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Palm Treo GPS Smartphone Edition 3 Offer

Yesterday I came across a terrific offer on Palm’s website which I thought was too good to miss since it offers the latest Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3 reduced to only $169 from $249 – a saving of $80 (after instant and mail-in rebate).

Palm Treo GPS Smartphone Edition 3Considering that the TomTom Navigator 6 software alone costs $150, this is without a doubt the best deal on any Treo GPS solution that I have come across to date – one which provides an unmissable opportunity to finally experience the absolutely incredible, fun and extremely useful benefits of having a GPS navigation solution in your hands wherever you go.

As I’ve mentioned on a number of occasions, ever since first installing the TomTom Navigator GPS software (Editor’s Choice) on my Treo a couple of years ago it has become one of my absolute top favourite Treo accessories and I now don’t travel anywhere without one.  It has saved me from getting lost and taken me to my destinations in record time so often that I consider the original cost to have easily been amortized many times over. (see my review Treo GPS – My Favourite Accessory of the Year)

Best Treo GPS Navigation SolutionThe Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3 features the NEW TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 software which provides voice-guided, turn-by-turn directions so you can keep your eyes on the road. Navigate using the latest Tele Atlas maps covering the United States and Canada, including millions of points of interest to help you find fuel, restaurants, parks, airports, and more. Automatic route recalculation puts you back on track if you take a wrong turn. Friendly user interface and touch screen operation make navigation simple and fast.

Setup is extremely simple. Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3 includes a 1GB memory card pre-installed with a map of the United States and Canada. Simply insert the memory card into your Treo smartphone to launch TomTom NAVIGATOR and you’re ready to go!

The new custom device cradle holds your Treo securely in place and within reach. GPS Navigator includes a SiRFstarIII-powered GPS receiver with Bluetooth wireless technology, software, memory card, vehicle device cradle with windshield mount and charging system. You'll never have to fold another unwieldy road map again!

Supports over 30 voice instructions and 18 User Interface languages including Spanish and French.


  • TomTom NAVIGATOR 6.030 software
  • 1GB Memory card pre-installed with map of the United States and Canada
  • GPS receiver powered by SiRFStarIII with Bluetooth technology
  • Custom vehicle device cradle with mounting bracket and suction cup pad
  • Vehicle power duo-adapter to simultaneously power both your Treo and GPS receiver
  • USB memory card reader

If you don’t already own a GPS solution for your Treo then this Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3 special offer should finally prove to be the occasion to make the jump.  I have no doubt that like me after using it you’ll wonder how you ever got around without one.

Other essentials and “Editor’s Choice” Treo accessories in my kit include:
SPE Retractable S&C Cable
Treo Battery Charger
Aliph Jawbone Noise Shield Headset
SPE P6 Pouch Case

Treonauts are always amazed by what their Treo can do

Posted by Andrew on August 9, 2007 at 06:16 AM

Treo GPS

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by RichC | Aug 9, 2007 9:46:34 AM

I've yet to disagree with Andrew on his Editor Picks, so today was the trigger for ordering a GPS. I hope I'll like the device cradle for the second car as I do like my iGrip for my primary vehicle. The extra $50 rebate was just too much for me to pass on ... but for those ordering after me, be sure to click the "3rd Day shipping option" when checking out to get the free shipping. (otherwise you'll pay over $5 for economy shipping) Thanks again for the blog reviews and helping me to make even more productive use of my Treo.

by James | Aug 9, 2007 10:57:11 AM

What type of power plug does the GPS unit use? Is it the Palm connector, mini-USB, or something proprietary?


by Andrew | Aug 9, 2007 11:30:22 AM

James - the GPS receiver uses a miniUSB power plug so the vehicle power adapter in this kit has two ends with one to charge the receiver (miniUSB) and one to charge your Treo (standard Palm connector).

I hope this helps.

Cheers, A.

by Linda Ireland | Aug 9, 2007 2:11:51 PM

Question - this says it comes with a 1 GB SD with the maps on it. Does anyone know if I could use, say an 2, 4, or 8 GB SD and copy the contents of this onto it, so that I could still have my regular SD info available? Up till now, I've only used a 2 GB SD, and I have heard that Treo RAM may not recognize 4 and 8 GB cards for synching data, but can still use the info. But is there anything special (i.e., softcopy data protection) on this 1 GB card for the GPS that requires it to be used rather than a copy of the data?

Also, I'm curious if anyone else has used this outside of a car. I'd like to use it for biking, too. How would you mount it and power it on a bike? I do have a Boxwave DC adapter/charger (DC, USB, and foldout AC) that plugs into a juice bag backpack that's solar. It's enough to keep the phone charged for a long time, but then I'm not using it continuously for GPS. So how much juice would the GPS and continuous Treo 680 screen operation take, is that workable?

