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Treo 800w First Image!?

Treo 800wThe Treo 800w running Windows Mobile appears to be just around the corner for Sprint or Verizon according to the latest rumours.

The leaked image here on the right looks very much like the genuine article to the exception that it appears to have been purposely “stretched” but it’s always difficult to truly assess real proportions from these leaked images.

The Treo 800w is expected to be the first high-end Palm smartphone running on a CDMA network (Sprint/Verizon) without an antenna and will replace the now rather aged Treo 700w|wx.  The image would also seem to point to a rectangular 320 x 240 touchscreen (notice the recess) unlike that found on the Treo 500 (no touchscreen) and there is unfortunately not yet an opportunity to figure out what the thickness might be.

Treo 800w Comparison

Assuming the width of the Treo 800w is the same as that of the Treo 750 (above) at first it appears that we would end up with a new Treo smartphone very much smaller in length.  However, because people had been pointing out that the leaked image appeared “stretched” I thought to convert the rectangular screen to a square 320 x 320 screen (below right) and I was suddenly happy to find out that the Treo 800w actually appears to closely resemble the Palm Centro

Treo 800w - Palm Centro Comparison

We won’t know until more information is released but my bet at this stage is that the Treo 800w will end up being a mini candy bar Treo much like the Centro – one which from these pictures actually looks pretty good and will also happen to make it the smallest Windows Mobile smartphone with a full keyboard...

Update: word is also out that the Treo 800w will have WiFi and EvDO RevA but for now at least I’d be cautious about the veracity of this info.

Treo 800w. I just held one. [via Treocentral Forums]

Treonauts always want to be first

Posted by Andrew on October 24, 2007 at 04:27 AM

Treo 800w

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by George | Oct 24, 2007 11:57:50 AM

What would be the difference in this and the 500, besides the touchscreen? Is the 500 on GSM?
Also, how much importance do you place on a touchscreen? I have a 650, & 600 before that, and I almost never use the touchscreen. I'm willing to give up the touchscreen for a thinner device.
I know you say to take the veracity of the features with a grain of salt, but hasn't someone shown that there is built-in wifi capability on one of the current Treo models?

by Ignacio Sawas | Oct 24, 2007 12:29:03 PM


I am wondering when treo is going to start thinking of creating a treo specially for people that travels a lot, and need a unlocked smartphone with wi-fi services?

It is about time!!!!!!


by Dan | Oct 24, 2007 12:56:35 PM

One small point, there is an antenna-less Treo on CDMA - the 755p.

by jay | Oct 24, 2007 1:20:43 PM

The pic is showing that it is the same size as the centro. That is not to scale with that keyboard it would be as wide as the treo 750.

by Bill W | Oct 24, 2007 1:22:45 PM

I hated the centro at first. After holding one I had to have it. I honestly could not go back to another brick like the 750 so even if the 800 has wifi if it is larger than the centro no way.

by Andrew | Oct 24, 2007 1:23:38 PM

George - the main difference between this Treo 800w and the Treo 500 would indeed be the CDMA vs. GSM but also the form factor and the touchscreen.

Given the number of smartphones available without a touchscreen it is obvious that they are "usable" but at this stage I still feel that a touchscreen has its advantages.

Although there have been rumours of a Treo with WiFi the fact is that nobody has yet been able to categorically prove this claim and we'll have to wait and see if the Treo 800w will be the first to implement it.

Dan - thanks, I should have said the first antenna-less Windows Mobile Treo smartphone...

Cheers, A.

by Andrew | Oct 24, 2007 1:26:40 PM

Jay - the large image of the Treo 800w with the Centro has been purposely digitally altered to give it a square screen and in this way the Treo 800w actually has the same width as the Centro with the same mini QWERTY keyboard.

Cheers, A.

by Jeff Zurblis | Oct 24, 2007 3:14:17 PM

Jay - the large image of the Treo 800w with the Centro has been purposely digitally altered to give it a square screen and in this way the Treo 800w actually has the same width as the Centro with the same mini QWERTY keyboard.

I don't think so from the picture it is not possible. Look at the space in between each key it is the same as the 700 or 750. There is no way with that layout it could be as narrow as the centro.

by stan | Oct 24, 2007 5:38:02 PM

The fact that the palm generations of smart phones don't have wi fi...is somewhat disrespectful to it's supporters. It's like having a laptop without the wireless features...(they can go figure)...I am hanging in here for 1 more generation of smartphones from palm, if no wi fi...I am saying "see ya". I do love my 680 wish it had wi fi.

by Cheker | Oct 24, 2007 9:22:57 PM

Looks to me it is just a photoshoped "version" of the Treo 800w. Very similar form factor (but smaller) as the Treo, same (almost) rounded edges of the Centro, same keyboard of the Treo, and same (but with arched lines) middle-located hard buttons of the Centro.

Although a pretty good "work", it doesn't look real in my opinion. I would buy it though, I like it (the stretched version ... with Palm OS! ;) ).

by Cheker | Oct 24, 2007 9:32:04 PM

By stretched I meant the "original" image, not the thin Centro-size image.

