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SafeGuard MetalSlider Aluminum Treo Case Review

Although I certainly appreciate the material and protective properties of aluminium I have never found a Treo Metal Case quite to my liking – principally because the traditional side hinged flip-lid design is a bit cumbersome.  The new SafeGuard MetalSlider (for Treo 680, 750 and 755p) now offers an interesting variation with a Treo case that seeks to combine the qualities of metal with the convenience of a SliderCase design.

Treo Case SafeGuard MetalSlider Back

The back of the MetalSlider (above) is made of aluminium while the front (below) is made of clear acrylic so that you can see the entire face of your Treo.  The strong one piece shell (below right) is further lined with neoprene for scratch protection at the back and two rubber side bands on the inside ensure that your smartphone will fit tightly.

SafeGuard MetalSlider Front SafeGuard MetalSlider Front Shell

Cutouts and openings on all sides of the MetalSlider ensure complete access and visibility to all buttons, connectors, camera, stylus, infrared, SD card and speakers as well as the keyboard offering easy typing thanks to a low side profile.

Treo Case SafeGuard MetalSlider Top Treo Case SafeGuard MetalSlider Bottom

The MetalSlider is slightly thicker than I would like as it adds between 2 to 3mm all around your Treo but the flipside is naturally that this will offer better and greater protection in case of a drop – the primary reason someone will want this type of Treo Case.

Treo Case SafeGuard MetalSlider Side1

There’s no doubt that the MetalSlider offers the most elegant metal case design that I have seen to date.  Having said this, I personally would have preferred to have an all-metal shell instead of the combination metal/acrylic used here.  Actually, my ideal metal case would probably be an aluminium version of the UltraSlim PocketPouch.

Treo Case SafeGuard MetalSlider Side2

Additionally, even though the included removable 360 degree swivel belt clip allows you to wear your Treo by your side the fact that the unprotected screen and keyboard face outwards makes this less than an ideal carrying solution and I therefore much prefer to use this case without attaching the belt clip at all.

Treo Case SafeGuard MetalSlider Belt Clip

Overall, there is much to like about the SafeGuard MetalSlider which makes a very good first attempt at introducing a new type of metal case but I personally feel that the design is not quite right yet.  I would like to see a future version being slightly slimmer and more form-fitting, made completely out of aluminium and without the belt clip.

For now my three favourite Treo cases will continue to be the:
P6 Pouch Case
UltraSlim Leather Holster
UltraSlim Leather PocketPouch

Treonauts are always hard on the case

Posted by Andrew on May 21, 2007 at 07:38 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo Case

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by John | May 21, 2007 6:59:54 PM

omg..what about the 650!!! ive always prefered using metal cases as they provide the best protection from scratches but like you mentioned above, the side hinges are a pain...anyway i really hope they release a 650 version in the future and all metal, maybe in different colors

by DG | May 28, 2007 12:39:52 PM

My apologies if this has been answered a thousand times before...but can someone please confirm that a magnetic enclosure in close proximity to my Treo 650 over an extended period of time is ok?

Traditionally, we've tended to not like to see magnets close to computers. Does this NOT apply to PDAs?

by YT | May 30, 2007 4:05:09 PM

Out of curiosity are they going to come out with the treo 680 for Verizon? Or are they coming out with another phone at some point?

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