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Palm Centro Available for Pre-Order Now

If like me you feel that the Palm Centro for Sprint is too good to miss then you’ll be happy to know that you can be one of the very first to get your hands on one thanks to Palm’s pre-order program which started yesterday.

Palm Centro Pre Order

Prospective Centronauts (or Mini-Treonauts…) are now able to pre-order the Palm Centro smartphone for $99 with rebates from Sprint.  Customers will also receive Free Shipping and a free Vehicle Power Charger ($29.99 value).

Palm Centro Pre Order Black

As I posted on Friday, the Palm Centro smartphone is available in Onyx Black and Ruby Red and features a very sleek design.  While smaller than the Treo smartphone, the Palm Centro runs on the Palm OS and has many of the same features including a 1.3 megapixel camera with 2X zoom, MP3 player (full version of Pocket Tunes Deluxe), access email (including Microsoft Outlook) on the go, surf the Web via the Blazer browser, connect wirelessly with Bluetooth, Google Maps and Sprint TV.   Read about the features of the Palm Centro below:

Clearly targeted at a younger crowd than the more mature Treo business audience, Palm had this to say about the new Centro:

"Life starts after five o’clock. That’s why there’s the Palm Centro smart device. Palm Centro gives you voice, text, IM, email and web, all in a phone that’s a whole lot smaller than you think. Which basically means you can take your Centro anywhere and keep up with your friends in every way possible. Centro even has a touchscreen and a full keyboard, so you can say L8R to those tricky keys on your cell phone. Mix in stuff like a camera, an organizer, and an easy way to save info to your computer, and it’s the one phone you’ll always want with you. Centro. Let’s go."

You will undoubtedly have gathered by now that I’m rather excited about the Centro launch and although the OS, interface and software could certainly have benefited from even minimal cosmetic updates the fact is that overall this device is an absolutely terrific solution – one which also just happens to be the smallest and lightest smartphone in the world featuring both a high resolution touchscreen and full usable QWERTY keyboard. 

Until a new high-end version of the Treo becomes available sometime next year I think that there will definitely be a Centro in my pocket…

Treonauts and Centronauts always have the most fun

Posted by Andrew on September 29, 2007 at 08:39 PM

Palm Centro

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by Mike | Sep 30, 2007 12:42:17 AM

"featuring a high resolution touchscreen"? I thought this device did not have a touchscreen

by David | Sep 30, 2007 7:59:01 AM

""featuring a high resolution touchscreen"? I thought this device did not have a touchscreen"

Nope, that's the 500 that's across the pond.

Is this Pocket Tunes Deluxe the full version... that will play ACC files? That may be exactly what will cause me to get this above others. I just can't justify paying for the full version of Pocket Tunes just for that one feature. I'd get that, with a sleek designed phone, for less that what I paid for my 700p. I'm almost sold!

by audra | Sep 30, 2007 11:48:44 AM

Hey, Andrew -- any chance you could do a comparison chart for us? Something along the lines of a "here's the Treo 755p and here's the Centro compared" kind of thing. I'm really tempted to advise my boyfriend to get Sprint's Treo 755, because I've been so happy with my Treo 680, but I'm always skeptical to run into the first release of any device, plus I'm wondering whether all the cool add-on stuff I've gotten for my 680 will be available for the Centro, like cases. He's a contractor, and the phone will get beat up a little, so I'm wondering if maybe the whole "small and light" thing isn't really for him (me, on the other hand, ahhh...). Any chance you could do a chart? Thanks much for your fantastic site and newsletter....

by muniruddeen | Sep 30, 2007 12:02:56 PM

hey.. Andrew.. I am trying to read your mind, based on your question during the press conference.. how about setting up www.centronauts.com as a mirror site.. Cheers Munir

by Andrew | Sep 30, 2007 12:16:23 PM

David - yes, the Centro sports the _full_ version of Pocket Tunes Deluxe saving everybody some $$$ and also providing an excellent built-in MP3 player.

audra - I'll definitely be adding a comparison chart shortly. In terms of advising your boyfriend I think that it will depend on his data entry needs. If he's a frequent and long texter/emailer/documenter then the Treo 755p will probably be best for him. If nonetheless what he needs most readily is just fast access to all sorts of information in a smaller and more pocketable smartphone then the Centro will be great. From your description it sounds like you should give him your Treo 680 and then get yourself the Centro... ;-)

muniruddeen - although we do own the domain Centronauts.com (of course) I currently don't have any plans for another sub-site principally because in all respects but its name the Centro is actually very much a Treo smartphone (albeit a mini version).

