Sprint Treo 700wx: Ready To Launch
According to a Palm Store employee (who took the picture above) Sprint’s new Treo 700wx is now ‘in stock’ but the stores are not yet allowed to sell them. An official release date (within the stores) has not yet been set but considering that they are already in stock one can only assume that this will be very soon.
As I previously posted (see Treo 700wx Coming To Sprint Very Soon...) it appears that Sprint will be releasing this new Treo 700wx as early as August 27 for business customers and September 3 for retail sales.
The Treo 700wx (the ‘x’ is presumed to mean ‘Extra’) is now also 100% confirmed to have twice the RAM (64MB available user storage – specs above) of its sibling as Verizon’s Treo 700w only has 32MB. Additionally, for those Treonauts wishing to purchase one without a contract the retail price is set at $649.
Separately, another rumour is now that Palm has no plans at present to release ‘Unlocked’ GSM versions of either its Treo 700p or Treo 750p – a real shame since I and undoubtedly many other Treonauts would very much like to have an unbranded (no carrier) and fully unlocked GSM Treo like I’ve grown used to with my old Unlocked Treo 650… Hopefully this will change after Cingular releases its Treo 750p and Treo 750w…
700W to arrive on 8/31/06 for Sprint [Treocentral Forum]
Treo 700wx thread [Sprintusers.com]
Treonauts are always ready for new launches…
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» Treo 700wx发售在即 from 囫囵吞蛋
Sprint Treo 700wx: Ready To Launch/afterdot/h... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 22, 2006 7:50:43 AM
» Sprint Treo 700wx coming soon from Smartphone Reviews
It looks like Sept. 3 is the big day, according to Treonauts. Sprint will be releasing an improved version of the 700w. Packed with 64 MB vs 32 in the 700w, the Treo 700wx addresses the biggest complaint about the... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 22, 2006 4:15:19 PM
» Sprint Treo 700wx coming soon? from Treo Today
Its no secret that Palms maiden offering for Windows Mobile, the Treo 700w, has not set sales records. Since being released early this year, the Treo 700w has only been offered by one carrier (Verizon). Now it seems that Sprint will be... [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 7, 2007 8:34:51 AM
What is this double RAM issue? According to Palm's Treo 700w page it has 128 MB RAM, 60 MB available. Noever anything written about 32 MB ...
Sven - the difference is that the Treo 700wx has 64MB available for 'Program' storage while the Treo 700w only has 32MB (see Settings > Memory on your WM device).
I hope this helps.
Cheers, A.
Hello from Italy!
On the box it's writing: "GPS" under built-in features.
I called the Palm Retail Store at Newark Airport and they have the 700wx in stock, but can't sell it yet.
Andrew: Yep, it definitively says GPS...
You say there are rumours that there's not going to be an unlocked GSM versions of the Treo 750p?
I've been waiting for it since I discovered the 700p was only for CDMA networks!!! I live in Chile, and we don't have Verizon, Sprint, Cingular o T-mobile...
My guess is that I'll have to get used to my loyal T5 for some more time, until Palm begins listening to their customers...
Eduardo - there WILL be a Treo 750 GSM provided by a number of different carriers both in Europe and the US. There simply isn't likely going to be an 'Unlocked' one (which you can use with any GSM carrier) for some time.
Cheers, A.
So how does this square with 4 Treo models this year? By my count, we have 5 (though not 100% confirmed yet).
1) 700w
2) 700p
3) 700wx?
4) 750w? (I've specifically seen the "w" listed in some reports...)
5) 750p? (my guess at the model # for Nitro, since there's very little hard info)
So either two of these need to be "combined" and considered one model, or Palm will have a 5th out ahead of schedule... either way, a little odd.
I'm really hoping that Nitro will be available, specifically in an unlocked GSM version, same as my current 650. The memory and form factor are reason enough for me to upgrade (at a launch party price). No way nohow that I'm going WinMob, though, so Nitro is the only viable option for me.
Yes, for me too. I really hope there'll be an unlocked GSM version. If not, I'm doomed to stay with my T5...
I just called both Palm stores at Newark Airport and both claimed that they do not have the Sprint 700wx in stock. The sales person in one of the stores acknowledged that they knew of the new model - but had not yet received any and didn't have an estimated date of availability. The sales person in the other store just replied "All I know about is the Windows Treo for Verizon"... I guess they are being coy now....
