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foofpod Fabric Treo Pouch Review

Of the many cases that I own and use regularly there is one above all that I hold particularly dear and which never fails to elicit comments of one kind or another as people either love it or loathe it.  The case in question is the handmade foofpod Fabric Pouch which has finally been added to the Treo cases section in our Treo Accessory Shop after many delays importing these from Australia.

As some Treonauts may recall, I had originally written about the foofpod a little over a year ago in “A Treo 650 Case of Cases for all Cases” where I referred to it as “The Funky Case” having at the time chosen an outrageous purple model (which I unfortunately managed to lose…).

Aside from being ‘unusual’ what makes the foofpod special in my eyes is that it provides the perfect basic protection against scratches and even drops (thanks to internal padding) that I need for my ‘naked’ Treo in a suit pocket, sports jacket, coat or briefcase.  However, what really sets it apart for me is simply that it looks gorgeous and I like the soft touch of the fabric.  Additionally there is a certain ‘exclusive’ element to the foofpood as they are individually handmade ‘by a nice Irish girl in Australia who goes by the name of foof’ in very limited quantities for each fabric.


There are four foofpod models now available with the fabrics above.  The first is the most elegant ‘executive’ style black herringbone corduroy called La Nuit.  The second is the more fun robust denim called Green Jeanie.  The third is a wide wale corduroy called Kind of Blue and the last fourth is again a robust orange denim called Jaffa Jeanie which is possibly the most ‘electric’ of the bunch.

Aside from the fabric exterior, the foofpod is lined with a smooth black silk interior which provides added padding and has the added benefit that it seems to clean my Treo as I insert and remove it.  There are no port openings at the bottom to listen to music with your headset for example but I get around this by simply inserting my Treo with the antenna first as per the image at the top.

As I mentioned earlier, the Foofpod may not necessarily appeal to all Treonauts but if you’re looking for a simple, fun(ky) and yet elegant solution to protect your Treo on the go which also happens to make a bit of a personal eccentric statement then this is one case that like me you will certainly not fail to enjoy.

Aside from the foofpod, my other favourite Treo cases are:

  • The Shield2 Holster (review) which is perfect for carrying the Treo around your waist while providing quick and easy access.
  • The CrystalCase (review) plastic shell is ideal for Treonauts who prefer to have their Treo ‘naked’ but still want some basic protection against scratches and drops.  (Combine it with the Skinned Shield Holster.)
  • Aquapac Form-Fit weather resistant case (review) is the one that I’ll have with me in any type of ‘heavy’ outdoor activity such as the beach and I actually use it daily to listen to music from my Treo while in the shower (no kidding…).
  • For other popular Treo case options please read my Top Treo Cases post.

Treonauts always look for more than the ordinary

Posted by Andrew on May 26, 2006 at 01:27 PM

Treo Accessories , Treo Case

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by Tim | May 26, 2006 4:23:33 PM

I have to say that the Foofpod cases are great. I've had a green herringbone one for a while, and it's my favorite Treo case. The only thing is, I ordered a black herringbone one recently to add some variety and when it came I noticed that it was alot wider than my other one. The receipt said it was made for the treo 650, but unfortunately it wasn't the same size as my original. I use it for my iPod, that already has a clear case on it. So it goes to use. But has anyone else had a fit issue with Foofpod?

by Lord Julus | May 27, 2006 5:24:07 AM

is this a sock? I don't like a sock for my treo...

by Andrew | May 27, 2006 6:04:55 AM

Julus - No, the Foofpod is not a sock at all. The only difference between this pouch and a similar one in leather such as the Nutshell for example is the material.

Cheers, A.

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