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Palm 2in1 Headset Pro Review

Yesterday Palm launched its first high-end 2in1 Treo Headset Pro and although I would have liked to see a retractable version (like my current Seidio 2in1 Earbuds) I have to admit that the overall build quality looks impressive and the design is certainly superior to anything that I have seen to date.

The two elements that make the 2in1 Treo Headset Pro stand out are its 1) in-line control unit (above left) which includes an Omni-directional microphone, Answer/End button, Volume control as well as a Mute switch and 2) the high-performance earpieces (above right) which features an In-ear design, ultra-soft silicon ear tips to keep unwanted sound out, maximize comfort, and minimize ear fatigue as well as delivering dynamic stereo sound.  Naturally, this headset comes with a 2.5mm plug as standard so in this case you won’t need a stereo adapter.

I ordered my own pair of 2in1 Treo Headset Pro from Palm yesterday and I will update this post with my impressions when I receive them (hopefully on Monday).

Treonauts always want the best Pro design

Posted by Andrew on November 3, 2006 at 11:53 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo Headset

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by Dan | Nov 3, 2006 5:09:49 PM

Shure has a new model targeted specifically for the Treo:


More expensive, but you get what you pay for.

by Omri | Nov 3, 2006 8:29:31 PM

I've become insanely enamored with approaching the dual handsfree / headphone quality problem from the opposite direction. Instead of finding 2-in-1 earbuds that are comfortable and isolating enough to be used as normal headphones, I've pretty much falled in love with a retractable 2-in-1 handsfree adapter. 2.5mm male to go into the Treo, retractable cable with a mic, and then a 3.5mm female on the other end that plugs into whatever earbuds/headset you have.

So this way, for instance, I get to use my Shure E4c's with my Treo, which has FINALLY allowed me to convert it into my primary mp3 player. Of course, I could do this with the regular 2.5mm-3.5mm adapter, but then I have to fumble with everything every time that I get a call - which defeats the purpose of a "convenient" solution.

It's just such an ideal solution: Until I saw that Shure model referenced by Dan, I had never seen anything that came CLOSE to even a paid of $20 Radio Shack earbuds for comfort or sound. But even that pair of Treo-specific Shures are well below the quality that a regular music listener would expect if they were going to spend money on good headphones. So why not use those headphones, and get the full functionality of the Treo anyway?

by Marc McCoombe | Nov 4, 2006 5:51:20 PM

Thanks for the tip Dan!

Just in case anyone else is interested, Ritz Camera has the Shure I2C-T headphones for $70.55 plus $6.95 shipping:


by eric | Nov 4, 2006 8:00:18 PM

wow, probably the nicest thing i've ever seen Palm create.

by eric | Nov 8, 2006 3:37:14 PM

Monday has come and passed, where is the review??

by Andrew | Nov 8, 2006 3:49:59 PM

Eric - I just got it last night so please give me another day or two... ;-)

Cheers, A.

by Bob Kohn | Nov 9, 2006 12:47:53 PM

Just got mine and I'm very disappointed with the sound quality. It may work fine for phone calls (if you can deal with the non-retractability), but the headset is absolutely useless for listening to music (unless you pine for the tinny sound of AM radio).

by aaron | Nov 9, 2006 1:02:54 PM

i have mine ordered... hope it doesn't blow!

by Chad Garrett | Feb 1, 2007 12:01:25 PM

I agree with Bob Kohn's comments. The sound is very poor- very tinny. I am very disappointed for a pair headphones. I have other headphones I use that have vastly superior quality that I only paid $10 for. Again, very disappointed.

by Mark Lawson | Feb 22, 2007 6:57:00 PM

I just got a pair of Shure i2ct headphones and these things sound great! I use them mostly for music and the sound quality is great, at least to my 48 year old ears. The only thing I don't like is the fact that there aren't the phone answering features I'm used to with my bluetooth headset. There is a button for muting the microphone and a volume control but that's it. Not a major problem since I like to check the phone to see who is calling before answering it, but I should be able to answer and end the call at a touch of a button. But, for good sound, these things rock!

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