Well I talked to Sprint today and they said the phone will be available Thursday August 31st, but did not have the device officially in their systems yet. I also went to two Palm Stores in the Los Angeles Area and they did not have a display for the 700wx. They did however say the employee at the Palm Store who released these picture was terminated. (Ouch)
Here's my humble review about the Palm Treo 700wx
First I'm a former Computer Information Systems major and I have a degree in Network Administration.
I cannot say enough great things about this phone. There are other phones that have a better weight, better keyboard, but overall this is in my opinion, one of the best broadband smartphone available today. I have owned the POCKET PC 6700 and the new T-mobile DASH.
To me the choice of this phone was very simple: find the fastest broadband carrier in the U.S. at the lowest price. As of Nov. 2006 SPRINT is the only one that fits that criteria. CINGULAR and T-MOBILE EDGE "fast" network is not so fast (only double dial-up speed). I love T-mobile, the best customer service on the planet, but they lost me on the $30/month for 150 KBPS download speeds.
DON'T BE FOOLED when you see certain devices that have WINDOWS MOBILE 5 Operating System.. Some have WM5 (POCKET PC edition and some have SMARTPHONE edition) the smartphone edition is much more limited. For example, I owned the T-mobile DASH for a few weeks. You couldn't even CUT AND PASTE text! There was no word processor whatsoever, not even a notepad program. You have to buy it extra.
Palm has put its own cool tweaks to the existing Windows OS, so that the result is an even niftier, more user friendly, intuitive machine.
If you click on Start and Help in any given screen, you can get context sensitive help wherever you are.. or you can search the Help sections.
ON DEMAND which is offered by a company called Handmark
It is so far free as part of the $15/month data plan is an outstanding web portal that has high quality content of the most relevant web info (NEWS/WEATHER/MOVIES/MAPS&DIRECTIONS/TV GUIDE..etc.) customized for perfect display on your screen. It loads very fast. IT IS NOTHING like having to hunt for pages on the web to try to find info. It's all there and can be updated in a few seconds. All info customized based your zip code and phone number. Even the TV GUIDE was flawless and lets you have your own 'WATCH LIST'.
* Stable
* Extremely intuitive
* Flexible
* MS OFFICE SUITE (with ability to edit WORD DOCUMENTS etc.)
* Fast processor
* SD/SDIO slot
* Broadband Speeds around 400 KBPS
* On Demand Web Portal from Sprint
* Ability to stream many radio stations without trouble
* Has a stylus but not stylus dependent
* GPS DEVICE READY.. IT DOESN'T HAVE A BUILT IN GPS (EXCEPT for 911 emergency chip) but it has settings to accept and make it easy to add a GPS device..etc.
* Ability to successfully stream radio broadcasts on Windows Media Player
* Small keyboard .. it takes a little while (few days) to find a position that suits your hands..but I've found a decent comfortable fit.
* A bit on the heavy side. This is not a "slim" type design, but they had to put a good battery that lasts and it does well for battery life.
* Screen resolution 240x240 could be better
* No wifi (but EVDO makes up for it) You won't really need wifi if you have broadband connections wherever you are.
* Windows Media Player often is not successful at opening webpages that have a windows media file.. which is not a problem of this particular phone, but most devices running Windows Mobile 5.
BOTTOMLINE: If you're a power user who enjoys having a mini computer with them at all times including MS OFFICE and endless possibilities, this baby should make you happy. Highly recommended.
Price paid $400 after rebate. I read other reviews on Amazon for its sister phone the 700p and many warned that you can't get the rebate from SPRINT after you purchased it at the already discounted price.. so basically amazon says it will sell it for $255 after rebates..but apparently that doesn't happen cuz Sprint refuses to send an additional rebate. (comments welcome)
when you use the email via outlook or Goodlink on the Treo700.. does it store it on the device or on the server?
If it stores it on the phone.. that can really take up a lot of memory.. anyone know?
Does anyone know if there is a projected date for the new Treo 750 models? I am about to purchase a new treo, but don't want to be stuck with the 700wx if the 750 is about to come out...
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