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Treo 755p for Sprint: First Images!

Treo 755p Sprint

Well, it looks like all the rumours about a forthcoming Treo 755p [now available to buy] for Sprint (running PalmOS and the mega-benefit of high-speed EVDO wireless data) were right on the mark (see my recent Palm News roundup) with the first images of this latest Treo smartphone emerging today…

The Treo 755p appears to merge the dark blue rubberized body design of the Windows Mobile Treo 750 with all the key layout, mini-SD slot, camera and slimmer, lighter, antenna-less design of the PalmOS Treo 680.  Aside from this, the only significant disctinction between the Treo 680 and this Treo 755p is likely going to be price and much faster 3G wireless data capabilities – making the Treo 755p the first PalmOS smartphone to support 3G broadband connectivity...  The similarities between both devices also likely means that existing Treo accessories for the 680 will work with the 755p.

When released (some suggest a May 14 launch date) this new Sprint Treo 755p will replace the Treo 700p that Sprint launched back in May of last year.  This clearly shows that Palm is delivering on its promise to shorten the lifecycle of its products – updating them regularly every 12 months – and also that the company is able to gain faster carrier certification to release its new smartphones.

It looks like May will prove to be a particularly interesting month for Treonauts if as expected the Treo 755p is released and also Jeff Hawkins reveals details about his highly anticipated “new product” at Walt Mossberg’s “D” conference…

Treo 755p for Sprint in the wild [images via Engadget]

[Update: See my post Treo 755p For Sprint Now Official for more information.]

Treonauts always have ithe most nteresting times

Posted by Andrew on March 31, 2007 at 05:57 AM

Treo 755p

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Tracked on Apr 1, 2007 11:39:31 AM


by Bob | May 12, 2007 12:34:26 AM

I bought my new 755p today 5-11-07 at the local sprint store. Works very well. They just got the shipment in today. Not much different that previos treo's except sprint finally has a smaller lighter stubless smartphone.

by John Lopez | May 20, 2007 4:12:48 AM

I current using a Treo 650, I'm very disappointed with the sofware "document to go", when opening file on my "document to go" the treo 650 will re-start or power-off. I would love to get the new treo 755 hopeing it does not have that fault as the treo 650. John.

by tim acho | Jun 7, 2007 1:03:27 AM

i currently have a 700p and everyone complaines aboutr the bacround noise, is the 755p the same way???
If so how do i change that?

by deeg | Jul 12, 2007 4:57:15 AM

i just got a blue 755p
and im in love with it, i love the minimal yet adorable changes they've made, first the back is of a kind of skin material it feels good, 2nd the buttons have been enhanced and easier to touch, and NO antenna! thats the biggest for me <3 , ive owned all treos since 600 and this is the best! this i think is a real treo, im in love :P ty bye

by K~ | Aug 13, 2007 12:06:55 AM

I have been using the 650 since its release and LOVE it, it is a bit scratched up and I am a bit interested in some of the others with color (especially the blue 755p)
I mainly use the phone/calander, I recently purchased the 750 an dwas so disappointed! The windows os is not even as easy or pleasant to work (regardeing agenda) the appointments in the calander cannot be color coded and that is a must for me.. when i look at the month in a glance I like the different colors to give me an idea what is going on and the 750 you acually don't know until you select a day. I was also surprised the key lights didn't light up..
I had to take it back .. I really must have the color coding and I have decided I really do prefer the palm os
I have thought of upgrading from my 650 to a 680 but there really isn't a good reason except my 650 is looking pretty darn banged up.
I hope cingular will offer a Treo with palm os and a cool interface soon 3g would be cool but not a must:)

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