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Treo Accessory Special - SPE Retractable S&C Cable 20% Off

Best Value Treo AccessoryThere is a small but rather indispensable item in my Treo accessories kit which I recently selected as my Editor’s Choice for “Best Value Treo Accessory” – the SPE Retractable Treo Sync & Charge Cable.  It has been a Top 5 bestselling product for over two years now and I personally feel that no Treonaut should be without one (I always have at least two for office and travel).

If you don’t already have one or like me consider that having a second always makes sense then you’ll be glad to use the 20% Off coupon that we’ve just created which adds even more value to this already great product.  Simply enter the coupon code SPECABLE after Checkout in Billing Info (limit one per order and valid until 12 midnight PST on Monday, September 24) to redeem your 20% off this terrific accessory.

Treo Sync Charge Cable

As I mentioned in my most recent review, the beauty of this Treo cable is that it is ultralight, small and compact – perfect for taking on the go or simply to use at your desk .

Treo Sync Charge Cable Side

The retractable system brilliantly eliminates the clutter of tangled cables.  It measures just 115mm when closed but extends to nearly 10 times that (970mm) when fully open.  There are also six “lock” intervals so that you can choose other lengths between 115 and 970mm.

Treo Sync Charge Cable Button

The integrated HotSync button (pictured above) and connectors at one end make it quick and simple to sync your smartphone on a regular basis while the use of a USB plug means that you can continuously trickle charge your Treo while working.

Treo Sync Charge Cable Extended

Another thing that I found particularly useful is the fact that thanks to the long retractable cable I can easily work on my Treo as well as make and answer calls while it continues to be charged.  I can thus ensure that whenever I go out I always have the benefit of a fully powered Treo battery.

Treonauts are always powerfully special

Posted by Andrew on September 21, 2007 at 07:08 AM

Treo Accessories Offers

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by Charles Starrett | Sep 25, 2007 2:20:01 AM

Your checkout cart is refusing this coupon code despite it still being well before midnight PST on Monday. (My comment, on the other hand, seems to be timestamped according to Western European Time...) Is there any way you can fix this for me? Thanks in advance...

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