked, how to unlock it, as I'm going to London this week and would like to use a UK SIM card. Any advice? Thanks.

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