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Treo Google Maps Update Now With Contacts Integration

Best Treo Mapping SoftwareLet me start by saying that if you don’t already have Google Maps (see my review) installed on your Treo you should do so without hesitation at the soonest – it is without a doubt one of the top, most useful and fun freeware applications for your smartphone.

If like me you have already been using Google Maps for a while then you’ll want to ensure that you now update it with the latest version released a few days ago which implements 80% of the feature requests that Treonauts had made in my original review and can be downloaded online or installed directly from your Treo web browser at www.google.com/gmm/treo (for faster access you can also simply use this direct download link www.google.com/gmm/GoogleMaps.prc )

 Google Maps v1.0 - Location Search Google Maps v1.2 - Location Search

The new Google Maps (image above right) offers faster operation and a shorter startup time as well as five dedicated on-screen buttons (located at the top right corner of the screen) for direct access to location search, business search, directions, real-time traffic info and satellite view.  Having said this, both the location and size of these buttons are better suited to stylus than thumb operation…

 Google Maps - Contact Lookup 

However, the best improvement by far to Google Maps can now be found in the fact that it has finally been integrated with your Contacts so that you can quickly find the exact location/get directions to any personal or business address already stored on your Treo without the need to re-type the information.  A new button at the bottom right corner of the screen opens the Menu for “Contact Lookup” and selecting it opens your Contacts list with their address which you can then quickly add with one click to Google Maps.


I just love the way that the Google Maps team seem to listen and respond to Treonauts’ requests such as in this case by also having added a “Save as Contact” option for any Business search.  In this instance above, I searched for my nearest Starbucks.  The result screen allows me to call the location at the press of one simple “Call” button but the “To” and “From” buttons originally found in v1.0 have been removed and can only be accessed via the Menu now.

 Google Maps Menu 1 Google Maps Menu 2

Finally, another minor change is found in the Menu which now lists “Show Traffic” (instead of “Show or Hide Traffic”), “View Satellite” (instead of “Map <-> Satellite View”) and also “Reset Google Maps” (instead of “Erase All”).  Additionally, there is also now an automatic traffic data refresh every 60 seconds (when “Show Traffic” is enabled).

A few things that Google Maps does unfortunately not _yet_ do is combine the E911 GPS data inside your Treo to provide you with an exact location of where you are or offer the connectivity to be used as GPS Navigation Software with an external GPS receiver.  Additionally, there is still no bookmarking feature or default “home” location(s) for directions.  However, given the fact that Google Maps continues to improve regularly I have no doubt that we will see this at some point in the future.

Treonauts are always ahead of the future

Posted by Andrew on July 10, 2007 at 09:34 AM

Treo Software | Mapping

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by forgot | Jul 10, 2007 10:08:25 AM

Downloaded it the other day, and love it. I, like you, look forward to the day we can use it with GPS. Maybe on future GPS enabled Treo's?

by James Good | Jul 10, 2007 10:40:07 AM

I wish we knew who the Treonauts were who wrote this fabulous app for our Treos. They need a good pat on the back for doing such a good job.


by What's in a name? | Jul 10, 2007 11:35:44 AM

You see, that's how you listen to your customers! Take note of this Palm - you severely need to take notes on how to "implement" customer feedback and not just offer a "token" feedback link on your site, just to ignore the feedback! Yes, you will not be able to please everyone all the time, but Google has just displayed the age old saying...."ask and you will receive!"

It's sad how you can easily just turn unrelated good news into Palm-bashing fodder.

by millca | Jul 10, 2007 12:26:47 PM

Has anyone figured out how to make this work using T-Mobile's t-zones? I have a network connection but it always gives me an "network timeout" error.

by vzwchick | Jul 10, 2007 12:34:32 PM

also hoping that the GPS implementation happens soon, and can be integrated with current devices.

