The Stunning Jabra JX10 Bluetooth Headset: Now Available In Black
Following the success of the ultralight (only 9 grams) and ultrasmall standard silver Jabra JX10 Bluetooth headset (see my original JX10 review) – which is now the #1 bestselling model and has been among the top 3 BT headsets for the Treo since its launch – Jabra has decided to launch the JX10 Black (above) in a lacquered finish with silver accents.
As with the standard model, I consider the JX10 to have one of the most complete and useful accessory kits of any Bluetooth headset containing (above):
- a very elegant USB charging cradle (which only the JX10 provides);
- a separate miniUSB cable that can either be plugged directly into the headset or using the cradle via a spare USB port on your PC (or using a USB Wall Adapter or USB Car Adapter);
- a wall charger to again either plug directly into the JX10 headset or its cradle;
- a protective carrying pouch and;
- a spare ear hook (which is somewhat fragile and unfortunately has a bad habit of coming loose or breaking)
Naturally all of the individual items in the accessory kit are in black.
Created by the famous industrial designer Jacob Jensen there is no doubt that the JX10 is probably the single most elegant BT headset with simple and clean lines and perfect proportions – it’s almost sculptural. The front (above left) has a small LED square at the top which extends with two silver lines to the bottom and a discreet Jabra logo. The two silver lines continue at the back which provides a unique dedicated ‘pairing’ button and the in-ear speaker surrounded by hard rubber.
The top of the JX10 (above left) where the microphone is positioned is surrounded by a rectangular silver box while the back (above right) provides the volume Up/Down buttons as well as the miniUSB port to charge.
A hard black rubber band also surrounds the headset and the Power On/Off + Call Answer/End ‘Phone’ button is on the left.
Aside from the excellent design considerations the JX10 also offers one of the best inbound and outbound call connections thanks to its advanced DSP (Digital Signal Processing) chip which offers clear conversations even in loud environments.
It is true that since the JX10 is one of the bestselling BT headsets for the Treo there are naturaly bound to be some Treonauts who may have experienced either instances of ‘continuous crackling’ during _some_ calls no matter how close or far they are from their Treo smartphone or who have broken their ear hook. In both cases the Jabra Technical Support Helpline (1 800 327 2230) has offered extremely good customer service by either replacing a defective headset or sending replacement ear hooks.
Overall, there is no doubt that the JX10 continues to be one of my favourite Bluetooth headsets because it combines a great and very practical accessory kit (particularly USB charging), an extremely small, light and elegant design as well as excellent call quality. Having said this, the JX10 is not the most ‘pocketable’ headset and this is why I am instead increasingly finding myself using the Motorola H700 with its fantastic PowerFlip (see my H700 review).
Update: The JX10 is now also available in Burgundy…
Treonauts are always looking to be stunned…
Treo Accessories , Treo Bluetooth Headset
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Just an FYI... the charging port on the JX-10 is NOT a mini-USB port... it is a proprietary Jabra port. Thus, you will have to use Jabra's USB charging cable and not one of the widely available miniUSB to USB cables out there.
Andrew can you listen to your Audible audio books using the Jabra JX10 headset and your treo? I'd love to get rid of my wires. Unfortunately neither the palm site, nor audible make it clear if this will work.
Unfortunately, no. Palm does not support the Bluetooth profile required to send audio to headsets such as the JX10. There are some third-party apps that try to bridge the gap between Treos and the increasingly popular Bluetooth stereo headphones, however these apps have not yet shown any success in making Bluetooth headsets such as the JX10 work.
I ordered a Jabra JX10 - Found it to be marginally comfortable,with a weak "ear Loop", although Jabra did send me a replacement quickly when mine broke in the first week. Unfortunately, the device doesn't work worth a damn, get more than 5 feet away from my Treo 650, reception dropped off a cliff. Tried to get used to it, no go, now Treonauts won't take it back!
unhappy in DE.
George Braun
The JX10 doesn't work properly with the Treo 680. See this post.
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