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Treo Battery Charger+ Wall Charger: Seidio's 2in1 Multi-Function Solution

A lot of people have complained to me about the lack of a travel battery charger that would work with the new slim Treo 680 and Treo 750 batteries.  Well, I’m glad to say that although it’s taken a very long time there is _finally_ a portable solution to charge ALL your spare batteries as well as simultaneously charging your smartphone thanks to the new Seidio Multi-Function Battery Charger.

Seidio Treo iBattery Charger

At its most basic, this Treo battery charger allows you to conveniently use any wall outlet to charge your spare batteries.  Simply fold out the power prongs at the back of the unit (below) and insert your battery into the slot.  A small LED light at the front will show Red when charging and Green when fully charged.

Seidio Treo Battery Charger

Seidio Treo Battery ChargerIn addition to this, the Seidio Multi-Function Battery Charger also offers two other charging options.

First, it allows you to simultaneously charge your Treo (image right) while also charging your battery via an included USB charging cable.  This will rather conveniently save you from having to carry an additional Treo wall charger.  The Seidio battery charger also happens to be quite light at only 132g (including the cable) compared to 102g for the Treo wall charger alone.

The second option allows you to use a spare USB port at your PC to charge your battery (but not your Treo).  You can do this by simply sliding the side Charger Switch Button (image below) from AC Power to USB Power.  Having said this, Seidio have rather annoyingly not included a USB A Male-to-Male cable so you’ll either already have this cable or you will need to buy one (for example I found this 9–Piece USB Adapters Kit at Amazon to be a particularly good deal).

Seidio Treo Battery Charger

I’m delighted to finally have a portable charger that will work with my spare Treo 680 batteries while also having the benefit to simultaneously charge my smartphone from a wall outlet.  Overall, the Seidio Multi-Function Battery Charger is without a doubt a very welcome addition to my Treo accessory kit.

Treonauts are always fully charged

Posted by Andrew on April 2, 2007 at 11:43 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo Battery Charger

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by allie | Apr 2, 2007 11:49:48 AM

Bummer. That thing looks like a brick. Who wants to carry that around? Please bring back the little seidio extra batter charger and include compatability with the 680 batts.

by josh s | Apr 2, 2007 1:17:35 PM

Wow that looks dangerous. Looks like the battery could fall out and kill the Treo as it lay on the floor. Cool idea. I'd rather just buy a 2400mah battery and the bigger cover.

by Fred | Apr 5, 2007 7:20:30 AM

Sorry to disagree with my esteemed colleagues, but I think this is a great idea. With this I can charge the Treo AND the extra battery without lugging around the Palm cradle when I travel. I don't think it's big or dangerous.

by Sundarlal Chuddha | Apr 14, 2007 6:10:38 PM

That thing looks like it's almost 2x the size of the tiny little treo in your picture.

by jenny | Oct 30, 2007 8:29:14 AM

Dont you think iis size is big. actually it seems to me. i may be wrong.

by brian mc laughlin | Jun 27, 2008 3:47:56 AM

can you please inform me if it is poss to get a palm treo charger thet will charge a 750 battery only not the whole device as i want a spare battery fully charged at all times . thank you

by ty | Oct 17, 2009 10:21:02 AM

does this battery charger work for the Palm Treo 800w? thanks!

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