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Treo 750 Update For Windows Mobile 6 - Out Nov. 6?

Treo 750 update WM6Although Palm originally announced its intention to make a Treo 750 Windows Mobile 6 update freely available as far back as March of this year and that such an update has already been released for Vodafone in Europe, many other parts of the world and also this past week for the Unlocked Treo 750, existing AT&T Treo 750 owners have been waiting and then waiting some more to see this update made available to them…

The good news is that a well placed tipster (thanks malkantar) informs me that the wait may be over this coming Tuesday, Nov. 6 when Palm and AT&T will finally release their official WM6 update.

In the meantime, as I mentioned earlier, Unlocked Treo 750 owners can download their Windows Mobile 6 update from Palm.  After installation you will benefit from the following key enhancements:

  • Update for Loss of System Sounds enhancement
  • Improved Calendar management with enhanced User Interface
  • Enhanced E-mail messaging, HTML/Smart Filtering, SharePoint access and more
  • Voice command via Bluetooth
  • USB cable charging
  • New on-screen Speakerphone + Mute buttons during calls
  • HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) for 3G wireless data connectivity

I guess that if the tip proves to be true it will be fitting to finally see AT&T’s Treo 750 Windows Mobile 6 released on the 6th…

UPDATE: The day hasn’t ended yet but I have to admit that the likelihood of seeing this update released today is unfortunately looking pretty slim…  Aaargh!…

Treonauts always want the latest update

Posted by Andrew on November 2, 2007 at 06:15 PM

Treo 750

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by tommy | Nov 2, 2007 8:45:29 PM

Any further news on the treo 680 update as well? That update is a bit overdue as well.

by Eric | Nov 2, 2007 10:22:34 PM

Been there, heard that already...

No but really I really hope it's true, I want my WM6.

by charliez | Nov 2, 2007 10:22:55 PM

Who cares? I've ditched my Palm Treo 750 and purchased the HTC device. The reason I got a Treo 750 was its usability. Now HTC has the form factor right, and usability right, and releases updates right. Palm is so overdone.

by serge ouaknine | Nov 2, 2007 10:42:57 PM

What I loved in Palm was the Palm software. You lost me once with Window and you are loosing me a seconde time in forbidding us access to WI FI. It's a pity when. In Europe the mentality is to open system and unlocked smartphone. After the major event of growing Iphone, all companies rushed to adapt themselves to the new reality - ( HTC, Nokia, Assus, Blackberry, Samsung etc) except Palm far behind when you could have remained on top level.
I wish to know clearly if we are going to get ( soon yea or not) a SMART PALM (with a Palm system) unlocked ( no Vodaphone, no Orange, no Verizon etc ) with a GSM quadribande, a tuner FM, MP3, a dictaphone, a good photo & video camera, Wi Fi, Skype, a large screen and a Qwerty keybord ? I will not submit myself to Window ( I work on Macintosh machines mostly) or telephone companies... Are you telling me that i should buy an Iphone ?
What should I do wit the bad sound quality of my Treo 380 ?
If you have any power or influence in the Palm hierarchy, please talk to them. Palm wake up you are loosing your 15 years faithfull customers !

by Jim | Nov 2, 2007 11:39:41 PM

This is just another speculation of another date the WM6 will come for the Treo! Don't buy it!!! I'm hearing that WM6 will not be released for the Treo by AT&T.


by Charles | Nov 3, 2007 6:10:54 AM

Trying to download wm6 update and Palm says my phone serial # is not supported. I don't understand why? I've registered it on Palm. It is an unlocked Treo 750 using T-mobile, but I can't see where this would make a differance. Thanks for any help

by Joe | Nov 3, 2007 1:05:59 PM

Trying to download wm6 update and Palm says my phone serial # is not supported. I don't understand why? I've registered it on Palm. It is an unlocked Treo 750 using T-mobile, but I can't see where this would make a differance. Thanks for any help

I dont think that an "Unlocked" Treo is what your issue is. That is the update for the "UnBranded" Treo. So if there is any carrier Name on the unit, ur serial # wont take. Branded units use Letter and Numbers in their S/N that unbranded dont..

by B Osman | Nov 5, 2007 2:26:30 AM

Please do not hold your breath for any support for the Treo 750 from Palm. Palm has already forgotten they've even produced such a piece of junk. They've gotten your money, so why should they provide you with any support. Never again will I buy anything related to "Palm".

by OsmanHunter | Nov 6, 2007 8:56:21 AM

Mr. Osman has been spamming treonauts, treocentral, and anywhere he can find to unleash negative comments. He doesn't add any value and should be ignored. No one cares what he will never buy again, do they?

by KL | Nov 6, 2007 9:04:46 AM

Well, here we are on the 6th, and no movement. I am using a cooked WM6 that is AWESOME right now, but I am growing weary of the broken promises for the real version... Come on ATT, get it together. You have dropped the ball on support once again...

by GN | Nov 6, 2007 10:19:40 AM

today is the 6th and still no upgrade! i just spoke to Matthew at Palm and once again the wm6 upgrade for at&t users has been delayed and they refuse to give a release date or any information. The blame is not put on at&t as they are not the ones releasing this upgrade. They gave the upgrade the green light and have been waiting on Palm to release it. It is not fair that every other country and anyone with an unlocked Treo can now get the upgrade but us at&t users are still waiting...the funny thing is that they already started shipping Treo 750's to at&t stores already pre-loaded with WM6...then palm wonders why they are losing money and customers. this is the last treo i ever buy! i'm done with palm and their empty promises!

