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Verizon Treo 755p + AT&T Treo 680-750 Updates

All of the recent news about Sprint’s Palm Centro have naturally made a lot of Treonauts jealous (I am anxiously awaiting the release of a GSM model in order to use it internationally) and many are wondering when other carriers will release this and other smartphones.

There are some good news on this front.  For starters, in recent weeks a number of rumours have surfaced that Verizon will _finally_ release its own CDMA Treo 755p (Centro’s big brother) to replace its ageing Treo 700p with an ETA for this launch in November. 

Verizon Treo 755p Details

There is unfortunately no news yet on the possible release of a Windows Mobile Treo 750 or new Treo 500 on Verizon for now but at least it’s encouraging to see that this carrier continues to have plans for Treo smartphones after a rather long period of total inactivity and serious doubts about its commitment to Palm surfacing.

Separately, thanks to a leaked internal document we also have terrific news of two AT&T updates for the PalmOS Treo 680 and Windows Mobile Treo 750:

Summary of Treo 680 Maintenance Release
Maintenance Release for the Treo 680 Available 10/22 (current record)

  • Enables PTT feature
  • Places Stub applications on the devices in support of:
    • IM clients (Yahoo!, AIM, Windows Live)
    • TeleNav
    • MobiTV
  • Ability for a MP3 or any sort of music file to be translated as a Ringtone
  • Will be available as free download for all AT&T Treo 680 customers
    • SMS blast from AT&T will alert customers in addition to traditional channel and Customer Care messaging
  • Requires a desktop computer –the download cannot be executed via OTA

I am particularly excited about the addition of Push-To-Talk (PTT) functionality on the Treo 680 as well as the new ability to convert any MP3 music file to be used as a ringtone (a first for Treo).

Summary of Treo 750 OS Upgrade
OS Upgrade for the Treo 750 Available 10/15 (current record)

  • Upgrade to Windows Mobile 6 Professional
  • HSDPA 1.8
  • AT&T Entertainment
    • CV, AT&T Mall, AT&T Music
  • Improved Phone Controls
    • New active call screen with oversized Mute and Speakerphone controls
  • Places Stub applications on the devices in support of TeleNav and MobiTV
  • Will be available as free download for all AT&T Treo 750 customers
  • SMS blast and free voice message from AT&T and email blast by Palm will alert customers in addition to traditional channel and Customer Care messaging
  • Requires a desktop computer –the upgrade cannot be executed via OTA

The star in this Treo 750 release is naturally the full upgrade to Windows Mobile 6 which so many existing Treonauts have been anxiously waiting for.

AT&T’s updated inventory is scheduled to arrive in the distribution centers by week of 10/22 for 750 and week of 10/29 for 680.  In both cases there already appears to be a minor delay in these releases but we have to assume that we will only have a very few short days or weeks to wait before Palm and AT&T make this official.

Verizon PDA line-up for November [Engadget]
AT&T Update Schedule [Treocentral Forum]

Treonauts always want to be newly updated

Posted by Andrew on October 18, 2007 at 02:29 PM
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by Liberty For ALL! | Oct 18, 2007 2:56:41 PM

How about an update to the 650 too!?

by Eric | Oct 18, 2007 5:48:42 PM

Good, I have been waiting for my official release of WM6 for my 750 since I got phone in January.

by John | Oct 18, 2007 7:57:17 PM

Can you fix the link for the 750 update, or confirm that it has been removed?

by cratos | Oct 19, 2007 4:16:19 AM

Good news, but what about an update to unlocked 680?

by Dave | Oct 19, 2007 10:15:00 AM

"I am particularly excited about the addition of Push-To-Talk (PTT) functionality on the Treo 680..."

I would be a lot more excited about this if it could be used with Nextel PTT too. However, according to what I've read, it isn't possible. So why waste my time with ATT PTT when every single person in my corporate environment uses Nextel PTT?

by Dave | Oct 19, 2007 10:15:44 AM

And according to Palm's website, there is a ROM update for the unlocked 680, as well as Rogers.

by aaron | Oct 20, 2007 10:54:27 AM

I don't think the link works so if it possible can it get fixed or do we have to wait a little longer just wondering. I have been waiting so long andim so excited about 6.0 it sounds and looks amazing so hopefully soon it will work.

by Paulius | Oct 21, 2007 1:04:44 AM

Checked Palm's website but did not find the update for an unlocked Treo 680.
So is there really an update for an unlocked Treo 680?
Would the AT&T update work for an unlocked version?

by Jeff | Oct 23, 2007 1:25:58 PM

Does anyone know - is AT&T ever going to release a Palm OS version of the 750 (750P)?

by K Rock | Oct 23, 2007 10:55:48 PM

i've had my treo for a couple of weeks and love it. In fact I'm on it right now, bit it may appear that AT&T is trying to boost market share of the tilt by delaying the WM 6 release. According to Palm it is released and awaiting AT&T's aproval. Oh, also according to Palm is that if you buy a unlocked 750 from Palm it comes preloeaded with WM 6, yet to find any confirmation. I can see the tilt as a Treo killer with WM 5, but with WM 6... Treo is the winner!

by EMILIO DIBENEDETTO | Oct 29, 2007 4:48:12 PM


by Richard Schneider | Oct 30, 2007 10:10:12 AM

What ever happened to the Maintenance Release for the Treo 680 Available 10/22 (current record)?

I don't see it available yet? Any updates on this?

by shuzkelly | Nov 5, 2007 12:16:34 AM

Are ANY of these going to have Voice Activated Dialing? I can't go for a Treo till they do this...

by shuzkelly | Nov 5, 2007 12:18:25 AM

All I need is a PDA/phone with Voice Activation by Verizon. I went today & I guess I am out of luck? I use Palm OS (on my current Clie which I would like to blend with my phone.) Just did not know it would be this hard. Guess no one cares but me...about Voice Activation? Thanks for the help!!!

by Lunelle | Nov 15, 2010 10:49:23 PM

How do I convert from a treo 755P verizon to an ATT version? tried to hot sync and they're asking to install hardware


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