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Verizon Treo 700p and Treo 700w|wx Updater Re-Released

Treo 700p and Treo 700w|wx UpdatersAfter two rather long months Palm has finally re-released the Treo 700p and Treo 700w|wx Updaters for Verizon Wireless that specifically address a previously incorrect data connectivity parameter which may have produced errors when attempting to use wireless data services.

Verizon Treo 700p
The initial version of the Verizon Treo 700p Updater 1.10, posted on July 12, 2007 incorrectly set a data connectivity parameter which may have produced an error when trying to connect to network data services.

The errors associated with this issue may include:

  • "Error 3000" errors when attempting to browse
  • "PPP Link Time Out error 0x1231" when attempting to connect to data

This latest Treo 700p Update 1.10 was modified to properly program the parameter which had been incorrectly set and incorporates all the features of the previous update:

  • Performance improvements to Phone application
  • System improvements to minimize skipping during music playback with Pocket Tunes and eliminate audio delays experienced on some games
  • Performance improvement to minimize delays experienced when loading Blazer browser
  • Support for new daylight savings time legislation, plus a simplified Date/Time preference panel
  • Increased expansion card support including 4GB SD cards and SDHC cards
  • Resolution of certain "wake up" issues that may occur with certain third party push email solutions
  • Improved SMS messages handling to lessen stalling of messages.
  • For customers using Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 with SP 2 and above, an update to VersaMail client now includes an update to Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync which adds Microsoft’s Direct Push Technology for push email, calendar and contacts. Also adding other EAS functionality such as remote wipe, policy support, and global address lookup
  • Bluetooth Connectivity Enhancements:
    • Increases list of supported/compatible Bluetooth wireless car kits, including BMW and Toyota/Lexus
    • Improves overall user experience with supported Bluetooth wireless car kits and headsets (e.g. allow user to manually connect / disconnect to a Bluetooth device)
    • Additional Bluetooth wireless functionality (e.g. audio routing to Bluetooth headset even when wired headset is plugged in)

Verizon Treo 700w|wx
The initial version of the Palm Treo 700w/wx Updater 1.22, posted on July 12, 2007 incorrectly set a data connectivity parameter which may have produced an error when trying to connect to network data services.

The errors associated with this issue may include:

  • Page Cannot Be Displayed
  • Answering Modem is Disconnected
  • No Modem at Above Number

The Treo 700w/wx Updater 1.22 was modified to properly program the parameter which had been incorrectly set. This update incorporates all the features of the previousTreo 700w Update 1.10 for Verizon Wireless:

  • Includes Microsoft's Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) with Direct Push Technology for automatic wireless synchronization of email, calendar, contacts and, now, tasks.
  • Enhances email capabilities for more support of push email solutions, such as WirelessSync and GoodLink, and of synchronization capabilities, such as the ability to maintain an "always on" data connection after POP or IMAP email synchronization and the ability to auto-synchronize all email accounts based on user setting².
  • Updated memory management.
  • Pictures and Videos enhancements.
  • New Wireless Manager provides an updated interface for turning wireless radios on and off on your 700w smartphone.
  • High-speed dial up networking (DUN) – use your Treo smartphone as a wireless modem for fast web access virtually anywhere1. Supports USB and Bluetooth connections.
  • Advanced audio support (A2DP) – listen to the clear sounds of high-definition audio with new support for Bluetooth stereo headphones.
  • Today Screen enhancements – one-touch access to the Speakerphone and Mute control buttons gives you more freedom than ever.
  • Hands-free enhancements – Drive safely and work more efficiently. Get support for even more Bluetooth carkits and the Palm wired carkit.
  • Abbreviated dialing preferences – save time with the international dialing prefix and abbreviated dialing for campus environments.

Separately, although both these updates are obviously welcome, the question that is evidently still on my mind however is “When is Verizon going to finally release its equivalent of the Treo 755p and also when will Palm release the CDMA version of the terrific Treo 750?”  At this stage Palm has not even confirmed that either will ever become available but I’m at least hoping that the Treo 500 will quickly make its way to CDMA when it is released in the US…

Treonauts always want the latest updates

Posted by Andrew on September 24, 2007 at 07:57 AM
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by Morris | Sep 24, 2007 9:46:34 AM

This is really too little, and far too late. After the last software update, mt 700p was useless. I went through 2 more units, courtesy of Verizon, but my level of frustration became intolerable. I have an iphone now and I'm happy!

by Doug | Sep 24, 2007 9:58:23 AM

Thank god! I have a 700w and thought my phone just sucked. Glad to know it wasn't just me...

by Marie | Sep 24, 2007 10:19:55 AM

Ugh...I spent HOURS on the phone with Verizon trying to get that "error message 3000" issue fixed!

Nice to know that Palm caused it in the first place....thanks for letting Verizon know so I didn't have to sit through 900 soft resets with clueless tech support reps.

by TazUk | Sep 24, 2007 10:42:41 AM

The blame can't all be directed at Palm, the update went through Verizon's internal testing and they approved it!

by chris | Sep 24, 2007 2:25:47 PM

When will verizon have the 755p

by leslie | Sep 24, 2007 5:28:15 PM


I couldn't agree with you more. I bought an iPhone on a whim, expecting to return it, and I haven't picked up my treo since. The iPhone is totally outstanding. My treo is 5 year old repackaged technology. I can't imagine it surviving much longer.

by emorypas | Sep 25, 2007 4:07:29 PM

Has anyone actually installed this update on their 700p? I want to update mine, but I don't want to be the guinea pig. Please report your success/failure with the install and any comments.


by Treho | Sep 25, 2007 11:00:40 PM

If you have a real job (doctor or someone who needs a PDA for a REAL reason) then you need something like a treo, the iphone can't be used for 3rd party apps like epocrates or 5 min clinical consult...So you gadget freaks who use you phone to "get chick" get lost!

by Dr.Tre o | Sep 26, 2007 2:29:30 AM

Updated my 700p a few nights ago and I have to say that I'm extremely pleased with the outcome. I now have what seems to be a bug free phone. It no longer freezes or resets and seems to respond to commands a whole lot faster. This update has saved me the grief of having to manually reset my phone 2-4 times a day. Seems to more efficiently utilize battery power. Communicates better with my plantronics 650 headset. Thanxx 4 tha udate palm i fel hapi again.

by Tina | Sep 26, 2007 12:03:05 PM

Well, I installed the new update two nights ago... Yesterday morning my 700p told me my SD card wasn't there when I tried to open TomTom Navigator. And this morning I found out that the 2am auto-backup I have scheduled apparently also couldn't recognize that the SD card was in because it backed EVERYTHING up to the internal memory so I was getting a "you have zero memory avail" message and as soon as I touched the phone it went into a loop then came back with everything locked down. Wouldn't even let the phone 'radio' turn on until I went in and deleted the entire backup file.... I had also updated my husband's 700p at the same time, and he's having random reset glitches. So, I'll be calling Palm/Verizon today.........

by Steve Randolph | Sep 28, 2007 9:12:29 AM

I updated my 700w without any problems! It has been working great. Still have not gotten the wireless modem capability to work; but I have been using a different solution anyways, so it is not a big deal to me.

by Bmoo | Sep 28, 2007 11:51:43 AM

Thanks Tina for the information. I'm going on a trip and plan to use TomTom so I think I'll wait on the upgrade until I return. I also use backup to net so that's another reason to wait.

by Eddie | May 2, 2008 1:03:38 AM

Please let me know if my Palm Treo 700w with verizon is capable with 16GB SDHC Tecnology?

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