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Verizon Treo 755p Now Available To Buy

Finally there is no need for rumours anymore as Palm and Verizon finally released the Treo 755p today.

Verizon Treo 755p Launch

The Verizon Treo 755p comes in a unique Azure Green color with the same rubberized soft-touch feel as the previous Sprint model.  It is available from Verizon for $299.99 with a 2 year contract (after $100 instant online discount + $50 mail-in rebate) or $579.00 directly from Palm without a contract.

One of the main additions on the Verizon Treo 755p is a Treo Voice Dialing software (included in the box) which allows you to place a call, launch an application, even initiate a text or email message with just the sound of your voice.

Although it’s true that the Treo 755p delivers relatively few meaningful improvements over the Treo 700p I personally feel that the lighter and slimmer form-factor with no protruding antenna will make a significant difference for those Treonauts looking for a slicker alternative – it’s certainly _much_ better looking than the Treo 700p.

Separately, going back to rumours, according to some FCC documents it appears that Palm is already preparing the release of three new smartphones for early next year including:

  • “Gnome” – Palm Centro 685 GSM (for AT&T)
  • “Otto” – Treo 500w (for AT&T?)
  • “Zeppelin” – Treo 800w CDMA (Sprint or Verizon?)

The particularly interesting bit is that these documents suggest that the Treo 800w will have a “co-locating WiFi and radio” which would at last make this the first Treo smartphone with built-in WiFi.

Treo 755p Now Available on Verizon Wireless [via Palm Blog]
More details on the Palm Treo 800w uncovered? [via Engadget]

Treonauts always want more and better

Posted by Andrew on December 17, 2007 at 05:20 PM

Treo 755p

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by YT | Dec 17, 2007 7:26:07 PM

Finally! I am glad that they came out with the 755P. Do you know if they are going have different colors besides the azure green?

by NorcalLights | Dec 17, 2007 7:39:01 PM

*yawn* Still waiting for a compelling release. Doing away with the antenna and adding in some voice recognition software is certainly not enough to get me to upgrade from my 700p. Show me a new operating system and I might think about it.

3 years ago, when I bought my first Treo, I was buying the best smartphone on the market. In 5 months, when my contract with Verizon is up, I will buy the best smartphone on the market again. I would love it to be a Treo, but it's looking like it will be an iPhone. Palm has some serious work to do to get out of their operating system trap.

by John22s | Dec 18, 2007 5:37:32 AM

*yawn* is right. A year ago I would have been very excited. But I am not here in December of 2007. This is a market where the latest and greatest rules. I went iPhone August 1st, and I am glad I did. Although I do miss copy and paste, saving pictures from the internet, mms, and great 3rd party apps. But the sdk comes out in 2 months for the iPhone, and the 3G iPhone comes out in June 2008 (rumor). Palm better have something amazing with Linux. *yawn* for now!!!

by John22s | Dec 18, 2007 5:42:43 AM

I feel like that last post was my best ever. I mean, not only does it sum up the downfall of Palm/Treonaut fans feelimgs, but it sums up the whole gadget community. We are dishing out big bucks for the latest and greatest, and the Treo 650 was this for over a year. But now...I don't know. Look at how the comments at Treonauts.com have declined!

by Ron Paul 208 | Dec 19, 2007 7:47:24 PM

by Harold | Dec 21, 2007 11:00:05 AM

Well, I got mine this past Wednesday, and aside from one minor glitch which comes from VZW trying (unsuccessfully) to dumb down the phone, it's a *fantastic* unit.

VZW embeds a stub called "Verizon Sync" because of course anyone who is buying a smarthphone has no need whatsoever to actually synchronize with a desktop any more. (What moron came up with this idea?) This applet, when installed, effectively breaks any and all desktop conduits (although tech support says it can be disabled, I didn't trust it, and uninstalled it).

Plus, Versamail does not come with the phone, you have to go to MyPalm and get it from the desktop and install it to the Treo (it's version 3.5.5, btw). I am not sure the documentation tells you that anywhere. I had to get that snippet from Tech Support. Then again, I hardly ever read documentation.

Once you get rid of VZW Sync and get Versamail up and running, you should be good to go.

It's a great smartphone.


by DoctorBohica | Dec 23, 2007 9:17:12 PM

I too just have to have the latest and hottest, even if it is not the most useful. My new Treo 755p is much more useful than an iPhone, but I just don't care because it is not as HOT or HIP. Life is about being hip. Utility is a tangent for losers.

This is the best post I've ever written here, although it is the only post I have ever written here.

Dr. Bohica

by Gregory Pokrywka MD | Dec 24, 2007 8:13:27 PM

not sure if that's the same Bohica from med school (" bend over, here it comes....") or if you intend to be taken serioulsy, but i would say that "Being hip is a tangent for losers." The utility of unlimited 3rd party apps and swiss army -like versatility of the treo are things Crackberry and I-fon folks can only dream about ! I too wish we had new Treos and multitasking to have fun with but Treos still rule !

by DoctorBohica | Dec 25, 2007 1:10:05 PM

Yes, it's the same BOHICA, and it is FUBAR as usual in our culture, where owning hip takes high precedence over being or owning useful.

Let us mourn how un-hip the Treo is, how hipsters are abandoning the platform because...well, it is not hip enough, and let us express how inadequate we feel about not having the much less useful but much more hip iPhone. One vexing problem for me is what I'll need to worry about buying after the iPhone loses its hipness. Any suggestions?

by NorcalLights | Dec 25, 2007 4:32:29 PM

Sadly, no matter how "unlimited" those 3rd-party apps I'm always hearing about are, none of that matters when my Treo is hanging, lagging, freezing and crashing. The only 3rd-party app I have installed is Google Maps 'cause that's the only 3rd-party app that hasn't given me any problems.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. 3rd-party apps don't matter if I can't install them because they make my phone unstable.

I don't care about being "hip." I want a phone that syncs seamlessly with my computer (every time... not just most of the time). I want a phone that can access the internet (the useful parts of the internet... not the dumbed-down internet that we get with Palm). I want email that shows up with ALL of the formatting intact (not the dumbed-down email that we get with Palm).

But most of all, I want a phone that just works. No excuses. It's almost 2008 for cryin' out loud. I would argue that a phone with these basic features is far more "useful" than anything Palm has ever shown us.

I'd rather it be a Treo... but it looks like it's gonna be an iPhone.

by marilyn | Mar 4, 2008 6:41:03 PM

Just bought treo 755p and tried to sync with timematters. Won't work. Timematters says it problem with phone. Palm says it is timematters. Any ideas?

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