Cingular Treo 680 Now Available To Buy On Palm Online Store (Almost)
As always we have to credit a very resourceful Treonaut [thank you Syphon] for finding a ‘hidden’ page on Palm’s website which already lists the Cingular Treo 680 for sale at $349 – a price which matches the one that we had seen previously (see Cingular Treo 680: Pricing & Release Date Leaks).
Even though this page is not officially ‘live’ some Treonauts have already reported successfully placing their Treo 680 (pre)orders via this page and receiving an “Awaiting Inventory” status message.
Given previous experiences, we can now at least hope that such a page is indicative of an absolutely imminent release by Cingular after which we will finally also be able to order one of the four coloured Treo 680 smartphones that Palm will release exclusively on its website and retail locations as soon as Cingular launches its own version…
Treonauts are always the most resourceful…
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cool link. but it does not give you any indication of what color you would be ordering! ???
And now pre-ordering is possible for us European customers:
At the price of 499 Euro - eeeew!
Ohh, that's more to my liking. But I wonder who are to deliver fastest?!
You think we should wait for better offers than 429,-?
This appears to be for the Cingular branded Treo. This is not the unlocked version. Thus, it is only offered in the "graphite" color. You'll have to wait a bit longer for the unlocked versions if you want a different color.
Post #5
> This appears to be for the Cingular branded Treo
Certainly not the ones priced in Euro!?
And I saw in the shop that you could get additional cases - three different: purple, white, and a third - for 38,- Euro.
Found that page by simply googling "Treo 650 Cingular" and it came up as a paid google ad-word!
I called Palm and it is a real link...they have my order, but could not tell me when the 680 will be in. GRRRR
well i guess a few peeps got lucky!
now every link i can find either redirects to the palm store home page or to a temporarily out of stock page...
which is odd, i would think that it would be in the treo store! unless they had it there awaitng the release to move it & got found out - then removed it completely.
Post #9
No no, for us Europeans the eurostore link I received from Palm themself still works. But there was something wrong verifying my credit card information, and would not call them before ruling out I could get it much cheaper elsewhere - e.g. 429,- Euro vs. 499,-.
Any idea why this release is so vague and non-specific? I mean, they're willing to take your money, but not put up a picture of the device on the order page?
I recognize that this is more about Cingular, as it is their call when they can accept a new device onto their network, but c'mon. If this is artificial demand that they're trying to create, it's being done in an odd fashion.
I heard the launch date was this delayed due to faulty wiring on over 100,000 units.
Since the page on the Palm store says its out of stock now, I will definitely be waiting for the next supposed launch date, 11/28. We'll see.
I'm slowly going bald pulling my hair out. I had a dream I found one at WalMart of all places, and was the first to buy one. Then I got robbed.
So, every time I go to the link I get a "This product is temporarily out of stock" page. Anyone still able to access the product?
I think that story is bogus and they confused the story with other palm units that failed.
Come on, Palm! Stop torturing us like this and LET US GIVE YOU OUR MONEY. It's not like, oh I dunno, the biggest shopping day of the year is just four days away or anything. Or that it's been THIRTY-NINE DAYS since you announced the damn thing and we still can't even pre-order it. It's almost like you _want_ us to all go buy Pearls or Qs instead, or something.
Glad to know the unlocked 680 is only $349, though. (I was steeling myself for $399.)
Just stopped by a cingular store in Long Beach, CA and the rep actually just recieved a treo 680 that she won through a cingular contest or event. It looked pretty nice and will end up holding out until it is released instead of buying something else. The other rep indicated that they should have them in by next week and also told me to come back and check them out on the day after thanksgiving for some pda specials.
I just talked to a Cingular rep and they were told that the phone was to be released today.
I'm not sure what all the hype is about the Treo 680. Don't get me wrong I have been a treo user since the Treo 180 was out. They are awesome products. But, I can't see the benefits of upgrading from a Treo 650 to a Treo 680. I feel the Treo 680 is an "antennaless" Treo 650 with some added applications. Does anyone feel the same?
Completely agree with #20. I won't even consider the 680 for my wife, who now wants to have a treo. I think the whole scenario is chipping away at my respect for Palm. I was reading that there was some fix they had to tend to before shipping. I really hope that that is th ecase, becuase if its simply about the whole holiday season bull-honky, then they can kiss it! Bring me the 750p (GSM) ... Anything else will be ignored.
I'll be patiently awaiting my 680. I'd like to wait for the initial roll out and get some feedback from early adopters before I make my final decision. I'm 95% sold on dropping my 650 on my wife and snagging a Cingular branded 680, but- I'll reserve judgement until the initial roll-out.
Clee I don't think there is a treo 750P I think the 750P is the Treo 680.
Same Treo different OS, different SD cards, and slighty different size screen.
I agree,I think the only 750 will be 750v, that is to be releases this week, per Cingular.
The Treo 680 is for those who did not jump on the boat 2 years ago when the Treo 650 came out. The Treo 680 is the same as the 650, less the antenna, a slimmer body, and a different phone application layout. Basically, it is the same phone. I am waiting for a palmOS treo that can handle UMTS/HSDPA ( internet!). The current PalmOS can't handle the fast internet, so hopefully Palm will find a way to do this! Soon! And add 4 gigs of ram, a 30megapixel digital camera, bluetooth 2.0 (for stereo headphones), and all the other goodies that will be out in 5 years or so. I'm serious about the faster internet connection, though. Only the Treo 750 (which is Windows Mobile only, no PalmOS - I dislike Windows Mobile) can handle UMTS/HSDPA which GSM (Cingular and T-Mobile...not Verizon and Sprint) offers. I may have to jump back to the Treo 700p from Verizon for a while (much faster internet than Cingular's EDGE internet, but not as fast as Cingular's HSDPA), and hope that Palm will find a way to get the PalmOS to handle HSDPA. The Treo 680 is very cool otherwise, and the Treo line is still the best smartphone out there...period!
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