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Treo 650 Black Tie Edition: Happy In My Hands

As you will undoubtedly have noted from my last two posts, I am rather excited about my new Treo 700p.  My only issue (the same as that of hundreds of thousands of other Treonauts) is that I am desperately waiting for the GSM version to be released…

I travel extensively internationally and Sprint and Verizon’s CDMA networks unfortunately work principally only in the Americas…  Cingular’s GSM Treo 700p ‘should’ be released in the US within a couple of months and we’re also still waiting to hear something (anything at all would be good) about the Treo “Hollywood” rumoured for release in Europe.  Additionally, a low cost entry-level Treo “Lowrider” will also likely be coming out this year.

Considering all of these forthcoming next generation Treo smartphone releases I was somewhat surprised to see Palm starting to sell last week a “Black Tie Edition” Treo 650 (pictured above in its box) to conmemorate the company’s 10 year anniversary.  Having said this, upon first learning of this Black Tie Treo at CTIA in Las Vegas in April I naturally immediately wanted one but was told by Palm that only a few hundred had been manufactured strictly to be given away as part of various promotions.

I guess that subsequently enough people got excited about this Black Tie Treo for Palm to decide to release it commercially for $599 on their website and that even more people then purchased it so that it is now unfortunately apparently completely sold out…

The Black Tie Treo is undeniably gorgeous with the entire casing having been sprayed with the same rubber material used in the Palm Treo Hard Case that comes bundled with it and which I reviewed approvingly a couple of weeks ago.  The other difference with a standard Treo 650 is that instead of brushed plastic/aluminium sides these are chromed (see image above).  Additionally the dial pad keys are also black instead of gunmetal blue.

In all other respects the Black Tie Edition Treo is identical to a standard Treo 650 and all that I had to do start using it as my new (albeit probably temporary) GSM smartphone was to HotSync using my existing profile for all my data to be seamlessly transferred.  I’ll be using this very elegant model until the GSM version of the Treo 700p or Treo “Hollywood” are released.  I only wish that it had been made available six months ago!

Treonauts always have the world’s most exclusive smartphone

Posted by Andrew on June 23, 2006 at 05:29 PM

Treo 650

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» Palm Treo 650 Black Tie Edition Review from Treo Today
Andrew of Treonauts has got his hands on the 10th Anniversary, Black Tie Special Edition of the GSM version of the Palm Treo 650 smartphone. Naturally, he wrote a review. The difference between the Black Tie and the normal Treo 650 is purely cosme... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 23, 2006 10:02:24 PM


by Dev Benegal | Jun 24, 2006 12:51:13 AM

And when you do tire of the Black Tie let it be known that there are people in line waiting to get even a used one!!

by Sergio B2 | Jun 24, 2006 7:46:20 AM

It's nice to see that Palm is starting to realize that looks do matter! Make this a great looking phone AND keep it's wonderful functionality - they'll be flying off the shelves! Here's hoping that the Treo Hollywood lives up to its name.

by Fred | Jun 24, 2006 2:31:48 PM

It does look very nice. I hope Palm considers this color scheme for future models, not just commemorative ones.

by Andrew | Jun 26, 2006 1:29:02 PM

I totally agree with all comments here. EVERYONE of the people that I have shown this Black Tie Edition Treo to has had trouble handing it back to me...

The good news is that I 'might' just have one in store for a lucky Treonaut in the coming weeks... ;-)

Cheers, A.

by Dev Benegal | Jun 27, 2006 2:02:42 AM

In hindsight I did the most absurd thing of not buying this model when I saw it on the Palm store. But then, I was waiting to read Andrew's take on it! Alas it was sold out by the time I got back! Here's hoping the Treonauts store gets one soon!

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