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Windows Mobile 6 (WM6) Unofficial Update For Treo 750

Treo 750 WM6 UpdateBack in March of this year both Microsoft and Palm had confirmed that a Windows Mobile 6 upgrade would at some point become available for the Cingular/AT&T Treo 750 but many moons have passed and the official carrier update has yet to make its appearance…

Although the latest rumours now point to an official release in September as is often the case some smart techies just got tired of waiting and posted their own unofficial AT&T WM6 ROM update (Windows Mobile 6.0 AKU 0.2.4 Build 17746).

The upgrade process is pretty straightforward and most people appear to have successfully updated their smartphone with no issues whatsoever.  After downloading the ROM:

  • Plug your Treo 750 into a power source
  • Make sure that you have a FAT32 formatted miniSD card
  • Load software update onto your miniSD card (CHEEIMG.nbh file). Insert the card in your smartphone.
  • Press and hold both the PTT App Button (button on left side of device under volume controls) + Pin Reset (next to miniSD card slot). You no longer need to hold the Windows key as well. You will be prompted to press the End key to start the update. This step takes about 10 minutes to complete.
  • Hard reset the device when prompted. To hard-reset, hold the End key while pressing the pin reset button. Answer “yes” to “Erase all data” prompt.


[Please note that this is a completely unofficial update and therefore if something does go wrong you will not have access to support.]

Some Treo software such as Pocket MSN are not included in this ROM, no support for the new Office 2007 file formats (docx, xlsx) and OneNote Mobile and PowerPoint are also missing.  However, for many the most important part is that HSDPA will now be enabled and it also appears that SDHC card support has been added as well as VoiceCommand 1.6.

Hopefully it won’t be too long before AT&T gets its act together and finally decides to release their official Windows Mobile 6 upgrade…

Separately, Treo 750 owners will also want to get this official Palm Treo 750 Smartphone Audio Alerts Update which fixes an issue where occasionally this smartphone could enter a state where sounds were lost for phone calls and notifications and could result in missed calls and notifications.

Finally, please note that our Treo Accessories Store is one of the few places where you’ll find an Unlocked Treo 750 priced at only $569.95. 

Treonauts always find faster solutions

Posted by Andrew on July 30, 2007 at 08:25 AM

Treo 750

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by Sarcsurfer | Oct 27, 2007 8:56:16 PM

Hello All! Looking for a little help... I cannot get my phone to update. I have reformatted my sd card to fat32 and only left the cheediag.nbh or cheeimg.nbh files on the card when attempting the update process. The diag file never seems to do anything and i get some cryptic red numbers at the top of the screen. I reformat the card and only put the cheeimg.nbh file on the card. Press and hold ptt and reset button... Treo asks to press power button and update seems to work and I get a success message and then do a hard reset. After reboot, Treo still has WM5 on it?!?!? Done 6-7 times... Could my nbh files be old or corrupt? Anyone have the latest and greatest? I have a locked AT&T phone... do I need to unlock maybe? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! [email protected]

by don | Nov 5, 2007 1:06:07 PM

Did you ever get it to load.....

by son | May 9, 2009 4:48:56 PM

do you have a at&t locked cell phone u need to download at&t's own upgrade do the search at google
-if you have a at&t unlocked cellphone you cannot upgrade it with at&t upgrade wm6 you have to search on google for CHEEIMG.nbh.file-click on CHEEIMG.nbh Torrent download-then is going to show you some websites click on THe second vertor.com-click on download from the web --next click on -select local torrent-for the destination of the file--next click download torrent-when it reaches 100%-- wait 2 hours,then go look for your file in the destination you choosed--make sure your minisd is formatted fat32 then rigth click on the file and send to minisd.Plug your Treo 750 into a power source
Make sure that you have a FAT32 formatted miniSD card
Load software update onto your miniSD card (CHEEIMG.nbh file). Insert the card in your smartphone.
Press and hold both the PTT App Button (button on left side of device under volume controls) + Pin Reset (next to miniSD card slot). You no longer need to hold the Windows key as well. You will be prompted to press the End key to start the update. This step takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Hard reset the device when prompted. To hard-reset, hold the End key while pressing the pin reset button. Answer “yes” to “Erase all data” prompt.

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