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An Episode in the Treonauts Lifestyle

This past week in LA served as a very good reminder of how much I love and depend on the extraordinary versatility of my Treo.

Shortly after my plane landed and powering my Treo 700p I was fully ‘connected’ checking the emails that had accumulated in my Inbox during the 10 hour journey, making calls and sending text messages.  Next I picked up my rental car, installed my Arkon vehicle mount, plugged my car charger and started my absolutely essential TomTom GPS Navigator software without which I would have struggled to get to my destination on arrival as well as all the other meetings that I had during the week.

Probably the single most crucial aid that my Treo provided happened as the WiFi card on my laptop decided that it did not want to pick up the wireless network where I was staying.  After wasting over an hour fiddling with all sorts of settings I finally hit a palm on my forehead when I realized that the fastest workaround to my lack of WiFi connectivity was simply to use Sprint’s EvDO network from my Treo 700p (duh…).  It worked like a charm and I spent the entire week connected this way at broadband speeds both at home and on the go. 

Another essential application throughout the trip was mobileCLOCK (formerly Bob’s Alarm) which ensured that my heavy jetlag did not interfere with waking up on time in the morning…  This is by far my preferred alarm software for the Treo with its large and intuitive display.  The added benefit is that I can program mobileCLOCK’s alarms to use any of the hundreds of MP3 music files that I have on my SD card

Last but not least are all of the entertainment applications that have made my long journeys seem that much shorter.  At the top of the pack for me is music – an experience which has become even better now that Palm have bundled the basic version of Pocket Tunes on the Treo 700p (I highly recommend upgrading to the Deluxe version) and also added support for 4GB SD cards.  A close second are movies (see Now Full Video On Our Treo and Mobile DVD On Your Treo) as well as games with my last two favourites being SkyForce Reloaded and Yahtzee.

This short episode helps to illustrate how it’s become pretty clear to me that I simply would not be able to conceive of the idea of no longer having my Treo to help and amuse me daily…

Treonauts always have the best lifestyle

Posted by Andrew on July 18, 2006 at 11:31 AM

Treo 700p

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by Ron LaPedis | Jul 18, 2006 3:24:20 PM

tomtom turns on the Treo 650's radio whenever it is started, precluding you from doing advanced planning whilst flying. The response from tomtom's technical support was that that Palm requires that the radio be enabled.

A co-worker here who is ex-Palm believes that one of the libraries that tomtom needs only works properly when the phone is on. Ouch!

by ryan | Jul 18, 2006 4:26:37 PM

It seems like this blog is more and more about trying to sell accessories and softwares than providing reviews and sharing valuable tips.

That's too bad cuz I used to find this site really helpful but becoming less and less so.

by TroyBpi | Jul 18, 2006 11:05:35 PM

I desire to tether a 700p with my Mac Powerbook to take advantage of Sprint's EvDO. Anyone successfully accomplish this? If so, how? Thanks...

by luke w | Jul 19, 2006 12:50:11 AM

I agree with Ron. This site has become too much into advertisments. Plus, hasn't he written something similar recently? "Oh, the Treo is so wonderful, I can't live without it." or something like that. god.

by Fred | Jul 19, 2006 7:32:34 AM

I agree that it would be nice to get more news and fewer products, but from what I see, newsworthy events in Palm World don't happen all that often. So sites like this (and others, like PalmInfocenter, MyTreo, PalmBlvd, etc.) need to present new products, which is also a service. And if there isn't new stuff often, then people complain or stop looking. One person's product presentation is another person's sales pitch. At least here Andrew doesn't present a product and then say how dubious the quality and claims are (see PalmInfocenter's recent article about a LifeDrive replacement battery).

by Tina | Jul 19, 2006 9:21:09 AM

The whole point is to talk about what works (or not) best with our Treos so we get the most out of them. How can you do that without discussing the products.....? Isn't that the definition of "review" in this type of context?

Personally, the only real change I'd like to see would be the capability for us to post a question/comment for discussion without having to link it to an existing post. (Assuming that there isn't already something I've missed somewhere to do just that!)

by Andrew | Jul 19, 2006 9:29:59 AM

Tina, Fred - thanks for your comments. We have been working on a 'Treonauts Forum' at http://forum.treonauts.com which will hopefully launch next week... ;-)

Ryan, Luke - you are hereby invited to write a review or news item of your choice to post on Treonauts anytime you feel inspired to do so...

Cheers, A.

by Ron LaPedis | Jul 19, 2006 10:59:10 AM

Actually, it was Ryan, not I who commented on too many plugs to buy things. However, the comment format is misleading as the poster's name is below a line after his post, so it appears above and attached to the next post. Is it possible to move the poster's name ABOVE his comment so that it is obvious who posted what?

[Many apologies Ron. I've changed the name in my comment accordingly. Unfortunately, Typepad (the blogging service that we use) does not allow us to change the position of the commenters name... Cheers, A.]

by Ron LaPedis | Jul 19, 2006 11:01:07 AM


Is it possible to contact someone in Palm product management to ask why they force the radio to be powered on for the Treo when tomtom is started? It is very unfriendly as I point out above.

by Andrew | Jul 19, 2006 11:49:47 AM

Ron - I don't think that Palm will be able to help as this is really a TomTom issue and the way that they have implemented their software. Hopefully a future updated version will address this.

Cheers, A.

by Ron LaPedis | Jul 19, 2006 6:53:39 PM


tomtom's product manager stated that Palm required them to turn on the phone each time their software was started. I can forward the email to you if you like.

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