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Free Palm GPS Navigator With Select Treo Smartphones

Two weeks ago I posted news of Palm’s excellent Treo GPS Smartphone Edition 3 Offer which reduced the price of this handheld GPS solution to only $169 and that like me a great many Treonauts found just too good to miss.

Treo GPSPalm has now gone one step further and made the Treo GPS Smartphone Edition 3 FREE (after $50 mail-in rebate) when you buy either a Windows Mobile Treo 700wx, 750 or PalmOS Treo 700p, 755p smartphone without a service plan (no contract).

To benefit from this offer you must follow the link above and 1) pick the smartphone and the carrier that you want then on the next page 2) add the Palm GPS Smartphone Edition 3 to your cart and 3) print the $50 mail-in rebate.  [You will see that in your cart the GPS benefits from an instant rebate of $169 and the remaining $50 is offset by the mail-in rebate.]

This means that the effective price of a Treo GPS solution combined with a new Treo 700wx or Treo 700p is as low as $450 while the Treo 750 is only $480 and Treo 755p just $410.

If you already own a Treo then the original Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3 offer will undoubtedly still prove to be the most appealing but if you’re in the market for a new smartphone and would like to have the added benefit of a handheld GPS solution then this latest deal should certainly give you a reason to make the jump.

Having just spent ten days driving across Switzerland visiting friends and family with my GPS and not getting lost or arriving late to my destination even once it’s pretty simple to explain why I’ll never tire to rave about this particular Treo accessory – there’s no doubt that after the Treo this is my most trusted travel companion…

Treonauts always get the best offers

Posted by Andrew on August 21, 2007 at 07:18 AM

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by Blake | Aug 21, 2007 9:35:32 AM

Cool I guess for those who haven't already bought a Treo.

by Paul Thompson | Aug 21, 2007 9:38:30 AM

Or move to the UK.... Palm has a similar deal going on right now that except you don't even have to do the $50 mail in rebate bit. And that's nice, since I just moved to England from the States and needed to buy a Treo 680 for each of me and my wife. :)

by Chris | Aug 21, 2007 5:52:45 PM

Anybody get the feeling palm is going to release a treo w/ built in gps???????

by Karen | Aug 21, 2007 11:11:19 PM

I just got a new 700p fm Verizon to replace my dead 700p. Does that count?? :))

by patrick | Aug 22, 2007 1:58:50 AM

if i got a treo 755p would it work with verizon since verizon is being slow as hell releasing their version?

by Jay | Aug 22, 2007 9:07:15 AM

Yes, that was my thought as well, buying a 755p and having Verizon turn it on with my plan? Anyone?

by Jay | Aug 22, 2007 9:59:57 AM

Yes, that was my thought as well, buying a 755p and having Verizon turn it on with my plan? Anyone?

by Brad Hyatt | Aug 22, 2007 10:33:55 AM

I read a lot of blogs on smartphones, etc. -- and NOBODY has said a nice word about the Centro! Has anyone read one? Any comments on this open letter from Engadget to Palm? http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2007/08/21/engadget-chats-up-palms-follies/
I think Palm had better wake up before they are out of the game totally! Agree?

by cher | Aug 25, 2007 4:59:47 PM

Does one need a new sim card to unlock a palm treo 680?

by Jim | Aug 26, 2007 8:15:15 PM

Well, I just added to my full day list of "Treo-isms". I purchased the TomTom Navigator Deal from Palm for use with my Treo 700w. Come on...you just can't beat the $169.00 cost. I live in the Philadelphia, PA area (was wondering about all the "England" references. I thought I'd basically "get" what I paid for since most GPS systems are going for $250 a pop for a quality system (this is after sales). This system works better than the actual Treo phone! The voice directions are accurate and I've even tried to trick the system by alternating from my course. It re-calculates on the fly! SO, now my day has. The Treo as my alarm in the morning, check my work and personal email to start my day, surf the net while on the train to work. Listen to music with my portable speakers attached to my treo in my office. Listen to music while at the gym with my Treo in my arm sleeve. Pull up a contact on my treo that I'm heading to after the gym and navigate to that location with my TomTom Navigator! Oh yeah...I'll use the phone a few times during the day!

by gadget | Aug 28, 2007 11:37:10 PM

hope someone can help me...
I want a GPS for my motorcycle...Garmin makes a top of the line Zumo 550. I doubt any PDA can beat it as a GPS. However a Treo is always with me. I have the old 600 and was waiting to update...so i will if i want a system for the treo ( the Garmin Zumo comes with brackets to swithc from bike to car )
Sprint does have a cool GPS called Telenav only 9.95 month...updated often and no extra charges...however i do not think there is any receiver so it comes via the sprint towers i guess...and then that would mean when i lose my phone signal i will lose my gps.
Here is the Big Question...I know there are many after market receivers...some must be faster and more accurate than others...Then there is the software...tom tom and the Garmin navteq. I know many people love the tom tom...but very few people have actually compared different software and different receivers to find out what is the fastest most accurate...and when i take back roads with the bike...i would like to feel secure that i can find my way....hope you all will send me some email to [email protected] and give me some help...I am so frustrated trying to find honest comparisons...If i do not go with the waterproof garmen Zumo 550...I will get an otterbox or something waterproof for the treo...thank you all

by steve guilmette | Sep 1, 2007 3:02:53 AM

had a treo 650 and a tomtom nav 5...and a motorcycle....designed a great mounting system that made it transferable to my car and it worked great ....till my 650 took a dump & i was up graded to a 700p... ended up doing the deal for $169...(it was minimaly more expensive to get a palm gps with the tomtom 6, & will give the nav 5 to my daughter for her 650)....can not say enough about the functiunality of the navigator stuff even if the organization is not perfict , better than anything out there

by Mike D | Sep 6, 2007 11:29:21 AM

Hopefully this GPS offer is handled better than the incompetant way it is currently handled in Europe.

I purchased a Treo 680 2007-07-24 and submitted my GPS application 2007-07-26. It's now 2007-09-06 (6 weeks later) and there is still no sign of my "free" GPS. When I queried this, I was informed:

"we don t have stock anymore so we have to put the orders in hold. We have 1400 of them in the system.
I dont know when Palm will send us more stock."

Great customer service. Not.

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