Unlocked Treo 680 Update + New Palm Desktop for Vista
Unlocked Treo 680 Update 1.12
Following the recent Treo 680 Update 2.11 for AT&T/Cingular, I’m glad to see that the Software Update for your Unlocked GSM Palm Treo 680 is finally here. This Treo 680 Update 1.12 offers the following enhancements to your device:
- Corporate email as it arrives – Have your corporate email delivered to you with Microsoft Direct Push Technology. Accept or decline meeting invites and access your company directory on the go.
- Power saving enhancements – Helps conserve battery life with improved power management and updated default system power preferences.
- Supports larger expansion cards – Supports up to 4GB SD expansion cards (including the SDHC format), sold separately.
- Enhanced ringtone support – MP3 and other sound files purchased from the web or sent from friends can now be set as ringtones and alerts (formats: MP3, AAC, AAC+, MIDI, WAV, and AMR).
- Three updates in one – This update incorporates three previously released software updates: Treo 680 Camera Update (January 2007), Treo 680 Security Patch (May 2007), and Treo 680 Unlocked GSM smartphone SMS Update (July 2007).
As Palm claims, it took me about 30 minutes to complete the installation of this update.
Palm Desktop for Windows VistaIt’s been over eight months in the making but Palm has now released its final version of Palm Desktop for Windows Vista which is compatible with the following smartphones:
- Palm Centro (with Windows Vista or Windows XP)
- Treo 755p , 700p, 680 (with Windows Vista only)
New features in this Palm Desktop include:
- Integrated Desktop: Provides a single desktop and conduit compatibility across all Palm OS 3.5.x through 5.4.x devices.
- Enterprise Friendly HotSync Enhancements: HotSync Manager 7.0 is a standalone application, and no longer requires Palm Desktop to be installed on the computer. All user management functionality has been moved into HotSync Manager 7.0 Migration Tools: the installer checks for the latest settings and reports any known incompatibilities with third-party software.
- Multilingual Support: Localized in Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
- Install Tool: The Install Tool, which replaces the "Palm Quick Install" tool, allows you to sync .prc and .pdb files (Palm OS applications and databases) to your device.
- Outlook 2007 synchronization: Allows you to use your USB sync cable to synchronize with Outlook 2007's Calendar, Contacts, Tasks and Notes. This version includes all previously released patches such as the Outlook 2007 Update.
Treonauts always want to be updated…
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Oh my...
Now instead of the Palm Desktop not able to sync via USB with Vista Ultimate 64bit, now with this new update the whole thing is not compatable! What is Palm doing? I know a fair amount of friends who like Palm, use Palm and have 64bit OS's who I know will be very dissapointed in this "backwards" seeming update. Palm? What were you thinking??
Any info onto when they might fix this grossly overlooked and underrated problem would be appreciated...
Also, as a bit of feedback...after updating the VersaMail application today (new update Jan 16th for VersaMail 4), when going to the screen to verify the installation was done correctly it does not have "Build 77" anywhere on the screen like the directions say it should. Maybe just a slight glitch, but be prepared. Don't know if that means it didn't install because I did get an "alert" that a new version WAS installed. QC Palm...QC!!
When are they going to fix the bluetooth problem. It is always questionable whether it hooks up with my bluetooth device. Usually is thinks it has hooked up so it shuts off the speaker...but it hasn't really hooked up and I am left in limbo... It is crap...I need that fix!!!
If anyone can figure out how to use this "enhanced ringtone support", please let us know. It was supposed to be added for the AT&T update as well, but there is no information on how to turn an MP3 into a ringtone in the phone itself.
The ringtone support doesn't exist for the AT&T update. If I remember correctly, Palm never heard of it, and refers you to AT&T, who state that it's a Palm update and out of their control.
Well I have the same problem: how can u put mp3 files as a ringtones in sounds?? because i can't find it any ideas???
1.Ringtone support exists through voice memo. Try to send yourself email with attached ringtone, the press the attachment and it appear in voice memo, then you can add it.
2. When you do treo clean install , step by step installing and testing applications, the bluetooth problem dissapears. I installed all basic apllications after clean install and there is no bluetooh problem after update. Test yourself on a clean treo. I did not reinstall all files, but one of the files in the queue fo reinstallation mustbe causing this problem.
Oh well, I can't get the installer to work. It tells me that it is resetting the phone and while the phone is in the process of resetting, I get an error message from the installer that the USB connection failed. Like, DUH! Is it supposed to wait for the phone to finish resetting?
I'm having all kinds of trouble with the update. I can't get my calendar to sync to my phone and when I try to add new appointments to my phone, it does a soft reset. HELP!
I had the same problem with resets and the installer complaining about the connection. Backup everything using RescoBackup or similar to an SD card (or hotsync first) and then do a hard-reset. The installer then works perfectly!
Wow, Vista support... at least in one respect, Palm is joining the modern software world. Wonder when they'll have OS X support for x86 machines natively, not running the PowerPC app under Rosetta. If ever. Wonder when they'll upgrade the OS to something that doesn't hang for 30 seconds or reset at the whim of individual programs.
And also, I thought the 680 supported SDHC cards out of the box.
What the hell! In the old palm desktop apps you had loads of different color combinations possible and in the diary view your different categories had the respective colors show now all you get is a dank miserable grey all over. I know this is mere aesthetics but come on what a backward step. I expected so much more from palm.
