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P5 UltraSlim Pocket Leather Treo Pouch Prototype

It’s funny how we always get to see leaked images of forthcoming Treo smartphones and so rarely of Treo cases and other accessories in our Treo Accessory Shop.  It was therefore a welcome surprise to get my hands on a prototype sample of the soon to be released P5 UltraSlim Pocket Leather Pouch which is the thinnest, lightest and slimmest leather case that I have yet come across for my Treo – it’s absolutely gorgeous.

The P5 UltraSlim Pocket Leather Pouch is entirely covered in fine, soft, real sheepskin on the exterior (available in black, brown and red) and an equally soft suede lining on the interior.  Additionally, a stitched leather band running from side to side has been added to provide an elegant finish as well as to provide more lateral rigidity.

However, even though the leather is undoubtedly great the best part of the P5 UltraSlim Pocket Leather Pouch is the polypropylene shell around which it is built.  Not only has the shell been ‘form-moulded’ to the exact contour of the Treo but it also happens to be only fractions of a millimiter thick.  Furthermore, the real beauty is that the structural properties of polypropylene and its thinness here allow this case to automatically ‘reshape’ after it is squeezed (see images below) providing an even softer overall feel – where other such Treo cases are extremely rigid the P5 is completely flexible.

Amazingly the combination of the outer sheepskin, inner suede and shell are all so thin that the case only adds about 1mm of thickness to the Treo (2mm on the sides where the extra stitched leather band runs).  The P5 UltraSlim Pocket Leather Pouch can therefore without a doubt be ranked as the “Slimmest & Lightest Treo Leather Case”.

Because this case is designed primarily to protect against scratches when carrying your Treo in your pocket, jacket, suit or bag it is smooth all around and does not have any clips of any kind – your Treo simply slides smoothly in and out of the case via the top opening when you need it.  Having said this, I am told that a version specifically designed for women as well as one with a belt clip are in the works.

I wish that I had a sample of another case at hand to show you a comparative thickness image but since I don’t I can only say that any other leather case will be at least 5mm thicker than this one.  Additionally, the fact that the P5 UltraSlim case is rounded at the bottom further enhances the sense of ‘compactness’ that it offers.

Overall, the P5 UltraSlim Pocket Leather Pouch is exactly what I and many other Treonauts have been looking for – great design, great leather, great protection in an ultrathin, slim and light package that I can easily put in my pocket.

Finally, if you are looking for a different type of case such as a holster or skin case I recommend that you read my Top Treo Cases post to look at the currently bestselling options as well as my Favourite Treo Accesories List to discover other items to enhance you Treo experience.

Treonauts are always looking for something unique

Posted by Andrew on September 8, 2006 at 03:04 PM

Treo Accessories , Treo Case

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by dmm | Sep 8, 2006 4:41:14 PM

Is there an indication yet of the price for this case, or when it will be available?

by andrew | Sep 8, 2006 5:40:53 PM

dmm - I believe that the price will be under $35. It will become available to pre-order on Monday and will begin shipping in a couple of weeks.

Cheers, A.

by John | Sep 8, 2006 7:27:25 PM

Not to harsh on someone else's fashion choices, but wouldn't the phone *by itself* fit even better in your pocket? Seems to me that using this cover is about as important as putting a sweater on your dog or a bra on the nose of your car. I mean, they look nice and all (except for the car thing), but maybe you could instead spend that money on something you'd also like, perhaps Paris Hilton's new album?
Also, do they make a cover for the case to keep scratches off of it, too?

by John | Sep 8, 2006 7:31:55 PM

Sorry, Andrew. Now that I read what I wrote, maybe it's a bit too sarcastic. I should have just said something like, "Why do people pay money to make their phones bulkier?"

by andrew | Sep 8, 2006 8:35:40 PM

John - Apologies accepted - I actually laughed quite intensely at your comment...

Overall, I personally think that $35 to protect my $600 Treo investment is a token price to pay.

I have a lot of things in my pocket such as coins and keys and I definitely don't want these rubbing against my Treo.

A case is quite possibly one of the least extravagant accessories that you can purchase for your Treo - it ranks way up there for me as an absolute _need_.

Cheers, A.

BTW: I still buy albums just not Hilton's... ;-)

by Rino Dattilo | Sep 8, 2006 11:30:53 PM

What would make it PERFECT is a window where the screen is so you can see who is calling.

by matt | Sep 9, 2006 12:24:13 AM

how well can you hear the ringer when it is in the case?? i know my current case that is one of the issues, i am guessing since it is so thin it may not be an issue

by andrew | Sep 9, 2006 9:07:33 AM

Rino - this case would unfortunately lose its structural properties if a window was added.

Matt - I am sure that there is _some_ muffling of the ringer sound but it hasn't been an issue for me thus far.

Cheers, A.

by Fred | Sep 9, 2006 1:12:48 PM

I must say that this is a beautiful case. And I always buy a case for Palms, cameras, etc. I guess I've just dropped too many of them. (Dropped a 15" monitor once too, but I don't think they make cases for those!).
But one question: how does one use a hands-free with this? I find a hands-free essential with the Treo so I can look at my calendar or jot something down while on the phone.
Just wondering . . .

by Jeffrey | Sep 10, 2006 10:57:17 AM

Do you have to take the case out of your pocket to remove the Treo from the case? Or can you remove the Treo while the case remains in your pocket. How easy is the Treo to remove from the case?

Thanks for the info!

by Laura | Sep 11, 2006 10:22:57 AM


While I agree that the case serves a valuable purpose, something struck me about your comment that $35 was a "token price to pay" to protect your investment.

Namely...you didn't actually pay for it, did you?