by driazen | Nov 6, 2007 12:51:39 PM

Looks like this one is a bust for today according to palm technical chat, no 6th or 7th. At this point I'm not even sure I want the AT&T ROM. It didn't take this long to get Vista from beta to release and we see how many machines it hosed. It's not like the AT&t/Cingular Treo has 450 different hardware configurations. There can't be more than 2-3, and if they have been testing for 5+ months on the 2-3 different hardware configurations and still can't get an update that wont brick a majority of the devices, do we really want the thing to be released.

by dennis | Nov 6, 2007 5:53:43 PM

I FIND THIS WHOLE WM6 A FaRCE.IF YOU WANT TO RELEASE IT ,DO IT.Don't have these secretive leaks circulated ,unsubstantiated.
Honestly the last honest reliable provider I have had in Miami was CELLULAR ONE.BEFORE ATT took over.The rest is repetative history

by Geoffrey | Nov 8, 2007 2:00:45 PM

Gotta love Palm touting ATT Treo 750 w/ WinMobile 6 on their website: http://www.palm.com/us/business/solutions/try750.html. Where is the update that has been promised to those of us that have been waiting all year?

by Sully | Nov 8, 2007 3:34:18 PM

I have official word, per meeting with my Palm Rep. that WM6 will be available for the Treo 750, next Friday 16th.

by driazen | Nov 8, 2007 4:12:57 PM

Been there, heard that, too tired of making the t-shirts..

by BN | Nov 11, 2007 10:51:16 AM

Hi Guys,

I dont know what you guys are all moaning about.

I have an Unlocked Treo 750 and its now running Windows Mobile 6. (post Nov 8). Thanks to Treonauts.

I installed the update mentioned at the top of the article. I could seamlessly download the update once i entered the serial number. (just a tip: please use a download manager. palm doesnt let you download again if the link drops)

The update took about 25 mins for installation. I had to install latest activesync from the microsoft site though.

Now, i've been running the phone on WM6 for 2 days and my battery life also seems to have increased..

Overall, WM6 isnt that great a change from WM5, but it sure feels good to be running the latest OS.

by mike1in3 | Nov 12, 2007 4:12:42 PM

I chatted with AT&T support, and they said they were done with their part (last week they said they were still working on it) and had handed it back to Palm. Palm support chat confirmed this, and recommended watching the Palm download page for the next several days (although he declined to give a specific date). He said they are going through the suggestions from AT&T and they will have the update completed soon.

The "it'll be done soon" part isn't anything new, but the two agreeing that there has been progress in giving it back to Palm IS encouraging.

by Michael Alan Jones | Nov 13, 2007 8:41:38 AM

Hey, just check out the instructions here, and DIY, if you are tired of waiting.


by payparrish | Nov 15, 2007 8:31:13 PM

hey guys....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=319898

then go down to a russian...rapidshare link....download and save to desktop...sync 750...explore and add to the "root" of sd card ( not any other folder)...be sure to take any other cheeimg file off and save to desktop....press ptt and reset button...and WATCH the magic...I did it and i am a rookie. So far no drop calls or instant resets with WM 6...i actually like the new interface better than my bb curve...

by Dan | Nov 27, 2007 12:41:22 PM

where is the update? Its late November now. I am tired of speaking with reps asking "when is it coming?" I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE BULL****. What's the dag-on hold up here? Must be company politics....

by Kevin Sprite | Dec 6, 2007 6:02:46 PM


This post on the official Palm Blog reckons the Serial issue is resolved.

Sprite Migrator preserves data, settings and preferences during Treo upgrades from Windows Mobile 5 to Windows Mobile 6.

Start off your WM6 experience on the right note - use Sprite Migrator to bring your preferences, SMS and MMS, ringtones, My documents, owner info, alarms, power settings, call history from WM5 to the new WM6 ROM -

- SMS and MMS Messages

- Speed Dial and Call History Data

- My Documents and all it's contents - Personal, Business, My Pictures, My Music etc

- Contacts, Tasks and Appointment (only if not synchronized)

- Personal Settings and Preferences - Owner Info, Sounds and Notifications, Menus, Pocket IE Bookmarks

- System Settings - Alarms, Backlight, Power Management and Screen settings

Available for just $9.95 here;


Sprite Software

by Julian McNally | Apr 29, 2008 11:46:30 PM

I have a Cingular branded Treo 750 running WM5. Because I'm in Australia, I'm planning to unlock it from AT&T/Cingular so I can use it with a local telco. My question is do I do the upgrade to WM6 before or after I unlock the phone?

The bad outcomes i'm trying to avoid are:

1. Unlock phone first, but then because it's unlocked the AT&T update won't install. (I've tried getting a generic update from the PALM site, but it wouldn't accept my serial number - presumably because it's a Cingular serial No.)

2. Update the phone before unlocking, but then can't unlock it with the code AT&T gave me because that code only works on a WM5 phone.

If it's not already clear, this is my first Treo, so there's a lot I don't know yet. Any help appreciated.


by fornetti | Sep 2, 2008 12:20:16 AM

I do not believe this

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