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Palm Treo Ultralight Wireless Bluetooth Headset Review

As is usually the case with “Official” Treo and Centro accessories, the Palm Ultralight Wireless Bluetooth Headset has been one of the bestselling products in our store for a while now and is currently ranked #2 in the Treo Bluetooth Headset category after my preferred but more expensive choice of the Jawbone Headset.

Palm Treo Ultralight Wireless Headset

The Palm Ultralight Headset (manufactured by Plantronics) comes in an elegant aluminium presentation/carrying box (above) which includes three soft gel ear tips, an ear loop, a charging sleeve and a portable AAA battery powered charger.

Palm Treo Ultralight Bluetooth Headset

Combining a shiny silver and gloss black casing the design of the Palm Ultralight Headset  (only 0.33oz/9 grams) is both simple and elegant.  The relatively large Answer/End button at the top of the unit (with the Palm logo) as well as the Volume Up/Down buttons at the front are both easy and practical to access.

Palm Ultralight Wireless Headset - Side

The soft gel ear tip (pictured above) can be rotated so as to conveniently fit in either your left or right ear with a choice of three sizes.  Additionally, you can also fit a solid ear loop (metal covered in rubber pictured below) which in my opinion provides some more comfort when wearing the headset for extended periods.

Palm Ultralight Wireless Headset Hook

In terms of sound quality I found both my inbound and outbound calls to be loud and clear thanks to the headset’s DSP (Digital Signal Processing) chip but I was rather disappointed by the extremely limiting 3 hours of talk time.

Palm Ultralight Wireless Headset - Top

Arguably, the talk time can be enhanced to 9 hours thanks to the included AAA Battery powered charger (below) but I don’t exactly find this a convenient solution when other headsets in this price range such as the excellent Jabra BT5020 offer up to 10 hours of talk time on a single charge without the hassle of having to carry a bulky charger.

Palm Ultralight Wireless Headset Charger

Even one of the top selling benefits of the Palm Ultralight Wireless Headset – the fact that it can be charged using your standard Treo or Centro wall charger or car charger – falls short of my expectations since it fails to include a USB charging cable which I now consider fairly essential with any headset. 

Palm Ultralight Wireless Headset

Overall, the Palm Ultralight Wireless Bluetooth Headset is a very light and extremely comfortable to wear plus it delivers very good audio quality.  However, given its rather poor battery performance and bulky charging options I would be considerably more inclined to recommend the Jabra BT5020 or still better my Editor’s Choice Jawbone Headset.

Treonauts don’t like to compromise

Posted by Andrew on November 29, 2007 at 01:21 PM

Treo Bluetooth Headset

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by Gerry Jurrens | Nov 29, 2007 2:13:05 PM

This looks exactly like the Plantronics Discovery™ 610 Bluetooth® Headset.

by Fred | Nov 29, 2007 4:31:50 PM

I have tried both the Plantronics & the Treo brands (identical units) with my 700P, and there are issues. I have a letter from someone at the PlamOne factory stating that the Ultralight does not work with the 700P phone.
The most frustrating problem I had was that the Ultralight "disconnects" from the phone, and if you do not reconnect between calls, you can't answer a call with it.
Too bad. It's the most comfortable one I've tried.

by Orlando | Nov 29, 2007 5:07:56 PM

I too have identical Plantronics unit that I use with my Centro. I love it. Works great. Talk time could be a little longer. The only issue I have is with charging the unit with the battery. Doesn't work for me. Found out the hard way on a recent out of town trip since I left the charger figuring this would be all I need.

by David | Nov 30, 2007 2:37:42 AM

Am I missing something? Hasn't this been out for a while now, I'm thinking at least a year.

Or is this the new one that's on the Palm page, I think the 3rd one they've released.

by Salim | Dec 13, 2007 11:44:39 PM

In response to David, I think this is the new Palm headset(Palm® Wireless Headset Series 3). This one being reviewed seems like an old one.

by Salim | Dec 13, 2007 11:45:58 PM

by Lucy Anne Hesky | Jan 12, 2010 7:00:35 PM

Could you please help me out. I love my Treo 755P and the Bluetooth headset that came with it. The wire that goes around the ear to hold the bluetooth on my earbroke off. I am to cautious to wear the unit without the wire I am afraid I might loose it. Could you Please replace it or tell me where I can get that one piece. Please..I love my Treo and the Palm Bluetooth that it came with. This bluetooth is so light, the volume can be adjusted loud enough for me and the clarity is fabulous.

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