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Smartphone Experts Treo 750 SnapCase Review

Ever since their first release a little over a year ago (see Clearly a Very Good Clear Case) I have found many reasons to like clear “crystal” Treo cases made out of acrylic or other hard plastic as a practical and robust solution to protect my Treo.  However, for one reason or another there has always been ‘something’ wrong with many of these clear hard cases as they either did not fit properly into place, were too difficult to remove once snapped together or were too thick and obstructed the keyboard.

Treo Case SPE SnapCase Front

Until now the best hard Treo case that I have reviewed has been the Seidio Super Slim Hard Case which is very well designed, provides solid protection and is quite elegant and discreet thanks to its slimness _but_ one which I found awfully hard to remove once fitted.  I was therefore extremely pleased to receive the new Smartphone Experts SnapCase (currently only for Treo 755p and 750) pictured here.

Treo Case SPE SnapCase Back

The SPE SnapCase is a clear, hard and thin Treo case which I believe now provides one of the best solutions in its category thanks to its robust construction, elegant design and particularly also its unobtrusive “easy release” clip system.

Treo Case SPE Snap Case Side1

Both sides of the SnapCase (above and below) offer the required openings for the mini SD slot and volume buttons while using a clip system that does not protrude outwards leaving the sides completely smooth.

Treo Case SPE SnapCase Side2

The bottom and top openings (below) offer the same benefits with easy access to the power/audio/HotSync connectors, silent slider as well as the stylus.

Treo Case SPE SnapCase Bottom Treo Case SPE SnapCase Top

As I mentioned earlier, the low side profile of the SnapCase provides easy access to all the keyboard (detail below left).  Another important improvement on this case is the addition of a small groove under the lower left clip system which allows you to easily open the case when you need to – for example to change the Treo battery – while remaining tightly snapped together at all other times. 

Treo Case SPE SnapCase Keyboard Treo Case SPE SnapCase Latch

Overall, the SPE SnapCase is without a doubt one of the best hard Treo cases that I have come across – one that offers great protection and a much improved closure mechanism.  Hopefully it won’t be too long before the Treo 680 version becomes available.

Treonauts are always clearly protected

Posted by Andrew on May 10, 2007 at 09:06 AM

Treo Accessories , Treo Case

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by Bo | May 10, 2007 6:26:43 PM

Does the new SnapCase have a cover for the Treo screen? I can't tell from the photos.

Any idea when a SnapCase for the 700p will be available?


by Helen | Jan 30, 2008 5:44:18 PM

I have this case...and LOVE IT!!!

To answer 'Bo'...no cover for the screen but it really isn't neccesary since I have one of those glare/scratch protector films and the air case surrounds enough to protect.

I have droped it a few times without any damage which makes me feel more at ease at carring it around everywhere I go.

I recommend this to anyone that has a treo!!!! Best $20 I have spent on this phone...wish it was $17 when I purchased it.

I used to use a leather case that required me to put the phone in there and then snap the case close...but dropped the phone a few times denting the exterior of the phone as well as putting a crack on the delicate side pannels of the screen :( (poor phone.)

by Touch Phone | Sep 15, 2010 11:44:39 PM

The new SnapCase have a cover for the Treo screen?

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