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Treo 750w Coming To Sprint... Maybe...

Well, it looks like the Treo 750w (which is expected to be identical to the Vodafone Treo 750v recently launched in Europe) may be coming to US shores a lot sooner than previously anticipated and also that it may be Sprint and not Verizon who will be first to market it…

This latest rumour comes thanks to a Treonaut who was apparently able to take a picture (below) of a CompUSA price tag describing a:

Sprint Treo 750w by Palm
Wireless Phone
– 1.3 Megapixel Camera
– Windows Mobile OS 5.0 with AKU 2.2
– EDGE/EVDO technology

Retail Price $499.99
Instant Activation Savings $200.00
Your Price $299.99 (After Rebates*)

Qualified Upgrade Price $374.99

(*) Requires activation of a voice service and 2 year PCS Advantage Agreement, subject to credit approval.


Is this image real or a hoax?  I honestly don’t know but on the one hand I do find it a little odd that Sprint may be the first one to release the Treo 750w since I was expecting Verizon to be the carrier of choice and on the other hand there are some ‘anomalies’ in the description such as the “EDGE/EVDO” (a CDMA Sprint Treo 750w will only operate on EVDO and not EDGE which is a GSM wireless data standard).  Perhaps it’s all just a ploy by Sprint to divert attention from the imminent release of the highly anticipated GSM Cingular Treo 680 which is expected to come out next week…

Having said this, all other information and particularly the price seem to be right and I have accordingly updated my Treo Family Comparison Chart.  I guess that we’ll just have to wait a little while longer to hear more about this…  

Treo 750w coming to Sprint [Treocentral Forum]

Treonauts always get the latest rumours first

Posted by Andrew on October 27, 2006 at 05:23 PM

Treo 750

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by Kevin | Oct 27, 2006 6:17:29 PM

I saw this on TreoCentral a few days ago and have made a few comments to the thread, but...

The EDGE thing is odd, and I don't know what to make of it. It could be a mistake, plain and simple, but a CDMA/GSM phone isn't exactly odd. Wait and see.

I do believe such a device will come to Sprint--although I find this "leak" or whatever it is to be called a little premature. But what do I know? I work for neither CompUSA nor Sprint.

Anyway, this rumor/leak/whatever is far more credible than most, since the average rumor/leak/whatever consists mainly of, "My brother's father's former college professor knows someone that says that Sprint will release ____." This leak provides actual evidence up front.

Anyway, I'm rambling profusely. The bottom line is that I am very hopeful that this is true--but more hopeful that a 750p is on this model's heels....

by Malatesta | Oct 27, 2006 9:46:55 PM

I would also point out the AKU version is wrong. The 700w/wx uses AKU 2.2(.1) and the 750 uses AKU 2.3.2, which if true would mean probably no threaded text or one-handed folder navigation.

by George | Oct 28, 2006 3:41:55 AM

That's fake. I've never seen an ad that has valid until xxx, xx, 200x.

by Mike | Oct 28, 2006 10:06:30 AM

Andrew..a little off this topic, but I need help! I am pretty savvy in using my Verizon Treo 650. I run quite a few 3rd party apps as well (Butler, ZLauncher, mRing, Google Maps, etc). I upgraded the Treo firmware 2 days ago to the latest 1.05 (released Oct 17) and now when the phone is "off" I will get this annoying alarm that gives two loud beeps and inform me that my phone is turned off! I looked everywhere on the phone for this thing (even in Butler as I upgraded that to bets 3.91 at the same time) and cannot find a setting for it anywhere. Since I use it as my wake up alarm it is quite annoying (as I turn my phone off at night so a phone call doesn't wake me). Any ideas?

by Sam Wise | Oct 28, 2006 12:20:24 PM

See, Sprint's got a pretty awesome EVDO network, a bargain all-you-can eat vision price, but absolutely insanely high starting prices. $650 for a damned phone...sheesh. But $300 I can do...not 500 like they've been hitting for the 700p. I hope they price them right, because Sprint's been getting clobbered lately in the market shrares.

by Michael Jacobs | Oct 29, 2006 11:19:08 AM

I just want to know if and when there is a 750 coming with Palm OS. My plan ends in February and I am going to get as advanced a Palm as I can then, but it's gotta be Palm OS.

by caxe | Oct 29, 2006 2:08:52 PM

Re: Mike

Geez. What a coincidence. I upgraded the firmware on my Verizon Treo 650 the same day.

by Mike | Oct 30, 2006 3:12:43 PM

caxe...are you getting the same "new' annoying alerts? I also get one when a service connection to the data plan fails. very annoying!

by Mike | Oct 30, 2006 3:12:44 PM

caxe...are you getting the same "new' annoying alerts? I also get one when a service connection to the data plan fails. very annoying!

by Sam | Oct 31, 2006 1:05:22 PM

I am a bit suspicious of this. Why would Sprint release a phone that is functionally identical to their 700wx with a light firmware refresh? And it has a _worse_ battery to boot!

The only possibility that makes sense (and this is farfetched) is that Palm is sacrificing UMTS and making a dual mode CDMA/GSM phone. This isn't so crazy as it sounds the 750v is *already* a dual more cdma/gsm phone (a sept-mode phone in terms of frequencies). Just that the CDMA-like techonogly of UMTS is a different protocol and frequency so not compatible. It isn't so hard to imagine replacing some of the circuitry so you end up with a "real" CDMA + GSM combo. The broadband would be EVDO (which rides the same frequencies as CDMA voice). So you can have CDMA voice, EVDO, EDGE/GPRS, and GSM voice and all with one _less_ frequency (sext-mode). But that is wild, although possible speculation. I can't see any other reationale. ALSO, I would doubt that such a technological feat would come in at such a low price point.


by musubiman | Oct 31, 2006 11:04:24 PM


Here's a picture of the treo750v being sold by Cingular in Singapore...

Looks cool!

by WALTER | Nov 3, 2006 11:14:25 AM

Has anyone tried StyleTap on the treo 750 yet? This program allows you to run palm programs on a windows device! http://StyleTap.com

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