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Nite Ize Clip Treo Case Side Office Universal Holster Review

The trend for smaller, slimmer and lighter Treo cases in our Treo Accessory Shop is generally very much on the rise so you might find it surprising that I should review a case at the complete opposite end of the spectrum with the new Nite Ize Side Office Holster which is without a doubt the very largest that you’ll find for your Treo.

At first I was completely put off by the huge size of Nite Ize’s Office Holster – a case orders of magnitude larger than anything else I’ve ever put on my belt – but then I began to see the benefits that it could offer for certain Treonauts who are looking to pack as much as they can in one case.

I became curious to see just how much I could manage to pack (images above) into the case so I gathered: 7 Sharpie pens, a normal pen, two bluetooth headsets, two notepads, one retractable Synch & Charge cable as well as naturally one Treo 700p into the case.  There was still a little room to spare and I didn’t even attach keys to the front loop… 

A few people who saw my superpacked case stared in amazement and started playing with it as it was sitting upright on my desk.  I was particularly encouraged by the fact that the ensuing comments were generally in the “Wow!” category.

The Nite Ize Side Office Holster is not only large but also extremely tough.  Made of Ballistic nylon it will withstand the harshest conditions and nicely protect your Treo and other accessories that you pack inside.  The Side Office Holster has three main sections: 1) a medium sized front pocket perfectly holds your Treo; 2) a large center pocket can easily hold (for example) a GPS receiver, spare battery, SD card reader, pen, retractable stereo headset and microfiber cloth; 3) the back pocket (below) not only holds a protective waterproof cover but also allows you to fit one or more accessories such as your SD cards, a battery or your GPS receiver.

Additionally, four elastic sections (two on the sides and two on the front) provide for even more storage.  I found the left section to be a perfect fit for either my spare battery or my Retractable S&C cable while the right section is specifically designed to accomodate most Bluetooth headsets.  Lastly there is also a front loop on which you can attach your keys for example.

Evidently the Nite Ize Side Office Holster will not be the right solution for all Treonauts.  However, doctors, students, builders, repairmen and other field workers as well as the police and military among others will undoubtedly find the extra large capacity and robust construction to be ideal. 

Treonauts always find the right solutions

Posted by Andrew on August 15, 2006 at 09:57 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo Case

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by Mike Hardy | Aug 15, 2006 10:45:20 AM

Interesting - you know, part of the problem (if you can call it that) with the treo is that it has so many useful accessories in its orbit that when you travel it is a bit of a pain to keep them organized.

So to my way of thinking, this is more of a travel organizer than a "holster" of any sort (can you imagine wearing it?? I think it'd pull my pants down - not good at the office).

Rather than have treo-stuff take over two of the precious pockets in my backpack (which could be used to organize other stuff) I'm half-tempted to snag one of these so I can keep it all together and just toss it in the pack.

The common element in your list of people that might use it are that they are all organized journeyman, but when it comes to trips and vacations, aren't we all? For $15 it might be worth a shot to see.

by Rhett Spencer | Aug 15, 2006 12:34:33 PM

If you work in construction or any field reasearch this is a great product. it is kind of like a tool belt for high tech products instead of hammers and nails.


by Treofrog | Aug 15, 2006 5:49:09 PM

Love the site but does not work properly in Internet Explorer 7 hope you can fix it:( And I have that case it works great perfect for field research. P.S Rhett you spelt research wrong.

by Treofrog | Aug 15, 2006 5:57:17 PM

Forgot something

Andrew I see you don't have the Treo Krusell case from switzerland at the treo shop its a amazing case

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