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Unlocked Treo 680 Weekend Offer

Treo 680 Unlocked GraphiteBecause I travel internationally throughout the year my smartphone of choice is the Unlocked Treo 680 – a device which I can use on any GSM network globally and with any local prepaid SIM card which saves me a bundle in international roaming charges.

The good news is that if you haven’t already gotten your hands on your very own Treo 680 now is the perfect opportunity as Palm has a special offer this weekend giving you a $50 instant discount – reducing the cost of this smartphone to only $349 from $399 (valid through Sunday, August 12th).

Having said this, alternatively you can still get your hands on a Treo 680 absolutely FREE (after rebates) with a new 2 year AT&T contract.

For more information please see my in-depth Treo 680 Review.

Treonauts always prefer to be unlocked

Posted by Andrew on August 11, 2007 at 12:04 PM

Treo 680

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by J. | Aug 11, 2007 3:49:16 PM

On top of this, Palm is offering *FREE* 3-day shipping within the United States. For us U.S. residents without a Palm store in our state, this provides a small but welcome additional savings.

by Serrgil | Aug 13, 2007 11:33:49 AM

If you are not a USA resident, do not make the mistake I made purchasing a unlocked treo in th USA... Palm has only limited regional warranties and they do not care about you as a customer if you are an europena who purchased an unlocked treo in (for example) USA...

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