New Palm Treo Smartphone Navigator GPS Edition 2 with TomTom Navigator 6!!!
Yesterday Palm released its absolutely terrific new Treo GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 2 with the latest version 6 of the TomTom Navigator software for USA and Canada.
As regular Treonauts readers will undoubtedly already know my experience with GPS navigation solutions for the Treo has been absolutely superb (see Travelling with a Treo GPS In My Pocket and Treo GPS: Accessory of the Year) and it’s become an indispensable tool to help me get from A to B as quickly as possible without getting utterly lost while driving in cities across the US.
Until now my favourite GPS kit has consisted of the TomTom Navigator 5 GPS Bundle because its included GPS receiver was probably the single most elegant high-end SiRF StarIII powered one available. Nevertheless, although the TomTom bundle is beautifully designed and excellent in terms of performance it only includes a receiver and navigation software and requires the additional purchase of a separate vehicle mount as well as a car charger which can bring the total cost to some $350 or more.
Palm’s new Treo GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 2 bundle priced at only $299 however conveniently includes _all_ the accessories (with a combined value of some $395) that you’ll need to use your GPS solution in the car. The package consists of:
- TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 software ($149.95 value)
- 1GB SD card ($44.95 value) pre-installed with map of the continental United States and Canada
- USB 2.0 SD card reader ($19.95 value)
- a beautifully designed small and light GPS receiver powered by SiRFStarIII with Bluetooth wireless technology ($129.95 value)
- Vehicle device cradle with mounting bracket and suction cup pad ($29.95 value)
- Vehicle power adapter with dual connectors to charge your GPS receiver and Treo smartphone ($19.95)
The package is undoubtedly great but there’s even better news. Many TomTom Navigator owners had previously complained of the relatively complex procedures to install the navigation software on their SD cards. With Palm’s new bundle this installation complexity is completely removed because all of the maps already come pre-installed on the included 1GB SD card – the only thing that one needs to do to get started using the TomTom Navigator software is simply to insert the card into your Treo. Moreover, better still is the fact that the SD card is compatible with the Treo 700p, Treo 700w and Treo 650.
Additionally, the latest version 6 of the TomTom Navigator software among others delivers these enhancements:
- Better coverage with the latest Tele Atlas maps with coast-to-coast, cross border, door-to-door navigation between USA and Canada
- Arrival time-based planning so you can calculate when you'll reach your destination-even factor in delays
- Speed limit information for the roads you're traveling so you'll always know the limit, even between signs
- Improved point-of-interest searches help you find nearby restaurants, gas stations along your route, attractions in the town you'd like to visit, and more, with greater speed and ease
- Safety Lock lets you view less menu options while driving for better safety
Overall I believe that Palm has done an incredible job developing its Treo GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 2 – it offers terrific value, includes all relevant accessories, has a gorgeous new high-end GPS receiver, is extremely simple to install and use and includes the latest version of my favourite TomTom Navigator software.
I cannot more highly recommend to those Treonauts who have not yet had the opportunity to experience GPS navigation on their Treo to give this latest bundle a try. Meanwhile, those Treonauts who like me already own the TomTom Navigator 5 software will be anxiously awaiting the separate release of just the Navigator 6 software on an SD card as well.
Treonauts are always navigating the world…
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To David: After doing a lot of searching about the 680 compatibility question (I have one also) I finally found the answer here:
And looks like its a big NO at the moment. Hopefully sooner than later.
Is ther a way to use TT6 in a simple "show me where I am" mode without having to plug in a destination or itinerary?
Andrew, in your review of GPS units, can you expand a little on how well the software itself works? I am a huge Garmin fan, but have found that the software (particularly the routing feature) tends to always want to push you to a major highway, and despite making all the changes recommended by Garmin tech support (outstanding, by the way) their software tends to ignore surface streets. If TomTom software is better at direct routing vs. pushing to major roads, then you've sold me.
Larry, the back light stays on while using the GPS. I'm wondering if used with the 700wx whether you can switch back and forth between Tomtom and phone w/o having to restart Tomtom when you use the phone.
Fortunately there is a somewhat simple fix for those who now have a Treo 680 and purchased the Palm Navigator with TT6 v2 for their Treo 650.
Follow the instructions here:
Be sure to read the entire thread before continuing. You'll need to know your TT6 Navigator version number before you start and you can find this by poking around the software still on your 650. The fix involves nothing more than using a HEX editor (a link to free HEX editor software is in the post) to edit 1 file on the SD card. If you are careful and make a backup of your original file (in case something goes horibly wrong), the fix takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.
Again, be sure to read the entire post first! Depending on your version, you may have to make the same changes in 2-3 places.
Cheers and good luck!
After using the TT6 for the last 5 months I must say that I am very pleased with the performance. Toronto to New York city no problem, planned some stop overs too. POI works great & now that TT is sending me the newest & upgraded maps for free ($6 S&H) even better. Only draw back is that it isnt compatible with the 680 as of yet; only reason I have not switched over from the 650. Also there isnt a 700p GSM otherwise that would be my first choice.
I have TT6 on my 650 and it has been incredible. I use it in the car and while walking in an unfamiliar city (Wash DC, Atlanta, Annapolis, etc.) as well as in familiar cities (Las Vegas, Reno, San Francisco). Has anyone found a way to use it in Europe? I am going in March and it would be great in Venice and Rome.
On the issue with the 750 having a mini SD the software directly from comes preinstalled on a mini Sd card and has an adapter if you want to use it on your friend's 700.
On the issue of multiple phone can start a phone call and then start the Navigator and get directions while you talk. Unfortunately...when you end the call you will also end your navigator session. But when you start navigator back up you will be in the same trip so it's just a matter of waiting 20 seconds for the phone to recognize the GPS again and then you're back on track.
Hope some of that helps.
I bought the package from BuyGPSNow and saved a whopping 30 bucks. My car holder sucks though...lots of echoing on handsfree calls.
I purchased the TT6 upgrade from TT5 for my Treo 650. When I load and insert the SD Card, a message pops up saying "There is not enough space on the receiving handheld commputer (0x150B)." I've performed a hard reset to bring it back to the basic apps with the same results. Available memory is 11.9 Mb. TomTom support says the problem is with my Treo 650. All other apps work OK. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Update to my last post:
I just upgraded the ROM on my Treo 650. I now have 23 Mb available with no other personal apps installed. I still get the message that I don't have enough memory to install TT6 from the card. I don't know what else to try. Any ideas out there?
I was stranded in a snowstorm in MD this week. I was 16 miles from the Baltimore airport and my windshield wipers were out of commission. Precipitation began to diminish so I went for it. I programmed TT6 to get me to the airport but I chose to avoid all freeways. It took me over an hour to drive the 16 miles, I had to stop every half a mile or so to manaully clear the windshield with the wipers by hand. Without TT6 I would not have made it.
Does anyone know how to discover the palm navigator gps unit in bluetooth so that I can use it with other gps software - like golf gps software? When i search for devices it doesn't find the gps unit, however it runs fine in the TomTom software on my Palm Treo 650.
Is there a Treo / GPS program that will work with Google Maps on my treo 680?
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