Oh - and ANOTHER question - how do these GPS car mount units mix with using either hands free, voice dialling, or playing Pocket Tunes simultaneously? I keep on thinking I'll buy this stuff, but I can't figure out where these solutions overlap, so I haven't done it yet.

Thanks for your help!

by Heather | Aug 9, 2007 3:57:19 PM

Since I've been shopping around for a GPS, I couldn't pass up this deal either. Mine has been ordered!

by TreoTricia | Aug 9, 2007 9:55:39 PM

Thanks for posting this awesome deal. I've been waiting for the right time and this is it.

BTW, a review on another tech site says it comes with a mini-SD card and adaptor.

by Steve Truong | Aug 10, 2007 11:37:52 AM

I have the same questions Linda has so if someone can shed a light on the issue of putting this app on a larger card and running it with other apps that would be very appreciated.

by Mark | Aug 11, 2007 10:50:38 AM

Yes, you can copy the contents onto a larger card. You cannot use your bluetooth headsets while you are paired with the GPS receiver. You would have to get creative to mount the cradle to your bike.

by RichC | Aug 13, 2007 4:42:52 PM

Received mine this weekend already and was up and running in about 30 minutes. Selected a nice restaurant in Cincinnati to take my wife for her birthday and voila ... we were their in 20 minutes with time to spare before out reservation. Very easy to use as a GPS. (I'm still holding a few reservation back to see how well it multi-tasks? VM, Calls, SMS, Bluetooth headset, etc while Navigating)

I did use the "Navigate to" feature to find "Point of Interest" and entered "Restaurant" and City. Worked great even while driving; although not recommended. I like the feature that it can also find the phone number of said restaurant and assist in making the phone call. So far that integrated feature makes the Treo stand out as a GPS+ unit.

by Steve T | Aug 13, 2007 6:51:12 PM

Thanks, Mark, for the additional info.
I need one confirmation from you or anyone who has tried: it's *not* possible to pair/use the Palm treo with the GPS receiver and the car bluetooth handfree link at the same time. In other words, I'd not be able to transfer the calls to the car system while pairing with the GPS device.

by sdnupe | Aug 13, 2007 10:58:59 PM

Question... I too have been looking for a GPS system and this one looks great....the speaker on the Treo is pretty weak...what do you use to amplify the voice commands of the GPS?

by Kati | Aug 14, 2007 10:03:55 PM

TreoTricia: I just received mine, and it does indeed come with a mini SD card and an SD adapter, as well as a USB SD card reader.

sdnupe: You can adjust the Tomtom software volume independent of your treo speaker. My 755's regular speaker volume is at about half and the GPS is set to about 70%, though I have yet to test it when I have the radio going. So far I've had no problems hearing the directions. Not sure whether it matters which voice. Some seem louder than others, to me at least.

by Glenn | Aug 15, 2007 12:10:46 PM

Does the Treo and the GPS operate out of the cradle??

Can unit be passed to passenger in the back seat??

by David | Aug 15, 2007 1:16:11 PM

Glenn: the GPS is bluetooth based. I have had no problem passing the treo to anyone in the car so they can follow along. The GPS reciever itself stays on your dash so it always has a good signal. Hope that helps!

by richard | Aug 16, 2007 1:53:34 AM

Does this GPS system require a data plan on your 650 in order to work properly?

by Sheila | Aug 23, 2007 8:52:28 AM

I've been thinking of a GPS unit for some time, and this price break is certainly attractive! Just curious if anyone can tell me...are the directions given like "turn right in 200 feet" or "turn right on First Street?" (Hubby is wanting a GPS unit as well, but he really wants one that'll give street names.)

And am I correct that the cradle simply serves as only that...a cradle, so if I want to use something different it'll still work?

Thanks for any info you can give!

by Rob | Aug 25, 2007 2:46:20 PM

Data plan not required for GPS, right, since satellite signals are the source (not EVDO/EDGE/1xRT).

A guy at work, with another PDA-like GPS (Garmin?) says he cannot copy the program to another SD card, because registration is tied to SD device serial number. Not sure if this is true for this unit as well.

Too bad GPS isn't hard-wired to USB of PDA, for instance, but that might be more difficult from a SW point of view. That would presumably allow continuous BT headsets to continue to function.

by VVoltz | Aug 28, 2007 1:25:18 AM

Got this a week ago, GREAT deal, absolutely fantastic software.
I love my Palm based GPS solution.

by RJ Cummings | Sep 9, 2007 6:04:53 PM

The included items mentions 1GB Memory card pre-installed with map of the United States and Canada.
Is the TomTom Navigator software also pre-installed on the SD Card ? Otherwise, how is the TomTom Navigator software loaded onto the Treo ?

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