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Treo Stylus | SPE Solid Stylus In Single Colours

Best Treo StylusWhen I last reviewed the SPE Solid Treo Stylus someone commented that he definitely wanted one but not in multicoloured packs (with one each in Silver, Gold, Pink).  I am therefore happy to see that the Treo Accessories Store has finally released a new set of 3–packs for each individual colour – you can thus now choose three of your favourite instead of wasting one in the multicolour pack that you might never use (such as pink in my case…).

 Treo Solid Stylus Multicolour Treo Solid Stylus All Silver

As I’ve mentioned before, what I like most about the Solid Stylus is that although it lacks a built-in pen (not essential for me) it offers a sturdier (all metal body with a small plastic tip) and heavier (6 grams instead of the standard 3 grams) solution which feels much better in my hands on a daily basis than the original Palm pen stylus that came with my Treo 680.  The unique Solid Stylus colours are also a fun way to personalize my Treo (the Gold version is quite unique).

Treo Solid Stylus All Gold Treo Solid Stylus All Pink

The new single colour packs are available as the Treo 680 Solid Stylus and Treo 750/755p Solid Stylus but not yet for the Treo 650/700. 

It may be a small and simple detail but if like me you can dispense with the traditional built-in pen in your stylus I think that you’ll find these styli to be considerably better to use regularly thanks to their solid and heavier build – the unique colours are a further bonus.

For more Treo accessories solutions please see some of my other “Editor’s Choice” selections:
– Best Value Treo Accessory: SPE Retractable S&C Cable
– Best Treo Case: SPE P6 Pouch Case
– Best Treo Cradle: Palm Treo Cradle Kit
– Best Treo Holster: Helix Holster
– Best Treo Bluetooth Headset: Aliph Jawbone
– Best Treo Battery Charger: Palm Treo Battery Charger

Treonauts always look for the small details

Posted by Andrew on July 3, 2007 at 09:46 AM

Treo Stylus

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by Dave | Jul 6, 2007 12:24:56 PM

I 'definitely want one' too, but $34 postage to Europe? The global market doesn't stop provincial thinking it seems.

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