Every $35 case may be a "token price to pay" for the $600 phone and, more than likely, most people are willing to pay for it. However, most of us don't have or want five different cases for five different carrying purposes and so the question becomes, "Why would I spent my $35 on this particular case over any others?" I think you answered that in your review. While I think John's question was poorly phrased, your response struck me as...almost flippant.

Of course, that is premised upon the understanding that you received many of these products free. Please correct me if I am wrong.


by andrew | Sep 11, 2006 1:10:02 PM

Laura - thank you for your comment. However, I am not sure I fully understand the point that you are trying to make.

It is a fact that cases are the single most popular Treo accessory. It is true that I personally own and use several cases for different occasions but at no time do I suggest that 'everyone' should _absolutely_ own as many as I do.

In this particular instance, this case will prove ideal for any Treonaut who specifically _only_ wants to carry and protect his/her Treo in a pocket, jacket, bag etc. Other cases simply meet other needs which some people may or may not have.

It is evident that if for one reason or another you do not want, need or cannot afford a case for your Treo then this entire premise will simply not be relevant for you.

Having said this, as I stated earlier it is a fact that most Treonauts have found a case to be one of their essential accessories and because they each have slightly different needs they may like me own more than one.

Cheers, A.

by Chris Snyder | Sep 11, 2006 4:06:14 PM

I'm chomping at the bit to 'pre-order'... I've been faithfully refreshing the shop all day today... Please post the pre-order so that I can part with my money! Thanks for creating such a wonderful resource and great community.

Chris S.

by Laura | Sep 11, 2006 4:29:59 PM


Thank you for the response. I agree with all that you stated in your response.

As I stated in my original comment, I think you fully answered the question of why this particular case is a good one. My point was simply that the phrasing of your response struck me as rather flippant.

Yes, I would agree that it makes good sense to spend the extra money to protect a $600 phone. We are in complete agreement there. I believe you meant your statement like this: "It's worthwhile to spend $35 on a case to protect your $600 phone." It read, to me, a little like this: "This is a no brainer. Drop the $35 for this case." I think we've cleared up that confusion.

However, and let me try to make this point carefully, I read your comment as I stated above in the context I did partly because you do not actually pay for these items. For better or for worse, it someone recommends a product to me that they got for free, it feels differently than if they recommend a product to me that they spent their own money on. In no way do I think this colors your reviews. I don't. But I did feel it colored your response that this was a "token price to pay" - obviously, partly because I read it in a context you did not intend.

I hope that makes better sense and I appreciate the non-defensive tone in your earlier response as I was not intending to be offensive.

by andrew | Sep 11, 2006 5:07:37 PM

Laura - I'm glad to have clarified the matter of the value of a case for your Treo.

I would also like to clarify the matter regarding my purchase of accessories. While it is true that I do not pay for the majority of my review samples (I get dozens a week) it is equally true that I _do_ pay for some. I hope that you will understand that I would simply not be able to afford the purchase of ALL the samples that I get.

Finally, the single most important point to keep in mind is that I _only_ review accessories, software or other services that I personally use and/or consider to be best-of-breed.

If you have read my reviews for some time you will undoubtedly discover that I am an extremely difficult Treonaut to please and I choose what to write about and recommend extremely carefully.

Overall, I am always looking for that hidden "needle in the haystack" that will demonstrate that someone has taken the time and energy to develop a unique Treo product and I am simply not interested in anything that falls below this standard.

This is what Treonauts has and will always be about.

Cheers, A.

by Mark | Sep 25, 2006 10:43:02 AM

Can't wait to get this case! It offers exactly what I have been looking for - a sleek, elegant way to protect my Treo without having to wear it on my belt, which I will not do. Hope it ships soon!


by Bill | Oct 4, 2006 12:37:24 PM

This case looks great and I look forward to using it. Could you please confirm that it would fit newer Treos, such as my Treo 700p? The preorder seems to indicate it is for 600 and 650. Given the form fitting nature of the case, I just want to make sure that the minimal change in form factor with the 700 line is not an issue.


by andrew | Oct 4, 2006 12:42:06 PM

Bill - my understanding is that there will be three models. One for the Treo 650, one for the Treo 700 and another for the Treo 750 and 680.

Cheers, A.

by mike | Oct 4, 2006 1:08:03 PM

When will this finally start shipping?

by andrew | Oct 4, 2006 1:16:51 PM

Mike - I am told that ETA is next week... I am also extremely keen for this case to become available to all Treonauts...

Cheers, A.

by Gerard | Oct 5, 2006 1:48:41 PM


I just saw the availability info for this item, but the listing only shows it working for the 600/650. Are you still expecting a 700 version?


by uwe123 | Oct 8, 2006 6:26:40 PM

this is what i'm looking for (for my treo 750v). hope it will be availible WITH beltclip soon!!!! (because i wear the case at my belt (nearly) the whole day to put my treo in when its not in use)


by Gerard | Oct 12, 2006 12:36:52 PM

Any further update on this product? Availability? What will work for the 700 series?



by Lars Rood | Oct 25, 2006 1:22:06 AM

Ok so I just got mine in the mail today. I'm a little confused about it. I have a Treo 700p and the packaging that I got for the case did say 700p on it but the case seems to be too big for the phone. there is definetely more space inside the case and it looks like it should fit a 650 better. I will be checking that out tomorrow at work where several friends have the 650. I know that I stated what phone I had. Anyone else have this problem?

by Andrew | Oct 25, 2006 1:51:06 PM

Lars - the case was specifically designed to fit your Treo a little loosely because otherwise the pressure of a tighter fit could/would press against your keyboard and repeatedly turn your Treo on - thus draining battery life.

I hope this helps.

Cheers, A.

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