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Treonauts in LA

After completing my London-Paris-Copenhagen-London-Orlando-Hong Kong-London journey I now arrived in Los Angeles yesterday which means that I have for the first time managed to take Treonauts around the world in about 30 days…

Above is a picture taken last night with my Treo 700p at the beach promenade in Santa Monica with the lights of the famous Pier in the horizon and a gorgeous sunset.  I have to admit that after previously complaining about the quality of the 1.3MP camera on the Treo 700p I am rather pleased with how this picture came out under extremely low light conditions…

Treonauts always capture the best moments

Posted by Andrew on July 8, 2006 at 12:30 PM
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by Matt | Jul 8, 2006 11:45:30 PM

Andrew, I have enjoyed your photos since discovering treonauts.com. They are varied and spontaneous as is what you should expect while living life as a treonaut.

By coincidence I was at Laguna Beach last night enjoying the same sunset you have posted.I was able to capture it with my Treo 650 and tried to post it in the comments section but was unsuccessful.

I am sure that there are treonauts with viewable and varied photos from many locales,with appropriate subject matter, that others would enjoy seeing. Have you thought of allowing a certain amount of bandwidth for such an endeavor?

by Rev. Rhino | Jul 9, 2006 2:23:15 AM

Great picture and Welcome to Los Angeles.

by lakahata | Jul 9, 2006 2:19:07 PM

WESTSIIIIIDEEEEEEEEEEEE - Welcome to Southern California!

by jr | Jul 10, 2006 2:24:32 AM

really great picture

by Nick | Jul 18, 2006 12:55:58 AM

How long is your stay? Or are you aloready gone? Is there a treonaut con or anything?

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