Andrew, what do you mean by "looks very much like the genuine article"? Where's the genuine article?

by karibOS | Oct 25, 2007 10:35:31 AM

what do the Palm screen's continue to get smaller, whereas the trend in touchscreen smartphones is towards larger flush screens? *headshake*

by Alayan@Hun | Oct 25, 2007 11:21:06 AM

Your enthusiasm gets 5 stars, but the phone with Windows - from me - gets 2 star. If the screen is less then 320*320 - 1 star.

I have to admit this is just sooo far from the eagerness we had when the 650 Treo appeared.

And now Nokia N-Series, E-ten and HTC do seem yummie.
And some of them have VERY nice keyboards, good datatransfer speed - 3G, very good screens - VGA (480 x 640) touchscreen, integrated GPS.
With all this Windows can be tolerated.

Treo Killers? Definitly! Unfortunately.

by Jmore | Oct 25, 2007 11:28:51 AM

Wow, Palm's stock just plummeted from $19 to $9. Looks like everyone is losing confidence in them...and all they can do is roll out the same old.

Palm needs to find their Steve Jobs, and fast.

by Jmore | Oct 25, 2007 6:16:08 PM

Whoops...my bad. Looks like shareholders got a return of $9/share. But Palm's new chairman says no new products for 18 months?!

by Mark | Oct 26, 2007 12:37:19 AM

Any comments or info on the Palm OS eventually being dropped in favor of Windows??

by drbuzz0 | Oct 26, 2007 3:29:32 PM


Sorry for shouting, but it looks like this baby has wifi (finally). I realize that there have been rumors circulating to this end, but that was also true with earlier Treos.

But there is definately a wifi connection icon on the screen. So the question is is this a photo or at least a representation of the real image on the screen?

It's possible that it could be that this is a concept image and they just cut-and-pasted a windows mobile screen onto it, which incidentally has the wifi icon.

But I hope it's real.

by Avaryj | Nov 9, 2007 11:08:07 AM

I just spoke to a Sprint Manager and he says that this phone will have Wifi and is slated to come out in early January unless there are some bugs that can't be worked out in time. They should start sending out flyers after Christmas. This is Frisco, Tx so us cowboys will see.

by sergio | Dec 27, 2007 7:43:43 PM

Good bye Mr CEO Ed Colligan !

How do you explain that all the world and all companies in the world have mooved rapidly to fully equiped machines except Palm?

How can you trust the leadership of a such CEO ? ...

If you deny your own child ( a Palm with a Palm software and open to Macintosh PC for instance) only because you have been seduced by a Behemoth ( a Window system 5 or 6) you are painted yourself in the corner as you did the last 5 years...

You better have walked on the steps of your own roots...

It took you 5 years to understand that a WI-FI and many other facilities should be there . Palm is just a dying dinosaure...

When you buy a Microwave oven you intend to cook your food and not to freeze it... so you should better work on a Palm wich does not freeze... and open concentrate on a Smart Palm system ...

You demonstrate a self hatred behavior when skipping your own child from the market... You need to hire a "shrink" not an Apple assistant...( it is too late my dear)

You can't imagine my deception... Ask artists how they do work ( designers, stage directors, musicians, choreographers, writers...) instead of selling your imagination to Mr Bill Gate... who does well what he does because he is who he is... and how many more years do you need to understand the Nokia or Google or Apple spirit...

Your company will be always late because you no longer work inspired by a dream but only immediate profit... and "fast food" type solutions...
Creation needs time, risk and courage... you have lost your company by being a follower and not a creator...

Bye bye Colligan

by vinnie | Mar 27, 2008 4:23:34 PM

when are they gona start makein treos with new features so far from the 600 up they pretty much look the same and all do the same thing so haveing a treo 680 or a 750 why would you wana waste money to something eles.its not any diffrent just a diffrent size.i think plam needs to stop redesigning the case of the treo and work on makeing it better.Cause really all your paying for is a 400 to 600 dollar case

by dgarts | Apr 1, 2008 7:01:15 PM

Lipstick on a pig is still a pig. Wi-fi and lotsa memory is the lipstick - Windoze is the pig.

Wake me up when Palm has finally taken their heads out of their a$$es and are offering a new PALM OS rock solid working platform that has a bigger screen so I can actually SEE the email attachments.

Whoever thinks the 6 or 7 series are bricks oughta try comparing them to a laptop or desktop while sitting in traffic or on the train. We need a work platform, not a fashion statement or toy to txt our rugrats. I have no interest in squinting to see an attachment on a postage stamp-sized screen that is all cute in a pink case.


by tim | Jul 2, 2008 1:15:32 AM

Treo is very passive to market feedbacks. The comsumers want Wi-Fi badly etc, they shut their ears and came out with obsolete 500 & Centro spec. The Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese listen closely to market pulses and develop HTC touch Diamond, Omnia etc. Apple came with the iPhone ideas. Why Palm is slow in following and they don't even found leading anymore. I'm stuck with Palm OS programs.Frustration!

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