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New ALP Screenshots (ACCESS Linux Platform)

To coincide with the LinuxWorld conference taking place in San Francisco, ACCESS launched a new website and also some screenshots of its ACCESS Linux Platform (ALP) which helps to give us an indication as to what the future of Palm’s own next generation operating system might look like (a Treo running this new OS is anticipated at the beginning of 2008).

PalmOS ALP ACCESS Linux Platform

There’s no doubt that the interface looks quite clean and elegant – one which finally provides more color depth and a 3D feel.  In fact I find that it looks rather similar to the interface found on the Apple iPhone.

A few interesting things about ALP include the fact that it is expected to have support for various inputs from a standard QWERTY keyboard, 5Way Nav button, touchscreen and digitizer as well as multiple hard keys.  Additionally, an enhanced networking and communication support means that it can offer multiple simultaneous (data + voice) connections, TCP/IP, WiFi (802.11g), Bluetooth 2.0, USB data transfer, IrDA (Infrared) and serial.  Furthermore, resolutions supported include QVGA (240 x 320), HVGA (320 x 480) and WVGA (800 x 480)…

Separately it also looks like ACCESS will be placing a greater emphasis on multimedia with a robust built-in MP3 music player, video player and photo album management solutions.

While all of this is undoubtedly great news I personally still feel that Palm will have to address (arguably urgently) not only the challenge of a new operating system implementation but also to make significant changes to its hardware, software, services and content strategies – all of which have been in serious decline over the past year and a half.

ACCESS Linux Platform [Official Website]

Treonauts are always pushing for a better future

Posted by Andrew on August 13, 2007 at 08:06 AM
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» New ACCESS Linux Platform screenshots emerge from Engadget
For those still remotely interested in the ACCESS Linux Platform , we applaud you, and to reward you [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 13, 2007 5:14:48 PM

» New ACCESS Linux Platform screenshots emerge from Pocket.Net - Mobile 2.0
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Tracked on Aug 13, 2007 5:23:10 PM

» Screenshots of the Next Gen Linux-Based Palm Treo OS? from Gizmodo
galleryPost('accessOSscreens', 8, 'ACCESS OS Screens'); Here are some new ACCESS Linux Platform (ALP) screenshots from Linux World. Interesting for the sake of the idea of an alternative mobile OS, like OpenMOKO's, but also because Treonauts believes t... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 13, 2007 6:33:46 PM

» Cellphones: Screenshots of ACCESS Linux Platform (The Next Gen Linux-Based Palm Treo OS?) from Gizmodo
galleryPost(accessOSscreens, 8, ACCESS OS Screens); Here are some new ACCESS Linux [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 13, 2007 7:40:15 PM

» Access Linux Platform screen shots from Treo Today
ACCESS (the company formerly known as Palmsource remember them?) recently participated in this years LinuxWorld conference, held last week in San Francisco. They made a few announcements, and updated their website with some new screens... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 14, 2007 3:54:49 PM

» 新しいACCESS Linux Platform(ALP)のスクリーンショット from Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン)
  Linux Worldで発表された、新しいモバイルOS「ACCESS Li... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 21, 2007 1:06:43 AM


by Blake | Aug 13, 2007 9:40:52 AM

Great looking. And you hit it on the dot:

"In fact I find that it looks rather similar to the interface found on the Apple iPhone."

Looks like once again another company has used Apple's innovation to model after. Great originality ALP!

by Andrew | Aug 13, 2007 10:16:05 AM

Blake - actually on this particular occasion the ALP design actually precedes that of the iPhone by a few years... The fact is that this new OS is now years overdue and we should all have been enjoying these new looks some time ago...

Cheers, A.

by TazUk | Aug 13, 2007 1:08:18 PM

But we'll be seeing on future Treo's will not be ALP but Palm's own Linux based OS. Whether that's as good we'll have to wait and see....

by TazUk | Aug 13, 2007 1:08:58 PM

There's should have been a "what" after the "But"

by John | Aug 13, 2007 1:12:54 PM

Does anyone know if any of the current Treo hardware will be able to use this new OS or will you have to buy a new phone next year when it come out? I have a 650 and would like to upgrade, but may wait for the new OS. Any suggestions?

by dmm | Aug 13, 2007 1:55:17 PM

TazUK--Agreed, we don't yet know what to expect from Palm's Linux-based OS. However, they have some things in common: 1) both are backwards compatible to Garnet; 2) if I remember the terms of Palm's license-in-perpetuity agreement, they have to maintain some level of overall compatibility with ALP. So it's good to keep an eye on, even if it isn't front-and-center what we've been waiting for.

