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Treonauts in Hong Kong

After London, Paris, Copenhagen and Orlando I am now (after a 26 hour journey) in gorgeous, crazy, scorching hot and super exciting Hong Kong (view from my hotel above taken with my Treo) where I’ll be staying for the next 10 days visiting various Treo accessories manufacturers and their factories in mainland China to see what they have in store for us in the coming months as well as going into many of the hundreds of small electronics shops that are scattered around parts of the city (below is one of the many shopping streets in the Mong Kok area of Kowloon which I visited this morning).

I can’t give anything away yet but I can assure you that I have already seen many new accessory developments which promise to enhance our Treo Lifestyle even further whether it is for simple cables, Bluetooth headsets, cases of all sorts or GPS navigation units.  I naturally hope to go back home (in the boat below perhaps…) with a large bag of goodies to share with you.

Treonauts are always out discovering the world

Posted by Andrew on June 26, 2006 at 01:19 PM

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by Rome | Jun 26, 2006 1:48:52 PM

Hong Kong – The Fragrance Harbor, probably the most colorful city in Asia. Enjoy the stay and take in some excellent Chinese food. I am envious.

I did some shopping in the Mong Kok area a couple of years ago as well, and I didn’t really find too many bargains. Perhaps I should have “negotiated” a little harder:))

There are many good steak houses in Hong Kong (Morton’s in the Sheraton was over-priced and over-hyped, as usual, and avoid at all cost unless you are on expense account), but if you are ever in an adventurous mood, try out the Boston Restaurant at G/F, 3 Luard Road, Wanchai. It is American fare with an unique Chinese twist….nothing fancy, but inexpensive and different.

by Chris Haaker | Jun 26, 2006 1:56:45 PM

I am going to be traveling to Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong on business in the next 4 months and I would love to see a blog post on tips for business travel for geeks going to that region. What airline did you take and how was the flight? Thanks. Chris

by May C | Jun 26, 2006 2:03:38 PM

It was be so hot and humid and sticky and sweaty outside. But cold and freezing in the air conditioned buildings, buses, taxis, subways.

I envy your job and would love to do the same since I love gadgets myself.

Anxiously waiting for news on all these cool goodies you have found while there. Gosh, it's so nice to be able to just go and buy them at the stores instead of buying online.

by Karl | Jun 26, 2006 5:26:21 PM

Amazing - is this guy lucky or what!

by earl e. adopter | Jun 26, 2006 8:40:38 PM

Have you tried the application called Kmaps? It is a way to use Google Maps on the Treo. I am trying it out and it works great in my area... I wonder how it would work for Hong Kong. It's free so check it out and let me know if there's something better and FREE out there!

by Richard | Jun 27, 2006 12:33:03 AM

Just want to say welcome to my town :-)

I've been living here for over a year now... bought my Treo in the Mongkok computer centre. It's really easy to get most accessories around here, although they are generally no-name/generic ones, and you do see plenty of people on the MTR playing with their cute toys. One nice experience I had was earlier this year, when my Treo started acting up, I called Palm (whose regional HQ is in Singapore, AFAIK), who authorised a return/replacement, and told me to take my device to the DHL counter in the Central MTR station - where they had a box of spare Treos to hand out as replacements. I synced before leaving the house, picked up my replacement, synced again with my laptop on the MTR on the way to work, and had a fully-synced and working Treo by the time I got to work :-)

From the looks of the first photo, I'm going to guess you're staying in or near Langham Place - I had curry in the food court there on Sunday. You've been lucky with the weather, although you just missed a beautiful weekend. There's a typoon warning 1 out (where 5 is serious and 8 means it's going to hit us) and a thunderstorm warning - don't forget to take an umbrella whenever you go outside, but look out for wind. Don't know how much you want to waste your money on roaming data, but http://www.ypmap.com/wince (unfortunate URL) is a PDA version of one of the online mapping sites for Hong Kong - works pretty well, but not perfectly, in Blazer...

Should you have a boring evening and want to meet some random expats for a drink, drop me a line...

by Fred | Jun 27, 2006 5:44:56 AM

Treonauts let their friends live their travels vicariously!

by Joshua Sr. | Jun 27, 2006 8:49:11 AM

Is that $3.88 for gas? It's the only English I could pick out except "Acuvue". If I wasn't a die hard Family man, I'd be a travelin' fool. Maybe when the kids grow up the Mrs. and I will venture to far away lands. Very nice shots, Andrew. Looks like you take full advantage of the traveling opportunities. Enjoy it. You got it made in the shade drinkin' lemonade! hehehe

by Vincent | Jun 27, 2006 10:37:32 AM

by Jason | Jun 27, 2006 12:07:47 PM

Nah..it won't be for gas. Gas stations are usually brand names like Shell, Mobil and Caltex. And gas isn't cheap in HK either.

by Rome | Jun 27, 2006 6:20:37 PM

The HK$388 sign appears to be a Karaoke bar....may be the cover charge?

Not all Karaoke bars are created "equal" in Hong Kong...if you know what I mean:)

And don't forget the 7 Eleven sign!

by Edwin | Jul 2, 2006 6:28:12 PM

The next time you see the same boat, Andrew, you better check what she's carry first; if my memory serves me right, she carrys junk and garbage, literally .... pity uh? :-)

by Palm Lover | Jul 5, 2006 12:45:40 AM

If you are interested in the sold out Treo BLACK TIE Edition, the palm store at BWI Airport have a few left. 410-691-0262

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