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Introducing The New Treonauts Banner, Forum & Homepage

After months of development I am at last glad to announce the launch of our new Treonauts homepage (www.treonauts.com or just treonauts.com), the Treonauts Forum (forum.treonauts.com) as well as a more polished banner and easier navigation buttons.

For starters, the Treonauts Homepage (screenshot below) and its new horizontal navigation bar will now allow you to have a more direct and easier access to all of the Treonauts destinations – the blog (blog.treonauts.com), the accessories shop (shop.treonauts.com), the software store for both PalmOS and Windows Mobile (software.treonauts.com), my guides (guide.treonauts.com), the new forum (forum.treonauts.com) and more.

Additionally, the homepage now contains an excerpt of the last ten blog posts to make it easier for those Treonauts not visiting daily to have an overview of what has been happening on “Planet Treonauts” recently.  The homepage is still far from complete and we’ll be adding many more useful links in the weeks to come.

Next, we have developed a Treonauts Forum (screenshot below) to help people meet other Treo owners, share experiences as well as gain knowledge and ask questions.  The forum covers all Treo models, accessories, software and service providers.  Please take a moment to register so as to become a full member of the fantastic community that will grow there.

Finally, regular Treonauts readers will quickly see the changes made to our banner (images below) from the original that I created a little over two years ago and the new one which we are launching today.  There may be only minor changes but I believe that the new banner is now considerably more polished and overall delivers a cleaner and more professional look and feel.



Over the coming weeks we will implement the new banner and navigation buttons across all sections of Treonauts including the blog as well as the accessories shop and software store to provide you with a seamless experience throughout.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tunji and his team at GX5 for their help and input during the development of the new banner and also to my good friend Steph for his equally terrific contribution and hard work developing the Treonauts homepage and forum – I could not have done it without them and I expect that we’ll implement many more of their unique ideas about how to make Treonauts even better in the future.

I hope that you’ll enjoy these new Treonauts destinations and greatly look forward to your comments and participation in our forum.

Treonauts are always thriving to improve

Posted by Andrew on August 9, 2006 at 09:09 AM
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by Patrickj | Aug 9, 2006 1:42:34 PM

The new look is great! The banner update is a great example of evolution rather than revolution adding up to good design. Forums seems a great addition too.

I'm primarily a Windows Mobile device user, but spent nearly a year with Treo 650 and during that time discovered your site. Have continued to be a regular visitor even after parting ways with the Treo (as there may still be another one in my future).

Have done a post on your changes and great new look over at Just Another Mobile Monday - http://justanothermobilemonday.com/Wordpress/2006/08/09/treonauts-site-new-homepage-banner-forum/

Cheers ...

by Andrew | Aug 9, 2006 1:53:52 PM

Patrickj - thank you very much for your kind feedback and post on your blog.

I am naturally extremely pleased to hear that you like our new look - it is always the greatest reward to know that we've been able to offer a great experience to all Treonauts.

Thank you also for the kind feedback and support that we've received from Treonauts via email and on our new forum!

Cheers, A.

by RichC | Aug 9, 2006 2:14:32 PM

Well done Andrew. Your site is becoming a regular visit for me - hint for those not using the Treonauts blog rss feeds ... its a great way to remember to check on new posts.

by Cy | Aug 9, 2006 2:43:39 PM

seems like i can view this site on my blazer browser now (didn't think it did before). thanks!

by Raphael | Aug 9, 2006 3:57:27 PM

Why do we need another forum if we already have a forum at treocentral.com? The more forums the more fragmentated the information becomes. Now I have to post questions on both forums?

I enjoyed Treonauts as a pure blog site. It was great to read Andrew's regular posts on specific subjects. But I don't think yet another treo portal website is in order.


by Andrew | Aug 9, 2006 4:17:16 PM

Raphael - while I appreciate that you may not want to post on two forums the fact is that many Treonauts have requested to have one of their own here...

Cheers, A.

by TreoFrog | Aug 9, 2006 5:04:18 PM

Looks Great but where's the Treo 700w you could at least put both of them in there =(

by Andrew | Aug 9, 2006 5:20:19 PM

TreoFrog - there is another banner with just the Windows Mobile Treo which will hopefully be up in a dedicated section very soon... ;-)

Cheers, A.

by Tina | Aug 10, 2006 2:16:25 PM

Hi Andrew,

The new look is great, and speaking as one who specifically asked for the forum (sorry Raphael).... THANKS!!!!

As always, happy Treo-ing!

by Victor Lisboa | Aug 11, 2006 9:17:18 AM

Congratulations Andrew!!!

I'm a brazilian 'treofanatic' that at least weakly visits Treonauts, because is the best site about the Treo Family. It's wonderfull to see such development in your site and, as all the others visitants, I can only say 'thank you' for your good job!

by JGail | Aug 11, 2006 10:51:46 AM

LOVE the new site! You are THE go-to source for Treonauts everywhere. Thanks!

by PJ Arts, Treo Editor for Palm Addict blog | Aug 11, 2006 4:16:34 PM

Andrew, congratulations! The site now has a look/feel that does justice to the terrific content and commentary that you provide to the Treonaut community. What can I say? A fantastic site just keeps getting better. Bravo!

by Teresa | Aug 11, 2006 11:23:57 PM

Just one little thing. Of course I'm tired having just got back from a trip from hell... So maybe I missed it.

I found your site a week or so ago when I was looking to research the 700p (I want to purchase soon since I currently have a phone and a Palm Tungsten T3 - want one single device). On reading this post, I paged back to the top and I don't see a link on the left sidebar to the Treonauts Homepage. Did I miss it because I'm nearly cross-eyed? I see links to other pages, but not the home page...

If you haven't added it - please be sure to do so because all your pages should interlink. That's absolutely vital or people like me who are new to your site will miss them. The reason I know about it now is because you posted this. I've gotten quite a lot of good info from my reading here so far. :-)

Of course the other pages could link to it and I've been very busy and haven't had a chance to read them yet... but I do think there should be a link directly from the blog main page.

Did I mention I was tired? Nearly forgot to say - thanks for all the good info.

by Dave | Aug 15, 2006 2:46:37 PM

Looks nice, but I get a script error in line 589. It happens only on your main page.

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