John--more than likely we'll have to buy new phones to get much of the benefit. After all, a big part of the reason for the new OS is to add capabilities not supported by Garnet (e.g. simultaneous voice + data or WiFi + cellular connections). So at best, loading the new OS would get you some multitasking capability, maybe Bluetooth enhancements like A2DP--it would take a hardware upgrade to get major benefits.

by Antoine | Aug 13, 2007 2:25:00 PM

Great News! It was more than due. I love my treo hardware speaking, but as for the look of the GUI it's very clear that it's years behind. Even low entry non-smart phone now have a way better look than palm os. And the tools to try to make it look better are pretty limited .

by Tommy | Aug 13, 2007 4:33:00 PM

Very snazzy looking. I like it the look. But, I'm confused. If Palm is doing their own Linux O/S, then isn't Access competing with them? Or is Access writing the core O/S and Palm is writing the built-in apps (calendar, e-mail, notepad, etc.). Or am I completely wrong? Does anyone know?

Are there any working demos yet or just screen shots?

Either way, if they are not planning to roll anything out until Jan 2008, I think they're risking be obsolete before it hits the streets.

I've been seeing ALP screenshots for over a year... At least Microsoft is rolling out major updates. Hmmm.

by TazUk | Aug 13, 2007 4:50:53 PM

Yes Palm are writing their own. If someone makes a smartphone running ALP then that will be in competition with Palm rather than the OS itself.

by Dan | Aug 13, 2007 6:49:39 PM

I like it a lot. Cant wait to port it to my HTC Omni.

by Turtle | Aug 14, 2007 5:17:59 AM

Well, Looks like palm is trying to play catch up with
apple's iphone. From what Iv'e heard theirs a new
apple Iphone 2 to be possibly released end of year.
Which will actually make palm to to dig themselves
a bigger hole to get out of.

by Serbon | Aug 14, 2007 8:50:39 AM

You got to love comments like this:
"Blake--Looks like once again another company has used Apple's innovation to model after."

What exactly is modeled "icons" or "wallpaper" or, I know I know, it is probably a "Clock" that Apple invented and now everyone is copying them. Or maybe you are talking about numbers and dial pad and aren’t we lucky that Apple invented "a dial pad with numbers" and now all Telco companies are copying them.

It just pisses me of when Fanboys like this attribute everything to Apple. Soon it will be that a wheel is actually invented by Apple.

by Blake | Aug 14, 2007 9:18:07 AM

Serbon --

I love it almost as much as the mundane:
"(a Treo running this new OS is anticipated at the beginning of 2008)"

Soon, soon, soon is all Treo users get. I've been too disappointed with Treo after Treo. Read other posts I've done you noob. Did I ever say the words "icons", "wallpaper" or "clock" in my post? Learn to read. The very fact that Andrew pointed out:

"actually on this particular occasion the ALP design actually precedes that of the iPhone by a few years..." is sad. This is PDA software we're talking about.

Who's attributing everything to Apple? I'm talking about new ideas, not new UIs. What has Palm come out with in the last few years that no other PDA maker has? That pisses me off frankly and Fanboys for Treos who get mad at others pointing out Palm's flaws. Chill out Serb. It's called criticism.

by Liberty For ALL! | Aug 14, 2007 11:34:59 PM

ALP has been developing their vaporware for how long now, and they wait for Apple to release iPhone first to duplicate the general look of? Lame! At Palm/ALP innovation seems mostly dead...

by Gb | Nov 3, 2008 3:54:24 PM

Will this be available for install on a Palm Centro currently owned?

by jailbreak iphone | Aug 30, 2011 3:31:10 PM

jailbreak iphone

by lg unlock | Nov 21, 2011 2:35:58 PM

I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found this site to be very interesting. I will be coming back to this site for more information.

by Nic Coventry | Mar 21, 2012 3:25:17 PM

Do people even use Palm devices anymore these days. I accidentally came across this site because I was looking for info on JailBreaking iPhones. I used to be an avid Palm Treo user myself, and until I bought a BlackBerry, I thought it was the cat's ass. Then I upgraded from a BlackBerry to an iPhone and man, what a difference, I'm sure you know. You have done a really good job, keep up the good work!

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