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New Treonauts Accessories Shop "User Ratings & Opinions"

Treonauts who recently visited or purchased from the Treonauts Accessories Shop may have noticed that we’ve added “User Ratings & Opinions” to make it easier for you to share your experiences with your fellow Treonauts and/or to view what others (including my own ratings & reviews) have to say about a particular accessory before making your purchase.

However, because there are not yet quite enough people who have added their ratings to generate a meaningful average you may find that some accessories have a relatively low ranking.  For example, as I was browsing the shop yesterday I noticed that one item – the new Smartphone Experts Extended Battery – had a rating of 3.2 out of 5.0 which I found ridiculously low considering the terrific value that it provides.

In this particular case, the fact is that ever since extended batteries (2200mAh) were released I have upgraded every single one of my Treo smartphones with one and have completely stopped using the standard (1800mAh) batteries that shipped with my original purchase.  Naturally, with the reduced size of the battery on the forthcoming Treo 680 with a rating of 1200mAH (see my Treo Comparison Chart) I also hope to see an ‘extended’ version for this model released as soon as possible.

The extended battery is one of the smartest investments that I’ve made because if like me you spend houuuuuuurs on your Treo speaking, surfing, fetching information, retrieving emails, listening to music, watching movies, taking pictures, reading news and countless other activities then it simply makes complete sense to maximize your time with an extended battery that runs up to 33% longer.

Please help your fellow Treonauts by contributing your own ratings and reviews to ensure that the average results for products such as the Smartphone Experts Extended Battery as well as the hundreds of other Treo accessories available in our shop are fair and meaningful.  Adding your Rating takes no more than one second (literally) as it only requires you to click on one of five stars while adding your Review should take no more than five minutes at the most.

Treonauts always demand a fair perspective

Posted by Andrew on November 10, 2006 at 01:38 AM

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