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Treo Daylight Saving Time (DST) Update

Treo DST UpdateAs you may know, starting in 2007, most of the United States begins a new Daylight Saving Time (DST) at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March (Spring Forward on March 11, 2007) and reverts to standard time on the first Sunday in November (Fall Back on November 4, 2007).

This is a change from the current start/end date that is built into most Palm smartphones and you will need to install a DST software update on your device to reflect the correct time when the new DST changes take effect.  Without the Daylight Saving Time Updates, calendar events and email messages will indicate an hour off the actual time in locations that observe DST.

Time zone associated calendar events depend on the correct DST rule on the device and all users (see list of Palm OS and Windows Mobile devices below) should apply this update.  Third-party applications may also depend on the correct DST rule on the device.  

The devices that will require this update include:

DST for Palm OS devices
Treo 700p, 680, 650, 600, 300, 270

DST for Windows Mobile Devices
Treo 750, 700w, 700wx

According to the official Palm blog, here are some more technical details of the DST software update:

  • Replaces the old DST rule with new DST rule on your smartphone or handheld. Then it notifies the Date & Time application that DST rule change occurred.
  • Replaces the old DST rule embedded in any Calendar events that occur after March 11, 2007 (when the DST change started). This allows events with the DST rule change window to remain at their original times.

Additionally, it’s also worthwhile mentioning that before you install the Daylight Saving Time Update, you may need to install two Microsoft DST updates in order for the system on your PC to reflect the DST rule changes.

Treonauts are always ready for an update

Posted by Andrew on October 30, 2007 at 02:29 PM

Treo Software

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by gary | Oct 30, 2007 11:16:36 PM

Is the Treo 755P exempt from the necessary upgrade? Thanks

by Andrew | Oct 30, 2007 11:34:32 PM

Gary - yes, apparently both the Treo 755p and Palm Centro do not require this update.

Cheers, A.

by Peter | Oct 31, 2007 7:36:01 AM

The update did not work on my 680. Am I missing something?

by John | Oct 31, 2007 9:21:24 AM

Wonder if those updates will work on my iMac?

by Chuck | Oct 31, 2007 10:11:08 AM

Has anyone else experienced all appointments on hour LATER AFTER November 4? This is on newer Treo 700w's which I assume have not had the DST update applied by the cellular provider before sale.

by gary | Nov 2, 2007 10:51:01 AM


by Bmoore | Nov 2, 2007 12:03:15 PM

I used the DST updater on my Treo 700P last March and it worked.
Do I need to use another updater for the Fall Change, or do I simply run the same one again?

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