Treonauts In Sweden...
A good friend invited me to take a short break at his summer house on the northwestern coast of Sweden for a few days and among all the fantastic food, people and sights I managed to take the picture above to add to my ever growing ‘Treo Sunsets’ collection…
The area, a few hours north of the city of Göteborg, is probably one of the most peaceful and beautiful that I have had the opportunity to visit in a long time – now I can better appreciate why Scandinavian design always manages to be so serene.
Treonauts are always exploring beauty…
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Uhm, that would be the *south*western coast of Sweden. The northern part of Sweden has no western coast at all, because that borders on Norway. :)
Your photo posting of such a beautiful and tranquil scene would have irritated me if I weren't planning a vacation next week. I'm going to give the Flickr to Blog email posting (see a 'real' test next week as we tour the Hawaiian Islands ... cross your fingers for Sprint EVDO on Hawaii???
By the way ... Sweden is beautiful ... thanks for including the photos Andrew.
If you want to see images extricated with Treo 650, I invite you to visit my web page (, and inside them these albums:
Excuses for my English bad language, but I use a machine translator in my PC.
JCM (Spain)
[email protected]
Hi Andrew,
How can I contact / email you about a biz dev idea?
I'm trying to send you this: :-)
Hi guys,
Great idea with the treonaughts site - vertical search around a particular product is a good way to go as you've proved.
I wanted to quickly tell you about a new social shopping site I've setup called "Crowdstorm" which helps people find what to buy by measuring the buzz around products. You can also see what your friends or trusted people have recommended.
I can see you guys adding treo products into the site (wiki-product database) or commenting on the ones already there. You can also link this site and your blog directly to each product so that people reading about them can come to get more information from you. Imagine it as a distributed hub of data.
It would be great if you at least have a look and see if it could work for you - I just need an email address to send the invite to you (currently it is an invite only beta)..
Hopefully speak soon,
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