Cheers, A.

by Blake | Sep 30, 2007 3:33:59 PM

Andrew -

You said:

"What is revolutionary is the fact that Palm has now been able to fit a fully usable QWERTY keyboard in a candy bar smartphone when no other company in the world has yet managed to do this."

Look at the dimensions of the Blackberry Curve.

Blackberry Curve:
4.2" (length)
2.4" (width)
0.6" (depth)
3.9 oz

Palm Centro:
4.22 (length)
2.11 (width)
0.73 (depth)
4.2 oz

And BTW the Curve has a FULL QWERTY keyboard. You might need to re-evaluate that remark.

by Colonel Kernel | Sep 30, 2007 5:17:03 PM

.29 inches is what makes the Centro a Candybar phone and the Centro, Blackjack, Q, etc not.

Small difference, sure, but seemingly enough to change how the phone feels.

Further, Andrew said if data entry is what you do most then the 755p would do you better.

by btn | Sep 30, 2007 6:01:40 PM

I was thinking about upgrading from a 700p to a Centro to hold me over until my Sprint contract runs out, but Palm wants $399—the same price as an iPhone—for a Centro sans 2-year contract extension!

by Mark | Sep 30, 2007 8:54:46 PM

Will there be a Centro for ATT any time soon. I have a 680 that I thought I would love, but I dont think its as good aas my 650 was. Maybe its just this phone. It's my third treo, I love them but the 680 just has not sold me. So if you have any ideas about the centro or maybe another Palm OS for ATT I would be grateful.

by Jmore | Sep 30, 2007 9:47:33 PM

Hey Andrew, how does the Centro fair as an MP3 player? I've found the audio quality in my 650 to be only "ok".

by Liberty For ALL! | Oct 1, 2007 12:02:06 AM

So did they bundle Opera Mini since Blazer sucks so bad compared to Apple's iPhone Safari?

See: http://operamini.com

by Clayton | Oct 1, 2007 10:44:37 AM

Andrew, how long until this may be available on the verizon network?

by Andrew | Oct 1, 2007 11:20:51 AM

Clayton - Verizon will not release the Centro until at least Jan 14 '08 as Sprint has an exclusive for 90 days. Same applies for AT&T.

Cheers, A.

by Stace | Oct 5, 2007 1:52:14 AM

Well, I bit the bullet and just placed my preorder for the Onyx Centro. I was leaning toward the 755p, but with the low introductory upgrade price, I can't resist going with the Centro. Hopefully it will serve me as well as my faithful 650 has over the years.

My only concern is that I had to enter my current phone number in the pre-order. Hopefully Palm will be smart enough not to turn off my current number until I have the new phone in hand and activate it!

by Stace | Oct 8, 2007 11:49:48 AM

Here's a caveat for debit card users: Although the Palm store says during the preorder process that it won't charge your credit card until the product is shipped, that is not the case with debit cards. Much like renting a car with a debit card, when the vendor attempts to run an authorization to make sure the card has enough funds, those funds are actually withdrawn from the debit card account. This is not the case with true credit cards; when a vendor attempts authorization on a credit card, the card's balance does not change.

So, if you do preorder a Centro with a debit card, be prepared for those funds to actually be withdrawn from your debit card account at that time, rather than at the time of shipping. They may be refunded later, and then pulled again at the time of shipping, but that remains to be seen in my case.

Just to be clear, this is not an unethical business practice by Palm, it's just the way debit cards work. It would have been helpful for Palm to mention this during the preorder process, though, for those of us who use debit cards primarily.

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