Flashlight: One More Application For Your Treo
Seasoned Treonauts will undoubtedly know about a little but very useful feature of their Treo which goes undocumented in any user guide. Namely, because its screen and keyboard are so bright the Treo can often be used as a simple flashlight…
The other night I was having dinner with four other Treonauts on the outdoor terrace of a fancy LA restaurant. As we opened our menus we realized that we couldn’t actually read anything under the dim candlelight that was available. Quickly five “Treo-Flashlights” were pulled out (when I took the above picture with my Treo 700p) and we were finally able to place our order and enjoy a truly fabulous meal…
Treonauts are always illuminated…
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I have been using my Treos as flashlights since my 600! It makes a perfect light for finding your keys when you need to unlock the front door. I have also used it during several power outages. It is definitely a handy "feature"!
I have also been using my Treos as flashlights since the 600. I do this probably on average more than once a day, usually if I get home after dark.
Well, I only go back to a 650, but I also use mine as a flashlight on an almost daily basis. I have several LARGE garden spiders around my house that like to span webs or draglines across my sidewalk and front door, and sometimes even between our two cars. My Treo has saved me more than once from walking straight into a spider as a big as my thumb that was just hanging out ... at face level!
And something Andrew didn't mention... if you want to be 'formal' about it, there are several 'flashlight' programs. My favorite is "Butterfly" by RNS (www.ranosoft.net); it's a system color editor utility, with Themes and extras such as the flashlight application. I've used it now on three different devices and still love it.
Happy Treo-ing!
I thought I was the only one who did this. It's comforting to know that I'm in such good company.
My 30 second commercial. . .
I bought my first treo (650) a couple years ago, right around the time when I moved into a knew apartment. After one good toe-stubbing and a near trip down the stairs on the way to the bathroom during the first night, I quickly learned my treo could help me at the oddest times. The light is great for us lazy folk who refuse to turn on the light on the way to the bathroom. Since then I've probably saved myself thousands of $$$ in co-pay's with my insurance!
Thanks treo
Outstanding ... and I thought I was the only one using my Treo as a flashlight each night! (BTW ... the application "MobileClock" unskinned makes for a great flashlight.)
I frequently use it to get in bed and not wake my boyfriend. It has a low enough light not to wake someone from sleep, but keeps me from knocking my knees on the bedframe.
Too funny! I use mine as a flshlight each and every night... to find the charger cord ;-).
Does the 700p have a keyboard shortcut to quickly dim the screen without using the onscreen brightness slider control? Thanks.
I've been introduced to PDA's via the Treo 650 so I will be 4ever grateful. I immediately became a fan and purchased just about every program that meant anything to me. Unfortunately, I'm a Cingular customer and they are very slow with rolling out new product. I still have my Treo and I use it for a backup phone now. While checking back on this site for updates everyday, I ended up purchasing a Cingular 8125 and was introduced to Windows mobile 5.0. Everyone is now rolling out the HTC TyTN or Cingular 8525. Palm has lost a fan of their Treo products because of their relationship with Cingular. I live in New Jersey and I'm Still waiting for Cingular's new Treo. I'm in the entertainment industry and I now love the rectangular screen on the TyTN device and overall design vs the treo. I also love the slide out keyboard. Palm I do love your OS. So much more user friendly. My suggestion is you keep your current design of the Treo but in order to compete forward, you should design a device to compete with the HTC/Hermes devices
The Treo 650 Flashlight: It's the best way I can get around and get ready for bed at night without waking my 6-month-old son! (His room is right next to the office.) And yes, as Rob says, I use it to find the charger cord each night without turning on all the lights! How about an insurance discount for Treo owners?!
We recently trip to South Africa and stayed in a location with little electricity and lots of LARGE bugs. Being able to grab my phone quickly to see what was crawling around was a great help, especially on late-night trips to the bathroom. Saved us from stepping on a scorpion once! Also used eReader for reading books at night, but that did attract more bugs.
This is awesome, I thought I was the only one who did that and occasionally would laugh at myself. I use my 650 everynight as a flash light before going to bed specifically to look for the charger cord....now I can sleep better....aahhh
Use it find the cord, also when, ah, picking up after the dogs on our nightly walk, thus using the Treo to answer a call of nature (yes, horrid joke, but I couldn't resist).
btn - thanks for that shortcut. I had no idea that it existed and I'm still not quite sure what its real use is for... ;-)
Cheers, A.
how do you turn the power off on the TREO700P and how do you activate the "flashlight"
Another undocumented use: a mirror for applying lipstick (when the screen is off)! The photographer at my wedding actually captured a photo of me using my Treo 650 as a mirror to reapply my lipstick before the ceremony. It never ceases to amaze me how much I depend on my Treo.
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