There's NO way i'm updating to this. From what I've read there is no advantage. I spent FOUR hours rebuilding everthing from the last AT&T updater. Palm need to get it together before I dump my treo for the Iphone.
This is the final straw in an embarassing year for palm. The update is full of bugs and virtually worthless. I have been unable to accurately synch my Treo 680 with Vista ever. What happened to user friendly. IPHONE here I come!
The only thing that seemns interesting to me in this upgrade is the powersaving news. Are there any other changes in the standard apps?
This update has finally pushed me over to an iPhone and AT&T. After doing the "upgrade" on my unlocked Treo 680, all the phone would do is reboot over and over. Soft reset, Warm reset, no joy. Only a hard reset restored any functionality, and now I have to recreate years worth of stuff, since HotSync insists on restoring tons of cruft that I had gotten rid of years ago (and that is generally incompatible with the current operating system), and once it's done that, it's time for another haard reset and back to square one....
Enough. iPhone, here I come.
You can use Bluetooth to connect and sync your Palm/Treo.
Unfortunately 64bit drivers are hard to find for Bluetooth dongles, so can anyone recommend a brand name Bluetooth dongle that has 64bit drivers?
Mark said:
"You can Bluetooth to connect and sync your Palm/Treo"
Yes this is true but it seriously takes about 45mins to 1 hour to do so (with a lot of apps/pics on your phone.
Unfortunately a 64bit driver for the bluetooth won't help it go faster (mine doesn't have the correct driver but still lets me sync it). The dongle I have is called Bluetake, it's cheap but it does the job and honestly, for the computer anyway, it's the only thing I use the bluetooth for anyway (hotsynching).
Palm just needs to come up with a driver for their Palm Desktop to accomodate 64bit OS's. Come on...Apple just did it (Itunes now works with 64bit OS's) so Palm can do it just fine...
Note, this update does not apply to all unlocked GSM Treo 680s. Only the ROW versions. Those who bought their phones in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and have English and Chinese support, are running: TREO680-1.05-APR
The update will not install.
From the other comments, however, it seams like I'm not missing anything. The only thing I was interested in was improved battery life, but that doesn't seem worth the hassle.
I did the update yesterday although I wasn't too sure after reading the posts of other users.
First, I did a hotsync and backed up the C:\Program Files\palmOne\ folder (very important).
And then a hard reset to clean all and avoid any possible problems. It took 14 minutes and went flawlessly.
My plan was to install the applications again from scratch after doing the update because I had a lot of stuff installed that I didn't want at all, that's why I cleaned all.
After updating I did a hotsync to a different user and took the list of the initial databases that come with the Treo (.PDBs in the \Backup folder).
Then I overwrote those files with the ones from my previous backup and also the folders address, datebook, memopad and todo.
Now I have my olds contacts, agenda, memos ... with the new 1.12 version.
I would say the phone seems slightly more responsive now. Before sometimes there were some lags when pressing the cursor keys (ie. prefs screen, phone screen, ...).
I think Palm did some code cleanup here and there.
For example before when selecting a contact (while in the readonly view) the Home addresses where shown as Work addresses (a bug only in the readonly view) and now that is fixed.
Although now the scroll buttons don't appear anymore but the up/down keys do the work.
My +1 for the update.
My advice, perform this update on a clean treo, after hard reset and the reinstall everythig, apart from 'strange' applications. In fact I did regular update and did not have any problem.
My treo works lika a miracle, I noticed following improvements:
-treo seems a bit faster
-speaker is a bit louder
-no bluetooth problems and bluetooth quality much much better (opinion from the people I called with bluetooth), easier to organize conference call with Alfa Romeo Blue&Me, there must be a number of bluetooth improvements
-after the call the phone displays briefly call
-phone applications identidfies restricted number calling (I am not sure if it has only changed to Restricted from Unknown)
-now you can start entering phone number on the main screen and it takes you to dialpad
-Tomtom Navigator 6 works faster and exits faster
-Voice memo appliation changed to support ringtones, but I noticed some problems with amr files
-web browser seems to work better (some changes in the cache???)
I was thinking about moving to WM, but this update is sufficient enough to stay with treo for the moment.
Hi Guys,
I 've succefully updated to the new Palm Desktop and Hotsync for WVista, using an unlocked TREO 650 GSM and W XP. I can tell that everythig works fine.
Palm did a good job on this issue.
Best regads
Hey Folks,
I did the update last Thursday on my unlocked 680 on XP. I am unable to sync any Palm programs, calendar, phonebook, etc. Albeit I can sync advantgo & docts to go.
I did do a backup before the upgrade.
My question is did your 680 do a hard reset upon completion of the upgrade?
Palm tech support has suggested I do a hard reset. Of course I am scared I'm not going to be able to sync.
Any suggestions ??
Hey Folks,
I did the update last Thursday on my unlocked 680 on XP. I am unable to sync any Palm programs, calendar, phonebook, etc. Albeit I can sync advantgo & docts to go.
I did do a backup before the upgrade.
My question is did your 680 do a hard reset upon completion of the upgrade?
Palm tech support has suggested I do a hard reset. Of course I am scared I'm not going to be able to sync.
Any suggestions ??
Thank you Juan and Darek. I had downloaded & installed the unlocked update the other day and then my Treo would not sync. It totally makes sense that you should start with a clean Treo, but I didn't think of that. Anyway, took your advice and did a hard reset after fully synced with computer. Installed the update, and then synced with the computer to put everything back on. All works fine now. Not sure that I notice a difference, but hey, it is up to date!
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