::crosses fingers::

by D | Jul 10, 2007 1:26:00 PM

Does anyone know if the new version of Google Maps will work on the 755p?
Its not listed as a supported device at www.google.com/gmm/treo

by Scott | Jul 10, 2007 1:36:45 PM

I know I am missing something simple, but can you not use the 5-way to navigate to the next waypoint in directions? If not, how do you find the next point other than just moving the map along?


by Brandon | Jul 10, 2007 1:45:14 PM

To scott

You can press the spacebar to move forward to the next step in the directions or the backspace key to go back in directions.

by newtreouser | Jul 10, 2007 1:53:38 PM

I've just downloaded the new google maps program also and encountered a problem using the contacts integreation. when I go to look up contacts for find location, the screen goes blank. Any ideas are welcome

by Tom | Jul 10, 2007 1:57:52 PM

I installed this yesterday but I do not see the area in the bottom right corner for the contacts look-up. Am I missing something.

by Kumar Shah | Jul 10, 2007 3:28:45 PM

Same problem as previous poster: screen goes a bright white but blank when I go to look up contacts. Wonder if this is because I use Good Messaging to integrate with my Office Outlook Contacts.

by hersheybosco | Jul 10, 2007 6:54:02 PM

Was able to link my Bluetooth GPS to my Treo 700w and get real time location. The only thing I have not tried is driving with it to see if it tracks. Will report later.

by Richard Schneider | Jul 10, 2007 7:47:26 PM

Best new program around. One of the few new programs I got to work correctly on my Palm 680. I would recommend it to everyone.

by Stan | Jul 11, 2007 8:52:49 AM

I do not see any button on the bottom right corner of my screen. I have a 700p and installed the software yesterday. Does anyone have the same problem or suggestions on what I am missing? Thanks.

by stan | Jul 11, 2007 8:53:49 AM

In my previous post I am referring to the button for the contacts.....Thanks

by kiingarthur | Jul 11, 2007 10:19:41 AM

Microsoft Live Search for the Treo 750, I think, is better that Google Maps for the Treo 750.

Give it a try!

by Eric W | Jul 11, 2007 11:59:57 AM

I just loaded the new Google maps on my 755p, so far it works perfectly! I was surprised, since Google Maps is located in the ROM, but so far so good.

by gizmo | Jul 11, 2007 12:06:24 PM

The "Lookup contact" does not work if Good Mobile Messaging is installed or is it just me? Anyone? anyone?

by Sikes | Jul 11, 2007 3:50:45 PM

The previous version of Google Maps for Palm let you lookup info in contacts too. Just type in some of the info, and then hold the menu button and press L. It's a great feature but not new to this version.

The feature I was really hoping for (but wasn't delivered) is the ability to tap on the screen to set a location. The Windows Mobile version already has that and something I guess we'll have to wait for a bit longer.

by Kilted.Cornishman | Jul 11, 2007 4:34:18 PM

Direct access to the web address as would be a plus.
I like the ability to call directly from the result screen, but to look at a restaurant's website for the menu, for example would be a great advantage.
I also like the idea of being able to enter you current location with a stylus tap, or using the E-911 GPS location. Often I am places that I don't know the zipcode, or address..
Other than that.. Great Job!

by Louis K | Jul 12, 2007 4:04:00 PM

I live in New York City, and would love to be able to add bus, train & subway routes (& stations) to the info on the map.
Any ideas on how to do this?
I did find that I can add subway stations as a "find business", but not bus stops, and not any routes.

by Mark | Jul 13, 2007 12:44:49 PM

As Sikes noted, the previous version of GM also had the contact look-up feature, but it was, and still is, flawed. For some reason, it cannot find many of my contacts - they're simply not in the list that it's searching. I haven't yet discovered the common characteristics between those it can't find.

I wonder if this is why some of the users are complaining about a blank white screen when using the search feature - it's not finding *any* contacts for them?

by Borszczuk | Jul 16, 2007 7:01:21 AM

by sanjay | Jul 18, 2007 1:50:06 PM

How come on NONE of the reviews I've seen on this site, is the category as to WHAT version of the treo the software will run on?

Shouldn't there be a requirement on all reviews that says, RUNS ON: and then whether it's WM or Palm OS?

Wouldn't that take the mystery out of "gee, I should read the review, get all excited and then look at the graphics IN the review and realize, nope, this is Palm OS."

by Nicholas Mollo | Jul 20, 2007 12:03:41 AM

The google maps is the version that works with the 700 WX (windows)

The latest palm is

The windows version supports bluetooth GPS with location tracking and directions from contact list and the save to contacts feature.

I took the bluetooth GPS EMTAC out for a ride with 700WX and google maps and it performed almost as good as my $2000.00 alpine nav system.

I just recently picked up the 755P and realized that it has no GPS support. I really like the new size, shape, and feel but it has mini-SD (I have about 5 standard SD cards already). From a phone perspective the 755P blows away the 700 WX. But as far as features the 700 WX is the winner still. As much as I hate to I am going back to the 700WX.

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