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Centro Super Slim Hard Case Review

There are three excellent new Centro Cases that have recently been released by Seidio (from left to right below): Centro Super Slim Rubberized Hard Case, Centro Super Slim Hybrid Hard Case and Centro Super Slim Crystal Case.

Centro Hard Case

As its name implies, the Rubberized model offers a hard case fully coated on the outside with a thin layer of black rubber paint which has the benefit of added grip.  The Crystal model for its part offers a completely transluscent hard case that will show all of the body details of your Centro while protecting it from scratches.  Finally the Hybrid model (my favourite) combines a rubberized back with a crystal front (see below in the middle).

Centro Hard Case - Side

Aside from the actual coating all three hard cases share exactly the same mold with an ultralight and super slim body that is only 1.2mm thick.  Also, like previous versions for the Treo smartphone, this Centro hard case consists of two precision molded shells that are “sandwiched” together to fit perfectly around the contour of your Centro while locking in place with four hidden clips (two on either side).

Centro Hard Case - Fitted

The net effect of adding this sandwich to your Centro (image above) is that it offers great protection while being barely noticeable thanks to its super slim profile.

 Centro Hard Case - Silent Switch Centro Hard Case - Side Buttons

Additionally, this Centro hard case naturally offers clear access to all your buttons including the silent ringer switch at the top and side volume buttons.

 Centro Hard Case - Keyboard Centro Hard Case - Connector

The only complaint that I have is that the profile of the case around the keyboard (above left) is slightly too raised instead of being flush at the base of the keyboard – it’s not a huge deal but I still hope that Seidio will fix this shortly.

 Centro Hard Case - Back Speaker Centro Hard Case - Back Stylus

The back offers a modern slightly raised profile around the speaker and camera as well as access to your Centro stylus.

 Centro Hard Case - Front Speaker Centro Hard Case - Lanyard

Finally, if you choose this type of Centro case I can highly recommend adding the Seidio Skinned Holster (see my review) which will allow you to comfortably carry the Centro by your side and have easy and quick access to it.

Separately, whether you own a Treo or Centro you might want to check out my Editor’s Choice roundup of the best accessories available for your smartphone.

Treonauts always work hard on the case

Posted by Andrew on January 16, 2008 at 12:53 PM

Centro Cases

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by Michele | Jun 15, 2008 9:48:49 PM

I just purchased the Centro Super Slim Hard Case for my palm centro. Went through a few cases at the store until the sales guy could find one that snapped on correctly. made my first phone call and the darn thing unsnapped. doesnt fit well. bad design. do not buy.

by Rob | Jun 20, 2008 10:56:20 PM

I just purchased this case based on the high rating here. How do you keep the thing snapped. I bought two of the rubberized hard cases with two new Centros and neither one will stay together. What is the magic? Because these feel like complete crap.

by Ollie | Jul 5, 2008 3:26:13 PM

Unfortunately, I have heard that these Seidio cases are not made very well. If you look closely, the openings are cut poorly and they are not aligned. They also look rough to the touch. Openings for infrared and led light are also unnecessary. For the price that Seidio are selling, these case are not good buys. If they don't even snap together, then this makes them even worse. If you want to buy a decent clear case, go buy it from the palm store. I got one and am so pleased with it. Dropped it on the road the other day and it didn't even snap open. Minor scratch on the plastic only, but most importantly, my phone is safe. Plus, the original palm air case has perfect cuttings and openings. No rough edges.

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